relacs | |
  MacroGUI | |
   GUIElement | |
   TreeElement | |
   DetailElement | |
   MacroParameter | |
   MacroCommandInfo | |
   MacroCommandShell | |
   MacroCommandBrowse | |
   MacroCommandStartsession | |
   MacroCommandStopsession | |
   MacroCommandShutdown | |
   MacroCommandControl | |
   MacroCommandSwitch | |
   MacroCommandMessage | |
   MacroCommandFilterDetector | |
   MacroCommandParameter | |
    MetaData | |
   MacroCommandReproMacro | |
   MacroInfo | |
   MacroFile | |
  MacroMgr | |
   MacroFileReader | |
   MacroFileWriter | |
  Acquire | Read and write data streams from/to data aqcuisition boards |
   AIData | |
   AOData | |
   AttData | |
  AnalogInput | Interface for accessing analog input of a data-aquisition board |
  AnalogOutput | Interface for accessing analog output of a data-aquisition board |
  Attenuate | Attenuates a single output channel |
  Attenuator | Interface for programming an attenuator |
  Camera | Virtual class for controlling a Camera |
  DaqError | Error codes for analog input and output |
  Device | Basic interface for accessing a device |
  DigitalIO | Interface for accessing digital input and output lines of a data-aquisition board |
  InData | A cyclic buffer for data acquired from a data acquisition board |
  InDataIterator | Input iterator for the data elements of an InData |
  InDataDiffIterator | Input iterator for InData returning the difference of succeeding data elements |
  InDataTimeIterator | Input iterator for the time of an InData |
  InList | A container for InData |
  Manipulator | Virtual class for controlling a Manipulator |
  OutData | An output signal for a data acquisition board |
  OutDataInfo | Stores some properties of an OutData |
  OutList | A container for OutData |
  Temperature | Virtual class for reading a temperature |
  TraceSpec | Specification of an output signal |
  Trigger | Virtual class for setting up an analog trigger device |
   HoopParams | |
  Point3D | |
  InfBox | |
  Zones | A collection of zones for manipulators |
  DataFile | Reading Ascii Data Files |
  TableData | Table for number and strings |
  TableKey | Handling a table header |
  MultiPlot | Having several Plots in a single widget |
  Plot | Plotting various data in a single widget |
   DataElement | Manages a single 2-D data item for plotting lines |
   HSVGradientColor | |
   LineStyle | Style of a plotted line (color, width, and dash-type) |
   MouseEvent | Handling a mouse event for the Plot class |
   PointStyle | Style of a plotted point (point type, size, color, and fill color) |
   Position | Position of a point or a label |
   RangeCopy | |
   RGBColor | An RGB-Color |
   SurfaceElement | Manages a single 3-D data item for plotting surfaces |
  Array | A template defining an one-dimensional array of data |
  BasisFunction | Base class of all basis functions |
  Polynom | A polynomial basis function |
  Sine | A sine basis function |
  CyclicArray | A template defining an one-dimensional cyclic array of data |
  CyclicSampleData | A template defining an one-dimensional cyclic array of periodically sampled data |
  Detector | Some basic event detector algorithms |
  AcceptEvent | Provides check functions for the Detector algorithms that accept each detected event |
  Map | A template handling an x- and an y-data array |
  SampleData | A template defining an one-dimensional Array of data with an associated Range |
  EventData | Class for event times that can also be an infinite ring-buffer |
  EventIterator | Iterator for EventData returning the event time |
  EventFrequencyIterator | Input Iterator for EventData which returns the event frequency |
  EventSizeIterator | Input Iterator for EventData which returns the event size |
  EventList | A container for EventData |
  Kernel | Base class of all kernel functions |
  RectKernel | A rectangular kernel |
  TriangularKernel | A triangular kernel |
  EpanechnikovKernel | A quadratic kernel |
  GaussKernel | A gaussian kernel |
  GammaKernel | A gamma kernel of order n |
  LinearRange | A linear range of discretized numbers |
  LinearRangeIterator | Iterator for a LinearRange |
  RandomBase | The base class for random number generators |
  RandomStd | An implementation of RandomBase with the random number generator from the standard C library |
  Ran3 | An implementation of RandomBase with the ran3 random number generator from the numerical recipes |
  RandomGSL | An implementation of RandomBase for the random number generators from the GSL library |
  numerical_traits | |
  numerical_traits< signed char > | |
  numerical_traits< unsigned char > | |
  numerical_traits< signed short > | |
  numerical_traits< unsigned short > | |
  numerical_traits< signed int > | |
  numerical_traits< unsigned int > | |
  numerical_traits< signed long > | |
  numerical_traits< unsigned long > | |
  numerical_iterator_traits | |
  numerical_container_traits | |
  ConfigClass | Base class for each class that has some parameters to be configured |
  ConfigureClasses | Coordinates storage of configuration settings of ConfigClass instances |
  Options | A hierarchical name-value list for configuration files and dialogs |
  Parameter | A Parameter has a name, value and unit |
  Str | Advanced string manipulation |
  StrQueue | A list of strings |
  ConfigDialog | A dialog for a ConfigClass |
  DoubleSpinBox | A spin-box for editing floating point numbers |
  LCDRange | An LCD number with range |
  MessageBox | Displays a message in a separate window |
  OptDialog | A Dialog for editing Options |
  OptDialogButton | |
  OptWidget | A Widget for modifying Options |
  OptWidgetBase | |
  OptWidgetText | |
  OptWidgetMultiText | |
  OptWidgetNumber | |
  OptWidgetBoolean | |
  OptWidgetDate | |
  OptWidgetTime | |
  OptWidgetSection | |
  OptWidgetMultipleValues | |
  NumberItemDelegate | |
  ComboItemDelegate | |
  ScaledImage | A label that displays an image scaled to the maximum available size |
  AISim | Implementation of AnalogInput simulating an analog input device |
  AOSim | Implementation of AnalogOutput simulating an analog output device |
  AttSim | Implementation of the Attenuator class for simulating an attenuator |
  AudioMonitor | Plays recordings on speakers using portaudio library |
  Control | Base class for widgets that control hardware or analyze data |
  ControlThread | |
  ControlTabs | Container organizing Control plugins |
  DataBrowser | Interface for browsing recorded data |
  DataOverviewModel | The model for viewing an overview of the data of an DataIndex |
  DataDescriptionModel | The model for viewing a description of the currently displayed data of an DataIndex |
  DataIndex | Index to previously recorded data, repro, and stimuli |
   DataItem | |
  ReadThread | Thread for monitoring data reading from the daq boards |
  WriteThread | Thread for waiting on data to be written out |
  DefaultRePro | Does nothing |
  DefaultSession | Minimum default Session |
  DeviceList | A container template for Device-plugins |
  DeviceSelector | Dialog to allow configuration of available and active devices |
  DIOSim | Implementation of DigitialIO simulating an digital I/O device |
  Filter | Basic virtual class for filtering or detecting events (e.g. spikes) |
  FilterDetectors | Container organizing filter and event detectors |
  FilterData | Additional data for each filter and detector |
  TreeWrapper | |
   Category | |
  ActiveFilterData | |
  DummyData | |
  FilterSelector | Dialog to allow configuration of available and active filters/detectors |
  InputConfig | Configures analog input traces |
  MacroEditor | |
  Macros | Container handling Macros |
  Macro | A single Macro |
  MacroCommand | A single command of a macro |
  MacroButton | Adds a rightClicked signal to a push button |
  MetaDataGroup | Loads meta data from a configuration file |
  MetaData | Manages meta data describing a recording session |
  Model | Base class of all models used by Simulate |
  ModelThread | |
  OutputConfig | Configures analog output traces |
   OptionNames | |
  PlotTrace | Plot trace and spikes |
  PlotTraceStyle | Plot style and properties for a trace |
  PlotEventStyle | Plot style and properties for a events |
  PrintThread | Worker thread for printing traces |
  Plugins | Dynamically load plugins (libraries) into the running program |
  PluginTabs | Container organizing relacs plugins |
  RangeLoop | A flexible and sophisticated way to loop trough a range of values |
  AllDevices | |
  Devices | A container for all devices |
  AIDevices | A container for analog input devices |
  AODevices | A container for analog output devices |
  DIODevices | A container for digital I/O devices |
  TriggerDevices | A container for trigger devices |
  AttDevices | A container for attenuator devices |
  AttInterfaces | A container for attenuator interfaces |
  RELACSPlugin | Adds specific functions for RELACS plugins to ConfigDialog |
  RelacsPluginEvent | |
  RELACSWidget | Coordinates RePros, session, input, output, plotting, and saving |
  RelacsWidgetEvent | |
  KeyTimeOut | |
  RePro | Parent class of all research programs |
  ReProThread | |
  RePros | Container handling RePros |
  ReProData | Additional Data for a RePro used by RePros |
  SaveFiles | Save data to files |
   ODMLFiles | Write metadata into ODML files |
   RelacsFiles | Write recorded data and metadata in native RELACS format |
    EventFile | |
    TraceFile | |
  Session | Controls a recording session |
  Settings | Includes some general Settings into the configure mechanism |
  Simulator | Simulation of Acquire |
  SpikeTrace | A nice, almost useless widget, showing an animated trace of a spike |
  SpikeTraceThread | |
  StandardTraces | Infrastructure for providing indices to standard inpput and output traces and events |