Relacs  0.9.8
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
AnalogOutput Class Referenceabstract

#include <analogoutput.h>

Inheritance diagram for AnalogOutput:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for AnalogOutput:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  Status { Idle =0, Running =1, Underrun =2, UnknownError =3 }
- Public Types inherited from Device
enum  DeviceTypes {
  MiscellaneousType = 0, AnalogInputType = 1, AnalogOutputType = 2, DigitalIOType = 3,
  TriggerType = 4, AttenuatorType = 5, AttenuateType = 6, ManipulatorType = 7,
  TemperatureType = 8, CameraType = 9
- Public Types inherited from Options
enum  SaveFlags {
  NoName = 1, NoType = 2, NoInclude = 4, SwitchNameType = 8,
  Embrace = 16, PrintRequest = 32, FirstOnly = 64, PrintType = 128,
  PrintStyle = 256, DontCloseSection = 512, AlwaysQuote = 1024, EscapeQuotes = 2048
typedef deque< Parameter >
typedef deque< Parameter >
typedef deque< Options * >
typedef deque< Options * >

Public Member Functions

 AnalogOutput (void)
 AnalogOutput (int aotype)
 AnalogOutput (const string &deviceclass, int aotype=0)
virtual ~AnalogOutput (void)
virtual int open (const string &device) override
virtual int open (Device &device) override
virtual bool isOpen (void) const =0
virtual void close (void)=0
virtual int channels (void) const =0
virtual int bits (void) const =0
virtual double maxRate (void) const =0
double delay (int channel) const
void setDelays (const vector< double > &delays)
void setDelay (double delay)
double externalReference (void) const
void setExternalReference (double extr)
virtual int directWrite (OutList &sigs)=0
virtual int testWrite (OutList &sigs)
virtual int prepareWrite (OutList &sigs)=0
virtual int startWrite (QSemaphore *sp=0)=0
virtual int writeData (void)=0
virtual int stop (void)=0
virtual int reset (void)=0
virtual Status status (void) const =0
bool running (void) const
virtual long index (void) const
virtual int getAISyncDevice (const vector< AnalogInput * > &ais) const
virtual bool useAIRate (void) const
virtual void take (const vector< AnalogOutput * > &aos, vector< int > &aoinx, vector< bool > &aorate)
virtual void addTraces (vector< TraceSpec > &traces, int deviceid) const
virtual int matchTraces (vector< TraceSpec > &traces) const
int analogOutputType (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Device
 Device (int type=MiscellaneousType)
 Device (const string &deviceclass, int type=MiscellaneousType)
virtual ~Device (void)
virtual const Optionsinfo (void) const
virtual const Optionssettings (void) const
int deviceType (void) const
string deviceTypeStr (void) const
string deviceClass (void) const
string deviceFile (void) const
string deviceName (void) const
string deviceVendor (void) const
string deviceIdent (void) const
virtual void setDeviceIdent (const string &ident)
virtual void clearError (void)
virtual string errorStr (void) const
void setErrorStr (const string &strg)
void addErrorStr (const string &strg)
void setErrorStr (int errnum)
void addErrorStr (int errnum)
virtual bool success (void) const
virtual bool failed (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Options
 Options (void)
 Options (const Options &o)
 Options (const Options &o, int flags)
 Options (const string &name, const string &type, int flags, int style)
 Options (const Str &opttxt, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;")
 Options (const StrQueue &sq, const string &assignment=":=")
 Options (istream &str, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", string *line=0)
virtual ~Options (void)
Optionsoperator= (const Options &o)
Optionsassign (const Options &o)
Optionsappend (const Options &o)
Optionsadd (const Options &o)
Optionsinsert (const Options &o, const string &atname="")
Optionsassign (const Options &o, int flags)
Optionscopy (Options &o, int flags)
Optionsappend (const Options &o, int flags)
Optionsadd (const Options &o, int flags)
Optionsinsert (const Options &o, int flags, const string &atname="")
Parameterassign (const string &name, const string &value)
OptionsparentSection (void)
const OptionsparentSection (void) const
void setParentSection (Options *parentsection)
void resetParents (void)
OptionsrootSection (void)
const OptionsrootSection (void) const
string name (void) const
virtual void setName (const string &name)
virtual void setName (const string &name, const string &type)
string type (void) const
void setType (const string &type)
string include (void) const
void setInclude (const string &include)
void setInclude (const string &url, const string &name)
int flag (void) const
bool flag (int selectflag) const
OptionssetFlag (int flag)
OptionsaddFlag (int flag)
OptionsdelFlag (int flag)
OptionsclearFlag (void)
int style (void) const
OptionssetStyle (int style)
OptionsaddStyle (int style)
OptionsdelStyle (int style)
OptionsclearStyle (void)
bool checkType (int mask) const
Str warning (void) const
iterator begin (void)
iterator end (void)
const_iterator begin (void) const
const_iterator end (void) const
section_iterator sectionsBegin (void)
section_iterator sectionsEnd (void)
const_section_iterator sectionsBegin (void) const
const_section_iterator sectionsEnd (void) const
const_iterator find (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const
iterator find (const string &pattern, int level=-1)
const_iterator rfind (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const
iterator rfind (const string &pattern, int level=-1)
const_section_iterator findSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const
section_iterator findSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1)
const_section_iterator rfindSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const
section_iterator rfindSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1)
const Parameteroperator[] (int i) const
Parameteroperator[] (int i)
const Parameteroperator[] (const string &name) const
Parameteroperator[] (const string &name)
const Optionssection (int i) const
Optionssection (int i)
const Optionssection (const string &name) const
Optionssection (const string &name)
Str request (const string &name) const
ParametersetRequest (const string &name, const string &request)
Parameter::ValueType valueType (const string &name) const
ParametersetValueType (const string &name, Parameter::ValueType type)
int flags (const string &name) const
bool flags (const string &name, int flag) const
ParametersetFlags (const string &name, int flags)
ParameteraddFlags (const string &name, int flags)
ParameterdelFlags (const string &name, int flags)
ParameterclearFlags (const string &name)
bool changed (const string &name)
int style (const string &name) const
ParametersetStyle (const string &name, int style)
ParameteraddStyle (const string &name, int style)
ParameterdelStyle (const string &name, int style)
Str format (const string &name) const
ParametersetFormat (const string &name, int width=0, int prec=-1, char fmt='g')
ParametersetFormat (const string &name, const string &format)
int formatWidth (const string &name) const
int size (const string &name) const
Parameteradd (const Parameter &np)
Parameterinsert (const Parameter &np, const string &atname="")
ParameteraddText (const string &name, const string &request, const string &dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddText (const string &name, const string &dflt="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertText (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, const string &dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertText (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &dflt="", int flags=0, int style=0)
Str text (const string &name, int index, const string &dflt="", const string &format="", const string &unit="") const
Str text (const string &name, const string &dflt="", const string &format="", const string &unit="") const
void texts (const string &name, vector< string > &s, const string &format="", const string &unit="") const
Str allText (const string &name, const string &dflt="", const string &format="", const string &unit="", const string &separator=", ") const
ParametersetText (const string &name, const string &strg)
ParametersetText (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
ParameterpushText (const string &name, const string &strg)
Str defaultText (const string &name, const string &format="", const string &unit="") const
ParametersetDefaultText (const string &name, const string &dflt)
ParameteraddSelection (const string &name, const string &request, const string &selection, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddSelection (const string &name, const string &selection="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertSelection (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, const string &selection, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertSelection (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &selection="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterselectText (const string &name, const string &strg, int add=0)
ParameterselectText (const string &name, int index)
int index (const string &name) const
int index (const string &name, const string &strg) const
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, const string &request, double dflt, double minimum, double maximum=MAXDOUBLE, double step=1.0, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, const string &request, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, double dflt, const string &unit, int flags, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, double dflt, double error, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, double dflt, double minimum, double maximum=MAXDOUBLE, double step=1.0, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
double number (const string &name, double dflt=0.0, const string &unit="", int index=0) const
double number (const string &name, const string &unit, double dflt=0.0, int index=0) const
double number (const string &name, int index, double dflt=0.0, const string &unit="") const
double number (const string &name, int index, const string &unit, double dflt=0.0) const
void numbers (const string &name, vector< double > &n, const string &unit="") const
double error (const string &name, const string &unit="", int index=0) const
double error (const string &name, int index, const string &unit="") const
void errors (const string &name, vector< double > &n, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetNumber (const string &name, double number, double error, const string &unit="")
ParametersetNumber (const string &name, double number, const string &unit="")
ParameterpushNumber (const string &name, double number, double error=-1.0, const string &unit="")
ParameterpushNumber (const string &name, double number, const string &unit)
ParametersetNumber (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
double defaultNumber (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetDefaultNumber (const string &name, double dflt, const string &unit="")
double minimum (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
double maximum (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
double step (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetStep (const string &name, double step, const string &unit="")
ParametersetMinMax (const string &name, double minimum=-MAXDOUBLE, double maximum=MAXDOUBLE, double step=1.0, const string &unit="")
Str unit (const string &name) const
Str outUnit (const string &name) const
ParametersetUnit (const string &name, const string &internunit, const string &outunit="")
ParametersetOutUnit (const string &name, const string &outputunit)
ParameterchangeUnit (const string &name, const string &internunit)
ParameteraddInteger (const string &name, const string &request, long dflt, long minimum=LONG_MIN, long maximum=LONG_MAX, long step=1, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddInteger (const string &name, long dflt, const string &unit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddInteger (const string &name, const string &unit="")
ParameterinsertInteger (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, long dflt, long minimum=LONG_MIN, long maximum=LONG_MAX, long step=1, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertInteger (const string &name, const string &atname, long dflt, const string &unit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertInteger (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &unit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
long integer (const string &name, const string &unit="", long dflt=0, int index=0) const
long integer (const string &name, int index, long dflt=0, const string &unit="") const
long integer (const string &name, int index, const string &unit, long dflt=0) const
void integers (const string &name, vector< long > &n, const string &unit="") const
void integers (const string &name, vector< int > &n, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetInteger (const string &name, long number, long error, const string &unit="")
ParametersetInteger (const string &name, long number, const string &unit="")
ParameterpushInteger (const string &name, long number, long error, const string &unit="")
ParameterpushInteger (const string &name, long number, const string &unit="")
ParametersetInteger (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
long defaultInteger (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetDefaultInteger (const string &name, long dflt, const string &unit="")
ParametersetMinMax (const string &name, long minimum=LONG_MIN, long maximum=LONG_MAX, long step=1, const string &unit="")
ParametersetMinMax (const string &name, int minimum, int maximum, int step=1, const string &unit="")
ParameteraddBoolean (const string &name, const string &request, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddBoolean (const char *name, const char *request, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddBoolean (const string &name, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddBoolean (const char *name, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertBoolean (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &request="", bool dflt=false, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertBoolean (const string &name, const string &atname, int flags=0, int style=0)
bool boolean (const string &name, bool dflt=false, int index=0) const
bool boolean (const string &name, int index, bool dflt=false) const
void booleans (const string &name, vector< bool > &n) const
ParametersetBoolean (const string &name, bool b)
ParametersetBoolean (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
bool defaultBoolean (const string &name) const
ParametersetDefaultBoolean (const string &name, bool dflt)
ParameteraddDate (const string &name, const string &request, int year=0, int month=0, int day=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddDate (const string &name, int year, int month, int day, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddDate (const string &name, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertDate (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &request="", int year=0, int month=0, int day=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertDate (const string &name, const string &atname, int year=0, int month=0, int day=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertDate (const string &name, const string &atname, int flags=0, int style=0)
const Parameterdate (const string &name, int index, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
ParametersetDate (const string &name, int year, int month, int day)
ParametersetDate (const string &name, const string &date)
ParametersetDate (const string &name, const struct tm &date)
ParametersetDate (const string &name, const time_t &time)
ParametersetCurrentDate (const string &name)
ParametersetDate (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
const ParameterdefaultDate (const string &name, int index, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
ParametersetDefaultDate (const string &name, int year, int month, int day)
ParameteraddTime (const string &name, const string &request, int hour=0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddTime (const string &name, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddTime (const string &name, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertTime (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &request="", int hour=0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertTime (const string &name, const string &atname, int hour=0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertTime (const string &name, const string &atname, int flags=0, int style=0)
const Parametertime (const string &name, int index, int &hour, int &minutes, int &seconds, int &milliseconds) const
ParametersetTime (const string &name, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds=0)
ParametersetTime (const string &name, const string &time)
ParametersetTime (const string &name, const struct tm &time)
ParametersetTime (const string &name, const time_t &time)
ParametersetCurrentTime (const string &name)
ParametersetTime (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
const ParameterdefaultTime (const string &name, int index, int &hour, int &minutes, int &seconds, int &milliseconds) const
ParametersetDefaultTime (const string &name, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const string &name, const string &atpattern, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const string &name, const string &atpattern, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name, const string &atpattern, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, const string &atpattern, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, const string &atpattern, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (Options *opt, bool newparent=false)
OptionsaddSection (Options *opt, bool newparent=false)
OptionsinsertSection (Options *opt, const string &atpattern, bool newparent=false)
OptionsnewSections (Options *opt, bool newparent=false)
void endSection (void)
void clearSections (void)
void setSection (Options &opt)
void lastSection (void)
int up (void)
int down (void)
ParametersetDefault (const string &name)
OptionssetDefaults (int flags=0)
ParametersetToDefault (const string &name)
OptionssetToDefaults (int flags=0)
Optionserase (iterator p)
Optionserase (section_iterator p)
Optionserase (Options *s)
Optionserase (const string &pattern)
Optionserase (int selectflag)
Optionspop (void)
OptionspopSection (void)
Optionsflatten (Options *root=0)
Optionsclear (bool revert=true)
int size (void) const
int size (int selectflag) const
bool empty (void) const
int parameterSize (void) const
int parameterSize (int flags) const
int sectionsSize (void) const
int sectionsSize (int flags) const
bool exist (const string &pattern) const
bool existSection (const string &pattern) const
OptionssetFlags (int flags, int selectflag=0)
OptionsaddFlags (int flags, int selectflag=0)
OptionsdelFlags (int flags, int selectflag=0)
OptionssetValueTypeFlags (int flags, int typemask)
OptionsaddValueTypeFlags (int flags, int typemask)
OptionsdelValueTypeFlags (int flags, int typemask)
OptionssetStyles (int style, int selectflag=0)
OptionsaddStyles (int style, int selectflag=0)
OptionsdelStyles (int style, int selectflag=0)
int styleSize (int style) const
OptionssetValueTypeStyles (int style, int typemask)
OptionsaddValueTypeStyles (int style, int typemask)
OptionsdelValueTypeStyles (int style, int typemask)
int nameWidth (int selectmask=0, bool detailed=false, bool escape=false) const
string save (int selectmask=0, int flags=0) const
ostream & save (ostream &str, const string &start="", int selectmask=0, int flags=0, int width=-1) const
ostream & save (ostream &str, const string &textformat, const string &numberformat, const string &boolformat="%i=%b", const string &dateformat="%i=%04Y-%02m-%02d", const string &timeformat="%i=%02H:%02M:%02S", const string &sectionformat="%i", int selectmask=0, const string &start="") const
ostream & saveXML (ostream &str, int selectmask=0, int flags=0, int level=0, int indent=4) const
Optionsread (const string &opttxt, int flag, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;", int *indent=0)
Optionsread (const string &opttxt, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;")
istream & read (istream &str, int flag, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", Str *line=0)
istream & read (istream &str, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", Str *line=0)
Optionsread (const StrQueue &sq, int flag=0, const string &assignment=":=")
bool read (const Parameter &p, int flag=0)
Optionsread (const Options &o, int flags=0, int flag=0)
bool readAppend (const Parameter &p)
OptionsreadAppend (const Options &o, int flags=0)
Optionsload (const Str &opttxt, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;", int *indent=0, int *indentspacing=0, int *level=0)
istream & load (istream &str, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", string *line=0)
Optionsload (const StrQueue &sq, const string &assignment=":=")
virtual void notify (void)
void callNotifies (void)
bool setNotify (bool notify=true)
bool unsetNotify (void)
bool notifying (void) const

Protected Member Functions

virtual int testWriteData (OutList &sigs)
virtual int testWriteDevice (OutList &sigs)=0
void setAnalogOutputType (int aotype)
void setWriteSleep (unsigned long ms)
void setErrorStr (const string &strg)
void addErrorStr (const string &strg)
void setErrorStr (int errnum)
void addErrorStr (int errnum)
void setErrorStr (const OutList &sigs)
void addErrorStr (const OutList &sigs)
void setInfo (void)
void setSettings (const OutList &sigs, int writebuffer=0)
virtual void startThread (QSemaphore *sp=0, bool error=false)
virtual void run (void)
virtual void stopWrite (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Device
void setDeviceType (int type)
void setDeviceClass (const string &deviceclass)
void setDeviceFile (const string &devicefile)
void setDeviceName (const string &devicename)
void setDeviceVendor (const string &devicevendor)
void addInfo (void)
void lock (void) const
void unlock (void) const
QMutex * mutex (void) const
virtual void initOptions (void)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Device
static int deviceTypes (void)
static string deviceTypeStr (int type)
static string getErrorStr (int ern)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Options
static double floorLog10 (double v)
static double floor10 (double v, double scale=1.0)
static double ceil10 (double v, double scale=1.0)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Device
static const int NotOpen = -1
static const int InvalidDevice = -2
static const int ReadError = -3
static const int WriteError = -4
static const int InvalidParam = -5
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Options
static const int NonDefault = Parameter::NonDefault
static const long TabSection = 0x04000000
- Protected Attributes inherited from Device
Options Info
Options Settings

Detailed Description

Interface for accessing analog output of a data-aquisition board.

Marco Hackenberg
Jan Benda

add probe function that returns a string of possible supported devices.

add a flag for indicating whether device is capable of streaming output

In case you want to use a analog output device within RELACS, your AnalogOutput implementation needs to provide a void default constructor (i.e. with no parameters) that does not open the device. Also, include the header file <relacs/relacsplugin.h> and make the AnalogOutput device known to RELACS with the addAnalogOutput( ClassNameOfYourAnalogInputImplementation, PluginSetName ) macro.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Status

Return values for analog output status().


Not running and no error.


Anaolog output is still in progress.


Buffer underrun error.


Any other error.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AnalogOutput ( void  )

Create a new AnalogOutput without opening a device. Reimplement this constructor.

AnalogOutput ( int  aotype)

Constructs an AnalogOutput with type id aotype.

See Also
AnalogOutput ( const string &  deviceclass,
int  aotype = 0 

Constructs an AnalogOutput with device class deviceclass and type id aotype.

See Also
setDeviceClass(), setAnalogOutputType()
~AnalogOutput ( void  )

Stop analog output and close the daq driver.

Member Function Documentation

int open ( const string &  device)

Open the analog output device specified by device. Returns zero on success, or InvalidDevice (or any other negative number indicating the error). A reimplementation of this function should extract the following options from opts if provided:

Reimplemented from Device.

Reimplemented in AOSim.

References Options::clear(), Device::Info, Device::InvalidDevice, and Device::setDeviceFile().

int open ( Device device)

Open the analog input device specified by device. Returns zero on success, or InvalidDevice (or any other negative number indicating the error).

See Also
isOpen(), close(), reset()

Reimplemented from Device.

Reimplemented in AOSim.

References Options::clear(), Device::deviceIdent(), Device::Info, Device::InvalidDevice, and Device::setDeviceFile().

virtual bool isOpen ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Returns true if the device is open.

See Also
open(), close(), reset()

Implements Device.

Implemented in AOSim.

Referenced by Acquire::addOutput(), AnalogOutput::setInfo(), and AnalogOutput::testWriteData().

virtual void close ( void  )
pure virtual

Stop all activity and close the device.

See Also
open(), isOpen(), reset()

Implements Device.

Implemented in AOSim.

virtual int channels ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Number of analog output channels.

Implemented in AOSim.

Referenced by AnalogOutput::delay(), AnalogOutput::setInfo(), and AnalogOutput::testWriteData().

virtual int bits ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Resolution in bits of analog output.

Implemented in AOSim.

Referenced by AnalogOutput::setInfo().

virtual double maxRate ( void  ) const
pure virtual

Maximum sampling rate in Hz of analog output.

Implemented in AOSim.

Referenced by AnalogOutput::setInfo(), and AnalogOutput::testWriteData().

double delay ( int  channel) const

Delay in seconds from calling startWrite() to the actual signal start of channel channel.

References AnalogOutput::channels().

Referenced by AnalogOutput::setInfo(), AnalogOutput::setSettings(), and AnalogOutput::testWriteData().

void setDelays ( const vector< double > &  delays)

Set for each channel the delay in seconds it takes from calling startWrite() to the actual signal start. If there are such delays, this function should be called in the implementation of the open() function to set them.

See Also

References AnalogOutput::setInfo().

void setDelay ( double  delay)

Set the delay in seconds it takes from calling startWrite() to the actual signal start for all channels to delay. If there are such delays, this function should be called in the implementation of the open() function to set them.

See Also

References AnalogOutput::setInfo().

double externalReference ( void  ) const

The voltage of an external reference for scaling the analog output. A negative number indicates that an external reference is not connected to the daq board. Zero is returned, if the external reference is a non-constant voltage.

void setExternalReference ( double  extr)

Set the voltage of an external reference for scaling the analog output to extr. A negative extr indicates that an external reference is not connected to the daq board. Set extr to zero if the external reference is a non-constant voltage.

Referenced by AOSim::open().

virtual int directWrite ( OutList sigs)
pure virtual

Directly writes from each signal in sigs the first data value to the data acquisition board.

Implemented in AOSim.

int testWrite ( OutList sigs)

Test settings for analog output on the device for each output signal in sigs. First, all error flags in sigs are cleared (DaqError::clearError()). If an error ocurred in any signal, the corresponding errorflags in OutData are set and a negative value is returned. The channels in sigs are not sorted. Simply calls testWriteData() and testWriteDevice(). This function can be called any time independently of prepareWrite() and startWrite() with different sigs.

References OutList::clearError(), AnalogOutput::testWriteData(), and AnalogOutput::testWriteDevice().

virtual int prepareWrite ( OutList sigs)
pure virtual

Prepare analog output of the output signals sigs on the device. If an error ocurred in any signal, the corresponding errorflags in OutData are set and a negative value is returned. In addition, according to OutData::requestedMin() and OutData::requestedMax(), the gain, the polarity, the reference, and the minimum and maximum possible output voltages for each of the traces in sigs should be set (see OutData::setGain(), OutData::setGainIndex(), OutData::setMaxData(), OutData::setMinData() ). This function assumes that sigs successfully passed testWrite(). The channels in sigs are not sorted.

Implemented in AOSim.

virtual int startWrite ( QSemaphore *  sp = 0)
pure virtual

Start non-blocking analog output of the output signals that were passed to the previous call of prepareWrite(). If an error ocurred in any signal, the corresponding errorflags in OutData are set and a negative value is returned. If no further calls of writeData() are required, 0 is returned, otherwise 1 is returned. Also start possible pending acquisition on other devices that are known from take(). This function is always called after a successfull prepareRead(). An implementation of startWrite() should call startThread() to start the thread.

[in]spif not null, a thread is started feeding the running analog output. When the thread and analog output is finished, releases the semaphore by one. On error, the semaphore is released by 1000 so that the process waiting on the semaphore is waking up immediately.

Implemented in AOSim.

virtual int writeData ( void  )
pure virtual

Write data of the output signals that were passed to the previous call of prepareWrite() to the analog output device. Returns the number of transferred data elements. Returns zero if all data are transferred and no more calls to writeData() are necessary. If an error ocurred in any channel, the corresponding errorflags in the OutData structure are filled, the error string is set, and a negative value is returned. This function is called periodically after writing has been successfully started by startWrite().

See Also

Implemented in AOSim.

Referenced by AnalogOutput::run().

virtual int stop ( void  )
pure virtual

Stop any running ananlog output activity. Assumes that analog output is open. Should call stopWrite() to stop the thread. Returns zero on success.

See Also
reset(), startWrite()

Implemented in AOSim.

int reset ( void  )
pure virtual

Clear any internal data buffers and reset the device. Assumes that analog output is open and already stopped. Returns zero on success. An implementation should NOT clear the error string!

See Also
stop(), close(), open(), isOpen()

Reimplemented from Device.

Implemented in AOSim.

References Options::clear().

Referenced by AnalogOutput::run().

virtual Status status ( void  ) const
pure virtual
the status of the analog output. If an error is detected, this function could also set the appropriate error code in the signals.

Implemented in AOSim.

Referenced by AnalogOutput::run().

bool running ( void  ) const
true if the analog input thread is running.
long index ( void  ) const

Index of signal start. The default implemetation returns -1, indicating that no index is available. If the analog output driver can return an index into the data stream of a running analog input where the last analog output started, then this function should return the this index. You also need to reimplement getAISyncDevice() to let the user know about this property.

int getAISyncDevice ( const vector< AnalogInput * > &  ais) const

In case the analog output driver can return an index (via the index() function) into the data stream of a running analog input where the last analog output started, then this function should return the index of the corresponding analog input device in ais. This function is called once after opening the device and before any IO operation. The default implementation simply returns -1.

Reimplemented in AOSim.

bool useAIRate ( void  ) const

Return true if the analog output is required to have the same sampling rate as the analog input returned by getAISyncDevice(). The default implementation returns false.

void take ( const vector< AnalogOutput * > &  aos,
vector< int > &  aoinx,
vector< bool > &  aorate 

Check for every analog output device in aos whether it can be simultaneously started by startWrite() from this device. Add the indices of those devices to aoinx. The corresponding entries in aorate should be set to true if these devices should use the same sampling rate as this.

void addTraces ( vector< TraceSpec > &  traces,
int  deviceid 
) const

If the analog output device supports outputs that are not physical output lines but rather writeable parameter, like model parameter for a dynamic clamp modul, then reimplement this function. Add for each such parameter a TraceSpec to traces. deviceid is the id of the analog output device that you should pass as the device to TraceSpec.

int matchTraces ( vector< TraceSpec > &  traces) const

May match trace names with driver internal trace names, for example trace names of a dynamic clamp model.

0: no traces needed to be matched.
n: n traces have been successfully matched.
-1: Failed to match a trace.
int analogOutputType ( void  ) const

The id of the analog output implementation.

See Also
setAnalogOutputType(), deviceType(), deviceName(), ident()
int testWriteData ( OutList sigs)

Test each output signal in sigs for valid settings. If an error ocurred in any signal, the corresponding errorflags in the OutData are set and a negative value is returned. The following error conditions are checked: DeviceNotOpen, NoData (OutData::size() <= 0), MultipleDevices, MultipleStartSources, MultipleDelays, MultipleSampleRates, MultipleContinuous, MultipleRestart, MultipleBuffersizes (OutData::size()), MultipleBufferTimes, InvalidStartSource (OutData::startSource() < 0), InvalidDelay (OutData::delay() < 0), InvalidSampleRate (OutData::sampleRate() > maxRate() or < 1.0), InvalidChannel (OutData::channel() >= channels() or < 0), MultipleChannels. This function is called by testWrite().

References OutList::addError(), AnalogOutput::channels(), AnalogOutput::delay(), DaqError::DeviceNotOpen, OutList::failed(), DaqError::InvalidChannel, DaqError::InvalidDelay, DaqError::InvalidSampleRate, DaqError::InvalidStartSource, AnalogOutput::isOpen(), AnalogOutput::maxRate(), DaqError::MultipleBuffersizes, DaqError::MultipleChannels, DaqError::MultipleContinuous, DaqError::MultipleDelays, DaqError::MultipleDevices, DaqError::MultipleRestart, DaqError::MultipleSampleRates, DaqError::MultipleStartSources, DaqError::NoData, OutList::setContinuous(), OutList::setDelay(), OutList::setDevice(), OutList::setRestart(), OutList::setSampleRate(), OutList::setStartSource(), OutList::size(), and Options::size().

Referenced by AnalogOutput::testWrite().

virtual int testWriteDevice ( OutList sigs)
protectedpure virtual

Device driver specific tests on the settings in sigs for each output signal. Before this function is called, the validity of the settings in sigs was already tested by testReadData(). testWriteDevice() is called even if an error was detected by testWriteData(). This function should test whether the settings are really supported by the hardware. If an error ocurred in any trace, the corresponding errorflags in the OutData are set and a negative value is returned. In addition, according to OutData::requestedMin() and OutData::requestedMax(), the gain, the polarity, the reference, and the minimum and maximum possible output voltages for each of the traces in sigs should be set (see OutData::setGain(), OutData::setGainIndex(), OutData::setMaxData(), OutData::setMinData() ). The channels in sigs are not sorted. This function is called by testWrite().

Implemented in AOSim.

Referenced by AnalogOutput::testWrite().

void setAnalogOutputType ( int  aotype)

Set id of the analog output implementation to aotype. This function should be called in the constructor of an implementation of AnalogOutput.

See Also
analogOutputType(), setDeviceType(), setDeviceName(), setIdent()
void setWriteSleep ( unsigned long  ms)

Set the time for sleeping between calls of writeData() to ms milliseconds.

void setErrorStr ( const string &  strg)

Set error string to strg.

See Also
addErrorStr(), errorStr()

References Device::setErrorStr().

void addErrorStr ( const string &  strg)

Add strg to the error string.

See Also
setErrorStr(), errorStr()

References Device::addErrorStr().

Referenced by AnalogOutput::run().

void setErrorStr ( int  errnum)

Set error string to the string describing the standard C error code errnum (from errno).

See Also
addErrorStr(), errorStr()

References Device::setErrorStr().

void addErrorStr ( int  errnum)

Add the string describing the standard C error code errnum (from errno) to the error string.

See Also
setErrorStr(), errorStr()

References Device::addErrorStr().

void setErrorStr ( const OutList sigs)

If sigs.failed(), set error string to the error set in sigs otherwise clear the error string.

See Also

References Device::clearError(), OutList::errorText(), OutList::failed(), and Device::setErrorStr().

void addErrorStr ( const OutList sigs)

If sigs.failed(), add error string to the error set in sigs.

See Also

References Device::addErrorStr(), OutList::errorText(), and OutList::failed().

void setInfo ( void  )
void setSettings ( const OutList sigs,
int  writebuffer = 0 

Set the settings() for sigs. Call this function from within a successful prepareWrite().

[in]sigsthe output data fro which the settings string should be constructed.
[in]writebufferis the size of the driver's buffer in bytes.
See Also

References Options::addBoolean(), Options::addInteger(), Options::addNumber(), Options::clear(), AnalogOutput::delay(), and OutList::size().

Referenced by AOSim::prepareWrite().

void startThread ( QSemaphore *  sp = 0,
bool  error = false 

Start the thread if sp is not null. If error do not start the thread and release the semaphore sp.

void run ( void  )
void stopWrite ( void  )

Stop the running thread.

References Device::lock(), and Device::unlock().

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