Relacs  0.9.8
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ConfigDialog Class Reference

#include <configdialog.h>

Inheritance diagram for ConfigDialog:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ConfigDialog:
Collaboration graph

Public Slots

virtual void dialog (void)
virtual void help (void)
virtual void notifyDialog (const Options &opt)


void dialogAccepted (void)
void dialogAction (int r)
void dialogClosed (int r)

Public Member Functions

 ConfigDialog (const string &configident="", int configgroup=0, const string &name="", const string &author="", const string &version="", const string &date=__DATE__)
virtual ~ConfigDialog (void)
string name (void) const
virtual void setName (const string &name)
string author (void) const
virtual void setAuthor (const string &author)
string version (void) const
virtual void setVersion (const string &version)
string date (void) const
virtual void setDate (const string &date)
virtual OptWidgetdialogOptions (OptDialog *od, string *tabhotkeys=0)
virtual void dialogButtons (OptDialog *od)
virtual void dialogEmptyMessage (OptDialog *od)
int dialogSelectMask (void) const
void setDialogSelectMask (int mask)
void addDialogSelectMask (int mask)
int dialogReadOnlyMask (void) const
void setDialogReadOnlyMask (int mask)
void addDialogReadOnlyMask (int mask)
int dialogStyle (void) const
void setDialogStyle (int style)
void addDialogStyle (int style)
string dialogCaption (void) const
void setDialogCaption (const string &caption)
bool dialogHeader (void) const
void setDialogHeader (bool d)
string headerBackgroundColor (void) const
void setHeaderBackgroundColor (const string &color)
string headerForegroundColor (void) const
void setHeaderForegroundColor (const string &color)
string headerImageFile (void) const
void setHeaderImageFile (const string &file)
virtual void dialogHeaderWidget (OptDialog *od)
bool dialogHelp (void) const
void setDialogHelp (bool d)
string helpCaption (void) const
void setHelpCaption (const string &caption)
string helpPath (int inx=0) const
int helpPathes (void) const
void clearHelpPathes (void)
void setHelpPath (const string &path)
void addHelpPath (const string &path)
virtual string helpFileName (void) const
bool dialogOpen (void) const
bool helpOpen (void) const
QWidget * mainWidget (void)
virtual void setMainWidget (QWidget *widget)
void lock () const
void unlock () const
bool tryLock (int timeout=1)
QMutex * mutex (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConfigClass
 ConfigClass (const string &ident, int group=0, int mode=0xffff, int selectmask=0)
 ConfigClass (const ConfigClass &C)
virtual ~ConfigClass (void)
const string & configIdent (void) const
void setConfigIdent (const string &ident)
int configGroup (void) const
void setConfigGroup (int group)
int configMode (void) const
void setConfigMode (int mode)
void addConfigMode (int mode)
void delConfigMode (int mode)
int configSelectMask (void) const
void setConfigSelectMask (int mask)
void addConfig (void)
void readConfig (void)
virtual void readConfig (StrQueue &sq)
virtual void saveConfig (ofstream &str)
virtual int configSize (void) const
virtual void config (void)
virtual void preConfig (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Options
 Options (void)
 Options (const Options &o)
 Options (const Options &o, int flags)
 Options (const string &name, const string &type, int flags, int style)
 Options (const Str &opttxt, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;")
 Options (const StrQueue &sq, const string &assignment=":=")
 Options (istream &str, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", string *line=0)
virtual ~Options (void)
Optionsoperator= (const Options &o)
Optionsassign (const Options &o)
Optionsappend (const Options &o)
Optionsadd (const Options &o)
Optionsinsert (const Options &o, const string &atname="")
Optionsassign (const Options &o, int flags)
Optionscopy (Options &o, int flags)
Optionsappend (const Options &o, int flags)
Optionsadd (const Options &o, int flags)
Optionsinsert (const Options &o, int flags, const string &atname="")
Parameterassign (const string &name, const string &value)
OptionsparentSection (void)
const OptionsparentSection (void) const
void setParentSection (Options *parentsection)
void resetParents (void)
OptionsrootSection (void)
const OptionsrootSection (void) const
string name (void) const
virtual void setName (const string &name, const string &type)
string type (void) const
void setType (const string &type)
string include (void) const
void setInclude (const string &include)
void setInclude (const string &url, const string &name)
int flag (void) const
bool flag (int selectflag) const
OptionssetFlag (int flag)
OptionsaddFlag (int flag)
OptionsdelFlag (int flag)
OptionsclearFlag (void)
int style (void) const
OptionssetStyle (int style)
OptionsaddStyle (int style)
OptionsdelStyle (int style)
OptionsclearStyle (void)
bool checkType (int mask) const
Str warning (void) const
iterator begin (void)
iterator end (void)
const_iterator begin (void) const
const_iterator end (void) const
section_iterator sectionsBegin (void)
section_iterator sectionsEnd (void)
const_section_iterator sectionsBegin (void) const
const_section_iterator sectionsEnd (void) const
const_iterator find (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const
iterator find (const string &pattern, int level=-1)
const_iterator rfind (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const
iterator rfind (const string &pattern, int level=-1)
const_section_iterator findSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const
section_iterator findSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1)
const_section_iterator rfindSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const
section_iterator rfindSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1)
const Parameteroperator[] (int i) const
Parameteroperator[] (int i)
const Parameteroperator[] (const string &name) const
Parameteroperator[] (const string &name)
const Optionssection (int i) const
Optionssection (int i)
const Optionssection (const string &name) const
Optionssection (const string &name)
Str request (const string &name) const
ParametersetRequest (const string &name, const string &request)
Parameter::ValueType valueType (const string &name) const
ParametersetValueType (const string &name, Parameter::ValueType type)
int flags (const string &name) const
bool flags (const string &name, int flag) const
ParametersetFlags (const string &name, int flags)
ParameteraddFlags (const string &name, int flags)
ParameterdelFlags (const string &name, int flags)
ParameterclearFlags (const string &name)
bool changed (const string &name)
int style (const string &name) const
ParametersetStyle (const string &name, int style)
ParameteraddStyle (const string &name, int style)
ParameterdelStyle (const string &name, int style)
Str format (const string &name) const
ParametersetFormat (const string &name, int width=0, int prec=-1, char fmt='g')
ParametersetFormat (const string &name, const string &format)
int formatWidth (const string &name) const
int size (const string &name) const
Parameteradd (const Parameter &np)
Parameterinsert (const Parameter &np, const string &atname="")
ParameteraddText (const string &name, const string &request, const string &dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddText (const string &name, const string &dflt="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertText (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, const string &dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertText (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &dflt="", int flags=0, int style=0)
Str text (const string &name, int index, const string &dflt="", const string &format="", const string &unit="") const
Str text (const string &name, const string &dflt="", const string &format="", const string &unit="") const
void texts (const string &name, vector< string > &s, const string &format="", const string &unit="") const
Str allText (const string &name, const string &dflt="", const string &format="", const string &unit="", const string &separator=", ") const
ParametersetText (const string &name, const string &strg)
ParametersetText (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
ParameterpushText (const string &name, const string &strg)
Str defaultText (const string &name, const string &format="", const string &unit="") const
ParametersetDefaultText (const string &name, const string &dflt)
ParameteraddSelection (const string &name, const string &request, const string &selection, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddSelection (const string &name, const string &selection="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertSelection (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, const string &selection, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertSelection (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &selection="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterselectText (const string &name, const string &strg, int add=0)
ParameterselectText (const string &name, int index)
int index (const string &name) const
int index (const string &name, const string &strg) const
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, const string &request, double dflt, double minimum, double maximum=MAXDOUBLE, double step=1.0, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, const string &request, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, double dflt, const string &unit, int flags, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, double dflt, double error, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddNumber (const string &name, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, double dflt, double minimum, double maximum=MAXDOUBLE, double step=1.0, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0)
double number (const string &name, double dflt=0.0, const string &unit="", int index=0) const
double number (const string &name, const string &unit, double dflt=0.0, int index=0) const
double number (const string &name, int index, double dflt=0.0, const string &unit="") const
double number (const string &name, int index, const string &unit, double dflt=0.0) const
void numbers (const string &name, vector< double > &n, const string &unit="") const
double error (const string &name, const string &unit="", int index=0) const
double error (const string &name, int index, const string &unit="") const
void errors (const string &name, vector< double > &n, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetNumber (const string &name, double number, double error, const string &unit="")
ParametersetNumber (const string &name, double number, const string &unit="")
ParameterpushNumber (const string &name, double number, double error=-1.0, const string &unit="")
ParameterpushNumber (const string &name, double number, const string &unit)
ParametersetNumber (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
double defaultNumber (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetDefaultNumber (const string &name, double dflt, const string &unit="")
double minimum (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
double maximum (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
double step (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetStep (const string &name, double step, const string &unit="")
ParametersetMinMax (const string &name, double minimum=-MAXDOUBLE, double maximum=MAXDOUBLE, double step=1.0, const string &unit="")
Str unit (const string &name) const
Str outUnit (const string &name) const
ParametersetUnit (const string &name, const string &internunit, const string &outunit="")
ParametersetOutUnit (const string &name, const string &outputunit)
ParameterchangeUnit (const string &name, const string &internunit)
ParameteraddInteger (const string &name, const string &request, long dflt, long minimum=LONG_MIN, long maximum=LONG_MAX, long step=1, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddInteger (const string &name, long dflt, const string &unit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddInteger (const string &name, const string &unit="")
ParameterinsertInteger (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, long dflt, long minimum=LONG_MIN, long maximum=LONG_MAX, long step=1, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertInteger (const string &name, const string &atname, long dflt, const string &unit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertInteger (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &unit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
long integer (const string &name, const string &unit="", long dflt=0, int index=0) const
long integer (const string &name, int index, long dflt=0, const string &unit="") const
long integer (const string &name, int index, const string &unit, long dflt=0) const
void integers (const string &name, vector< long > &n, const string &unit="") const
void integers (const string &name, vector< int > &n, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetInteger (const string &name, long number, long error, const string &unit="")
ParametersetInteger (const string &name, long number, const string &unit="")
ParameterpushInteger (const string &name, long number, long error, const string &unit="")
ParameterpushInteger (const string &name, long number, const string &unit="")
ParametersetInteger (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
long defaultInteger (const string &name, const string &unit="") const
ParametersetDefaultInteger (const string &name, long dflt, const string &unit="")
ParametersetMinMax (const string &name, long minimum=LONG_MIN, long maximum=LONG_MAX, long step=1, const string &unit="")
ParametersetMinMax (const string &name, int minimum, int maximum, int step=1, const string &unit="")
ParameteraddBoolean (const string &name, const string &request, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddBoolean (const char *name, const char *request, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddBoolean (const string &name, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddBoolean (const char *name, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertBoolean (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &request="", bool dflt=false, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertBoolean (const string &name, const string &atname, int flags=0, int style=0)
bool boolean (const string &name, bool dflt=false, int index=0) const
bool boolean (const string &name, int index, bool dflt=false) const
void booleans (const string &name, vector< bool > &n) const
ParametersetBoolean (const string &name, bool b)
ParametersetBoolean (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
bool defaultBoolean (const string &name) const
ParametersetDefaultBoolean (const string &name, bool dflt)
ParameteraddDate (const string &name, const string &request, int year=0, int month=0, int day=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddDate (const string &name, int year, int month, int day, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddDate (const string &name, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertDate (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &request="", int year=0, int month=0, int day=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertDate (const string &name, const string &atname, int year=0, int month=0, int day=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertDate (const string &name, const string &atname, int flags=0, int style=0)
const Parameterdate (const string &name, int index, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
ParametersetDate (const string &name, int year, int month, int day)
ParametersetDate (const string &name, const string &date)
ParametersetDate (const string &name, const struct tm &date)
ParametersetDate (const string &name, const time_t &time)
ParametersetCurrentDate (const string &name)
ParametersetDate (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
const ParameterdefaultDate (const string &name, int index, int &year, int &month, int &day) const
ParametersetDefaultDate (const string &name, int year, int month, int day)
ParameteraddTime (const string &name, const string &request, int hour=0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddTime (const string &name, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameteraddTime (const string &name, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertTime (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &request="", int hour=0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertTime (const string &name, const string &atname, int hour=0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0)
ParameterinsertTime (const string &name, const string &atname, int flags=0, int style=0)
const Parametertime (const string &name, int index, int &hour, int &minutes, int &seconds, int &milliseconds) const
ParametersetTime (const string &name, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds=0)
ParametersetTime (const string &name, const string &time)
ParametersetTime (const string &name, const struct tm &time)
ParametersetTime (const string &name, const time_t &time)
ParametersetCurrentTime (const string &name)
ParametersetTime (const string &name, const Parameter &p)
const ParameterdefaultTime (const string &name, int index, int &hour, int &minutes, int &seconds, int &milliseconds) const
ParametersetDefaultTime (const string &name, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const string &name, const string &atpattern, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const string &name, const string &atpattern, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (int level, const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsnewSubSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsaddSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name, const string &atpattern, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, const string &atpattern, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0)
OptionsinsertSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, const string &atpattern, int flag, int style=0)
OptionsnewSection (Options *opt, bool newparent=false)
OptionsaddSection (Options *opt, bool newparent=false)
OptionsinsertSection (Options *opt, const string &atpattern, bool newparent=false)
OptionsnewSections (Options *opt, bool newparent=false)
void endSection (void)
void clearSections (void)
void setSection (Options &opt)
void lastSection (void)
int up (void)
int down (void)
ParametersetDefault (const string &name)
OptionssetDefaults (int flags=0)
ParametersetToDefault (const string &name)
OptionssetToDefaults (int flags=0)
Optionserase (iterator p)
Optionserase (section_iterator p)
Optionserase (Options *s)
Optionserase (const string &pattern)
Optionserase (int selectflag)
Optionspop (void)
OptionspopSection (void)
Optionsflatten (Options *root=0)
Optionsclear (bool revert=true)
int size (void) const
int size (int selectflag) const
bool empty (void) const
int parameterSize (void) const
int parameterSize (int flags) const
int sectionsSize (void) const
int sectionsSize (int flags) const
bool exist (const string &pattern) const
bool existSection (const string &pattern) const
OptionssetFlags (int flags, int selectflag=0)
OptionsaddFlags (int flags, int selectflag=0)
OptionsdelFlags (int flags, int selectflag=0)
OptionssetValueTypeFlags (int flags, int typemask)
OptionsaddValueTypeFlags (int flags, int typemask)
OptionsdelValueTypeFlags (int flags, int typemask)
OptionssetStyles (int style, int selectflag=0)
OptionsaddStyles (int style, int selectflag=0)
OptionsdelStyles (int style, int selectflag=0)
int styleSize (int style) const
OptionssetValueTypeStyles (int style, int typemask)
OptionsaddValueTypeStyles (int style, int typemask)
OptionsdelValueTypeStyles (int style, int typemask)
int nameWidth (int selectmask=0, bool detailed=false, bool escape=false) const
string save (int selectmask=0, int flags=0) const
ostream & save (ostream &str, const string &start="", int selectmask=0, int flags=0, int width=-1) const
ostream & save (ostream &str, const string &textformat, const string &numberformat, const string &boolformat="%i=%b", const string &dateformat="%i=%04Y-%02m-%02d", const string &timeformat="%i=%02H:%02M:%02S", const string &sectionformat="%i", int selectmask=0, const string &start="") const
ostream & saveXML (ostream &str, int selectmask=0, int flags=0, int level=0, int indent=4) const
Optionsread (const string &opttxt, int flag, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;", int *indent=0)
Optionsread (const string &opttxt, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;")
istream & read (istream &str, int flag, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", Str *line=0)
istream & read (istream &str, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", Str *line=0)
Optionsread (const StrQueue &sq, int flag=0, const string &assignment=":=")
bool read (const Parameter &p, int flag=0)
Optionsread (const Options &o, int flags=0, int flag=0)
bool readAppend (const Parameter &p)
OptionsreadAppend (const Options &o, int flags=0)
Optionsload (const Str &opttxt, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;", int *indent=0, int *indentspacing=0, int *level=0)
istream & load (istream &str, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", string *line=0)
Optionsload (const StrQueue &sq, const string &assignment=":=")
virtual void notify (void)
void callNotifies (void)
bool setNotify (bool notify=true)
bool unsetNotify (void)
bool notifying (void) const

Protected Slots

void notificationFromDialog (const Parameter &p)
virtual void dClosed (int r)
virtual void hClosed (int r)

Protected Member Functions

void setDialogOpen (bool open=true)
void setHelpOpen (bool open=true)

Protected Attributes

Options DialogOptions

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ConfigClass
enum  Action { Save =1, Dialog =2, Help =4, Menu =8 }
- Public Types inherited from Options
enum  SaveFlags {
  NoName = 1, NoType = 2, NoInclude = 4, SwitchNameType = 8,
  Embrace = 16, PrintRequest = 32, FirstOnly = 64, PrintType = 128,
  PrintStyle = 256, DontCloseSection = 512, AlwaysQuote = 1024, EscapeQuotes = 2048
typedef deque< Parameter >
typedef deque< Parameter >
typedef deque< Options * >
typedef deque< Options * >
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ConfigClass
static void setConfigureClasses (ConfigureClasses *cfg)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Options
static double floorLog10 (double v)
static double floor10 (double v, double scale=1.0)
static double ceil10 (double v, double scale=1.0)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Options
static const int NonDefault = Parameter::NonDefault
static const long TabSection = 0x04000000

Detailed Description

A dialog for a ConfigClass.

Jan Benda

ConfigDialog adds a dialog for editing the configuration Options of a ConfigClass. You can select a subset of the Options for the dialog by defining a dialogSelectMask() with setDialogSelectMask() and addDialogSelectMask(). Likewise, some Options can be marked as read-only with dialogReadOnlyMask(), setDialogReadOnlyMask(), and addDialogReadOnlyMask(). The appearance of the dialog can be controlled with dialogStyle(), setDialogStyle(), and addDialogStyle(). The dialog is opened (executed) with dialog(). dialogOpen() returns true if the dialog is already opened.

The dialog widget is composed of a header, the Options, and some buttons, which are generated by dialogHeaderWidget(), dialogOptions(), and dialogButtons(), respectively. Alternatively to the options and buttons, a message is displayed by dialogEmptyMessage() if there are no options selected by dialogSelectMask(). The header can be switched on or off by setDialogHeader() and uses headerForegroundColor() and headerBackgroundColor() as the foreground and background color, respectively, and headerImageFile() as an image.

ConfigDialog also provides help() for displaying some html-based help text. This can be enabled or disabled by setDialogHelp(). Help texts are assumed to be contained in html files with name helpFileName(). These files are searched in directories as specified in the list of default search pathes that can be accessed with helpPathes(), helpPath() and manipulated with clearHelpPathes(), setHelpPath(), addHelpPath().

A ConfigDialog has a name(), the last version() was written by author() on date(). This information is set either by the constructor or by setName(), setAuthor(), setVersion(), and setDate(). The name() and selected Options can be saved in XML format via saveXML(). A main widget for the dialogs can be set via setMainWidget().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ConfigDialog ( const string &  configident = "",
int  configgroup = 0,
const string &  name = "",
const string &  author = "",
const string &  version = "",
const string &  date = __DATE__ 

Construct a ConfigDialog. The identifier configident is used for identifying this class in the configuration file of group configgroup. The class has a unique name. The implementation of a class derived from ConfigDialog has a version and was written by author on date.

See Also
setConfigIdent(), setConfigGroup(), setName(), setTitle(), setAuthor(), setDate(), setVersion()

References ConfigDialog::author(), ConfigDialog::date(), OptWidget::HighlightNameStyle, ConfigDialog::name(), OptWidget::NameBehindStyle, and ConfigDialog::version().

~ConfigDialog ( void  )

Destruct the ConfigDialog.

Member Function Documentation

string name ( void  ) const
void setName ( const string &  name)

Set the name of the class to name.

Reimplemented from Options.

Reimplemented in Filter, RELACSPlugin, Control, and RePro.

References ConfigDialog::name().

Referenced by RELACSPlugin::setName(), and RELACSPlugin::setSettings().

string author ( void  ) const
void setAuthor ( const string &  author)

Set the author of the class to author.

References ConfigDialog::author().

string version ( void  ) const
void setVersion ( const string &  version)

Set the version string of the class to version.

References ConfigDialog::version().

string date ( void  ) const

The date of the last revision of the class (default is set to the compile time).

Referenced by ConfigDialog::ConfigDialog(), ConfigDialog::dialogHeaderWidget(), SaveFiles::save(), RELACSPlugin::saveDoxygenOptions(), and ConfigDialog::setDate().

void setDate ( const string &  date)

Set the date of the last revision of the class to date.

References ConfigDialog::date().

Referenced by AudioMonitor::AudioMonitor().

OptWidget * dialogOptions ( OptDialog od,
string *  tabhotkeys = 0 

Adds the options selected by dialogSelectMask() and configured by dialogReadOnlyMask() and dialogStyle() to the dialog.

odthe dialog to which the options are added.
tabhotkeysa string with already taken hotkeys that will be expanded by further hotkeys of the Options.
the widget editing the options. Its valueChanged() signal is connected to the notifyDialog() slot.
See Also

References OptDialog::addOptions(), ConfigDialog::dialogHeader(), ConfigDialog::DialogOptions, relacs::exp(), relacs::floor(), OptWidget::lines(), ConfigDialog::mutex(), and OptDialog::setVerticalSpacing().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialog().

void dialogButtons ( OptDialog od)

Add an <Ok>, <Apply>, <Reset>, and <Close> button to the dialog.

odthe dialog to which the buttons are added.
See Also

References OptDialog::Accept, OptDialog::addButton(), ConfigDialog::dClosed(), ConfigDialog::dialogAccepted(), ConfigDialog::dialogAction(), ConfigDialog::dialogClosed(), OptDialog::Reset, and OptDialog::setRejectCode().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialog().

void dialogEmptyMessage ( OptDialog od)

Adds a message, indicating that this class does not have any options for this dialog, and an <Ok> button to the dialog.

odthe dialog to which the message is added.
See Also

References OptDialog::addButton(), OptDialog::addWidget(), ConfigDialog::dClosed(), ConfigDialog::dialogClosed(), and ConfigDialog::name().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialog(), and RePro::dialog().

int dialogSelectMask ( void  ) const

The mask that is used to select single options for the standard dialog.

Referenced by RePro::dialog().

void setDialogSelectMask ( int  mask)

Set the mask that is used to select single options for the standard dialog to mask. Default is 0, i.e. all options appear in the dialog.

void addDialogSelectMask ( int  mask)

Add mask to the mask that is used to select single options for the standard dialog.

int dialogReadOnlyMask ( void  ) const

The mask that is used to select single options as read-only for the standard dialog.

Referenced by RePro::dialog().

void setDialogReadOnlyMask ( int  mask)

Set the mask that is used to select single options as read-only for the standard dialog to mask. Default is 0, i.e. all options are read-writeable.

Referenced by Settings::Settings().

void addDialogReadOnlyMask ( int  mask)

Add mask to the mask that is used to select single options as read-only for the standard dialog.

int dialogStyle ( void  ) const

The style used for the standard dialog.

Referenced by RePro::dialog().

void setDialogStyle ( int  style)

Set the style used for the standard dialog to style. The implementation of dialog() uses OptWidget. See there for a list of possible styles.

References Options::style().

void addDialogStyle ( int  style)

Add style to the style used for the standard dialog.

References Options::style().

Referenced by RELACSPlugin::RELACSPlugin(), RePro::RePro(), and Settings::Settings().

string dialogCaption ( void  ) const

Returns the caption for the dialog.

References ConfigDialog::name().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialog(), and RePro::dialog().

void setDialogCaption ( const string &  caption)

Set the caption for the dialog to caption.

Referenced by Settings::Settings().

bool dialogHeader ( void  ) const

Returns true if a header should be displayed in the dialog.

Referenced by RePro::dialog(), and ConfigDialog::dialogOptions().

void setDialogHeader ( bool  d)

Display a header with author, version and date info in the dialog if d is set to true.

Referenced by Settings::Settings().

string headerBackgroundColor ( void  ) const
background color of the dialog header as a hex string (#rrggbb).
See Also
setHeaderBackgroundColor(), headerForegroundColor(), headerImageFile(), dialogHeaderWidget()

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialogHeaderWidget().

void setHeaderBackgroundColor ( const string &  color)

Set the background color of the dialog header.

[in]colorthe background color as a hex string (#rrggbb).
See Also
headerBackgroundColor(), setHeaderForegroundColor(), setHeaderImageFile(), dialogHeaderWidget()

Referenced by RELACSPlugin::setRELACSWidget().

string headerForegroundColor ( void  ) const
foreground color of the dialog header for the labels as a hex string (#rrggbb).
See Also
setHeaderForegroundColor(), headerBackgroundColor(), headerImageFile(), dialogHeaderWidget()

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialogHeaderWidget().

void setHeaderForegroundColor ( const string &  color)

Set the foreground color of the dialog header that is used for the labels.

[in]colorthe foreground color as a hex string (#rrggbb).
See Also
headerForegroundColor(), setHeaderBackgroundColor(), setHeaderImageFile(), dialogHeaderWidget()

Referenced by RELACSPlugin::setRELACSWidget().

string headerImageFile ( void  ) const
name of the image file (full path) used to be displayed in the dialog header.
See Also
setHeaderImageFile(), dialogHeaderWidget()

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialogHeaderWidget(), ReProData::reload(), and RePros::RePros().

void setHeaderImageFile ( const string &  file)

Selects the image to be displayed in the dialog header.

[in]filethe full path of the image file.
See Also
headerImageFile(), dialogHeaderWidget()

Referenced by RELACSPlugin::setRELACSWidget().

void dialogHeaderWidget ( OptDialog od)

Adds a header widget to the dialog. The headerImageFile() is used as a background image. name(), version(), date() and author() are displayed. If dialogHelp() is enabled, a button for launching the help browser is added.

odthe dialog to which the header widget is added.
See Also

References OptDialog::addWidget(), ConfigDialog::author(), ConfigDialog::date(), ConfigDialog::dialogHelp(), Options::empty(), ConfigDialog::headerBackgroundColor(), ConfigDialog::headerForegroundColor(), ConfigDialog::headerImageFile(), ConfigDialog::help(), relacs::hextodec(), ConfigDialog::name(), and ConfigDialog::version().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialog(), and RePro::dialog().

bool dialogHelp ( void  ) const

Returns true if a help button should be displayed in the dialog header.

References ConfigClass::configMode(), and ConfigClass::Help.

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialogHeaderWidget(), and ConfigDialog::help().

void setDialogHelp ( bool  d)

Add a help-button to the dialog header if d is set to true. Modifies the ConfigClass::Help flag of configMode().

References ConfigClass::addConfigMode(), ConfigClass::delConfigMode(), and ConfigClass::Help.

Referenced by AudioMonitor::AudioMonitor(), and Settings::Settings().

string helpCaption ( void  ) const

Returns the caption for the help window.

References ConfigDialog::name().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::help().

void setHelpCaption ( const string &  caption)

Set the caption for the help window to caption.

string helpPath ( int  inx = 0) const

Returns the inx-th default path used for searching help files.

References ConfigDialog::helpPathes().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::help().

int helpPathes ( void  ) const

Returns the number of default pathes used for searching help files.

Referenced by ConfigDialog::help(), and ConfigDialog::helpPath().

void clearHelpPathes ( void  )

Clear the list of default pathes, where to look for help files.

Referenced by RELACSPlugin::setRELACSWidget().

void setHelpPath ( const string &  path)

Use path as the single default path, where to loock for help files.

void addHelpPath ( const string &  path)

Add path to the list of default pathes, where to loock for help files.

Referenced by RELACSPlugin::setRELACSWidget().

string helpFileName ( void  ) const
the name of the file to be displayed in the help dialog. The default implementation returns name() + ".html".

Reimplemented in RELACSPlugin.

References ConfigDialog::name().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::help().

bool dialogOpen ( void  ) const

True if the dialog is open.

Referenced by ReProData::dialog(), ConfigDialog::dialog(), RePro::dialog(), and MacroCommand::dialog().

bool helpOpen ( void  ) const

True if the help window is open.

QWidget * mainWidget ( void  )
the main widget for the dialogs. Can be NULL.
See Also

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialog(), and ConfigDialog::help().

void setMainWidget ( QWidget *  widget)

Set the main widget for the dialogs to widget.

See Also

Referenced by RELACSPlugin::setRELACSWidget().

void lock ( void  ) const
void unlock ( void  ) const
bool tryLock ( int  timeout = 1)

Try to lock the mutex of the ConfigDialog for at most timeoutms milliseconds. Returns true if the lock was obtained within timeout milliseconds.

See Also
lock(), mutex()
QMutex * mutex ( void  )
void dialog ( void  )

Launches a dialog that allows to edit the values of the Options if the ConfigClass::Dialog flag is set in configMode(). You may reimplement dialog() with your own dialog. The parts of the default dialog are composed out of dialogHeaderWidget(), dialogEmptyMessage(), dialogOptions(), and dialogButtons() and can be individually reimplemented as well. The default implementation is

if ( dialogOpen() || ( configMode() & ConfigClass::Dialog == 0 ) )
OptDialog *od = new OptDialog( false, this );
od->setCaption( dialogCaption() );
if ( Options::size( DialogSelectMask ) <= 0 )
else {
string tabhotkeys = "oatc";
dialogOptions( od, &tabhotkeys );
See Also
dialogOpen(), setDialogOpen(), dClosed(), dialogAccepted(), dialogAction(), dialogClosed()

Reimplemented in RePro.

References ConfigClass::configMode(), ConfigClass::Dialog, ConfigDialog::dialogButtons(), ConfigDialog::dialogCaption(), ConfigDialog::dialogEmptyMessage(), ConfigDialog::dialogHeaderWidget(), ConfigDialog::dialogOpen(), ConfigDialog::dialogOptions(), OptDialog::exec(), ConfigDialog::mainWidget(), ConfigDialog::notificationFromDialog(), OptDialog::setCaption(), ConfigDialog::setDialogOpen(), and Options::size().

Referenced by Control::addActions(), and Model::addActions().

void help ( void  )
void notifyDialog ( const Options opt)

This slot is called whenever a value in the dialog is changed. The values of all the options opt from the dialog are set to the current values visible in the dialog. The changed value has the Parameter::changedFlag() set. The default implementation does nothing.

Referenced by ConfigDialog::notificationFromDialog().

void dialogAccepted ( void  )

Values entered via the dialog are copied to the Options.

Referenced by RePro::dialog(), and ConfigDialog::dialogButtons().

void dialogAction ( int  r)

A button with return code r was clicked in the dialog.

Referenced by RePro::dialog(), and ConfigDialog::dialogButtons().

void dialogClosed ( int  r)
void setDialogOpen ( bool  open = true)

Set the status of the dialog to open. Use this if you reimplement dialog() to inform ConfigDialog about the status of the dialog window.

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialog(), and RePro::dialog().

void setHelpOpen ( bool  open = true)

Set the status of the help window to open. Use this if you reimplement help() to inform ConfigDialog about the status of the help window.

void notificationFromDialog ( const Parameter p)

This slot is called whenever a value in the dialog is changed. Read the value from p to DialogOptions and call notifyDialog().

References Parameter::changedFlag(), Options::delFlags(), ConfigDialog::DialogOptions, ConfigDialog::notifyDialog(), and Options::read().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialog(), and RePro::dialog().

void dClosed ( int  r)

Informs the class that the dialog window is closed.

References ConfigDialog::dialogClosed().

Referenced by ConfigDialog::dialogButtons(), and ConfigDialog::dialogEmptyMessage().

void hClosed ( int  r)

Informs the class that the help window is closed.

Referenced by ConfigDialog::help().

Member Data Documentation

Options DialogOptions

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