Relacs  0.9.8
Todo List
Class Acquire

Overflow in InData::Index (after 7h!) -> reset InData!

internal list of Attenuate that corresponds to outTraces for faster access.

write(), testWrite(): check carrier frequency?

Class AnalogInput

add probe function that returns a string of possible supported devices.

add directread function for single point acquisition

add a flag for indicating whether device is capable of streaming input

Class AnalogOutput

add probe function that returns a string of possible supported devices.

add a flag for indicating whether device is capable of streaming output

Class Array< T >

type independent reading of data elements in load()

math functions with two arguments: one scalar/container as first argument for member function, z.B. pow/exp

smooth functions (average over k neighboring points, or with kernel)

implement logical operators with scalars and other vectors: >, <, >=, <=, == such that they return a vector of booleans!

implement operator && and || that operate on zero and non-zero entries of arrays.

implement "find": take an Array and return an array of indices pointing to elements != 0.0

implement interface to index vectors

Class Attenuate
check whether we really need the init() function (versus config()!)
Class Camera

implement info() and settings()

add something for indicating existing axis

Class Device
Options as part of the device
Class EventData
check equal size of input SampleDataD in e.g. rate, etc.
Class EventList
check equal size of input SampleDataD in e.g. rate, etc.
Class MacroCommandBrowse
Add QFileSelection support for file selection
Class MacroCommandMessage
Disable HTML Code highlighting
Class MacroCommandSwitch
Add selection of available command files
Class Macros

RePro setOptions() / checking options

change Button layout in resize event

load defaultrepro if it is requested in macros.cfg

Class Manipulator

implement info() and settings()

add something for indicating existing axis

Page Metadata description of stimuli

We need to define useful keywords!

  • OutputChannel: what exactly should this denote?

implement repeat function with pause option

Class Plot

execute init* routines immediately in draw(), only draw* routines should be posted.

logarithmic axis

add axis as an own plot object in addition to border

more colors and gradients (index is index to either a color, a gradient? or a picture!

matrix plot (contour colors)

create an update command to redraw shifted data.

Class PlotTrace
init(): user configurabel plot modes (paged, fixed, contiuous): origin and time units
Class RangeLoop
set( string ): introduce control characters for controlling the addMode
Member relacs::marquardtCof (ForwardIterX firstx, ForwardIterX lastx, ForwardIterY firsty, ForwardIterY lasty, ForwardIterS firsts, ForwardIterS lasts, FitFunc &f, ArrayD &params, const ArrayI &paramfit, int mfit, double &chisq, vector< ArrayD > &alpha, ArrayD &beta)
alpha[k] = 0.5*Rho... oder = Rho... ????? check in Numerical Recipes!
Class RELACSWidget

make sure startFirstAcquisition() are only called from the GUI thread (because of MessageBox calls).

Set ID gain factors before configuring Session

Class RePro

~RePro: auto remove from RePros?

addPath: something with a format string giving the RePro's name, totalRuns, etc.

Class SampleData< T >

colored noise

interface to class Kernel

Handle mismatch of stepsize() in various functions.

Class SaveFiles

platform independent mkdir in openFiles()!

saveStimulus: adaptive time for calculating the mean rate

check it carefully!

warning on Disk full (or even before!)

File formats:

  • .wav: enough flexibility, compression possible, but file size limited to 2GB has to be known in advance,
  • .au: raw data with unlimited file size und minimal header information allows for float and double
Class Settings
add booleans for selecting whether pathformat or defaultpath have to be directories and update notify() accordingly
Class Simulator
Need possibility to get information of the real devices (limitations: maximum sampling rate, number of channels, bits, possible gain factors, maximum attenuation). Maybe via a single DAQ simulator that stores this information in a simulation config file.
Class Str

Str( long, width, pad ), format( long ): missing type flag (u,d,x,...)

generalize the double blank concept for spaces and separators to any character.

Do we need each function with comments? Cant we just use stripComment before?