Auditory Relacs Plugins  0.9.8
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
|oCAdaptedFICurves[RePro] First adapts the neuron to a background sound intensity and then measures f-I curves
|oCFICurve[RePro] Optimized measuring of f-I curves
|oCFIField[RePro] Optimized measuring of f-I curves for a range of carrier frequencies
|oCReceptorModel[Model] Spiking neuron model stimulated through an auditory transduction chain
|oCSearch[RePro] Periodically emits a search stimulus
|oCSession[Control] Control recordings from auditory neurons
|oCSingleStimulus[RePro] Output of a single stimulus stored in a file
|\CSysLatency[RePro] Measures latency of the whole system, i.e. signal delay, transduction, synapses, axonal delay, ..