Relacs  0.9.8
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OptDialog Class Reference

#include <optdialog.h>

Inheritance diagram for OptDialog:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for OptDialog:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  Action { NoAction, Defaults, Reset, Accept }


void valuesChanged (void)
void buttonClicked (int r)
void dialogClosed (int r)

Public Member Functions

 OptDialog (QWidget *parent=0)
 OptDialog (bool modal, QWidget *parent=0)
 OptDialog (Options &opt, const string &title, QMutex *mutex=0, QWidget *parent=0)
 OptDialog (Options &opt, const string &title, bool modal, QMutex *mutex=0, QWidget *parent=0)
 ~OptDialog (void)
void setCaption (const string &title)
OptWidgetaddOptions (Options &opt, int selectmask=0, int romask=0, int style=0, QMutex *mutex=0, string *tabhotkeys=0)
OptWidgetaddTabOptions (const string &label, Options &opt, int selectmask=0, int romask=0, int style=0, QMutex *mutex=0, string *tabhotkeys=0)
void addWidget (QWidget *widget)
void addTabWidget (const string &label, QWidget *widget, string *tabhotkeys=0)
void addSeparator (void)
void setVerticalSpacing (int pixel)
void setHorizontalSpacing (int pixel)
void setMargins (int pixel)
void setMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
int rejectCode (void) const
void setRejectCode (int code)
void clearButtons (void)
void addButton (const string &title, OptDialog::Action action, int rcode, bool close=true, bool dflt=false)
void addButton (const string &title, OptDialog::Action action)
void addButton (const string &title)
int exec (void)

Static Public Member Functions

static int changedFlag (void)

Static Public Attributes

static const int NoReturn = -10000
static const int ReturnReject = -10001

Protected Slots

void done (int r)
void reject (void)

Detailed Description

A Dialog for editing Options.

Jan Benda
Qt bug in construct(): setResizeMode() places dialog on weired places.

This dialog widget can be used to edit the values of Options. It is based on OptWidget.

Here is an example:


This example was created with the following code:

#include <relacs/options.h>
using namespace relacs;
Options opt1;
opt1.newSection( "Timing" );
opt1.addNumber( "duration", "Duration of Signal", 0.3527, 0.01, 1.0, 0.0001, "seconds", "ms" );
opt1.addNumber( "pause", "Pause between Signals", 0.2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01, "seconds", "ms", "%g", 3 );
opt1.setNumber( "pause", 0.180 );
opt1.addInteger( "repeats", "Repeats", 8, 0, 100 );
opt1.newSection( "Settings" );
opt1.addText( "color", "Color", "red,green,blue");
opt1.addText( "comment", "Comments", "no comment" );
Options opt2;
opt2.addBoolean( "sinewave", "Use Sine Wave", false );
opt2.addBoolean( "loop", "Loop", true, 1 );
OptDialog d( this );
d.setCaption( "Example Dialog" );
d.addOptions( &opt1, 0, 1 );
d.addOptions( &opt2 );
d.setVerticalSpacing( 4 );
d.setMargins( 10 );
d.addButton( "&Ok", OptDialog::Accept, 1 );
d.addButton( "&Reset", OptDialog::Reset );
d.addButton( "&Close" );

First you have to create some Options by either defining them explicitely as in the example with the addNumber(), addText(), ... functions, or you load them from a file with the load( istream& ) function. See the documentation for Options for more details. Then you construct the OptDialog. Either the Options are passed directly to OptDialog via the constructor, or they are assigned later on with addOptions(). With addOptions() you can specify a select-mask to select a subset of the Options and a readonly-mask to specify which Options are not editable (in the example the "pause" options is not editable). Then you may define some buttons (see below) and finally you call exec() to launch the dialog.

The dialog window can be either modal or modeless. In modal mode all input to the main program from which the dialog was launched is blocked. The modality can be specified only by a constructor.

The OptDialog comes with four default buttons "Ok", "Defaults", "Reset", "Close". "Ok" copies the entered input to the corresponding Options, closes the dialog, and returns 1. "Defaults" sets the values of the input form to the corresponding default values of the Options. "Reset" sets the values of the input form to their initial values. "Close" closes the dialog without accepting the input and returns 0.

If you don't like these buttons, use the addButton() function to define your own. For example, you would get the default buttons by the following commands:

addButton( "&Close" );

The dialog can also be closed by hitting "ESC" or by just closing the window. With setRejectCode() you can determine what value exec() returns in these cases. Default is 0.

OptDialog provides three signals: valuesChanged() is emitted whenever the Accept action is performed. buttonClicked() enables you to implement more functionality to the dialog buttons. dialogClosed() tells you that the dialog is closed. The last two signals are especially important for modeless dialogs.

The caption of the dialog can be set by setCaption(). The spacing between two input lines can be adjusted with setVerticalSpacing(). The spacing between the widget margins and its content are set with setMargins().

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Action

Different actions for the dialog buttons.


No action is associated with the button. Use this for a "Cancel" or "Close" button.


Pressing the button sets the values of the input fields to the default values of the corresponding Options.


Pressing the button resets the values of the input fields to their initial values.


Pressing the button copies the values of the input fields to the corresponding Options. This is usually the "Ok" button.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OptDialog ( QWidget *  parent = 0)

Construct an empty modal dialog. This dialog will block input to the program.

You still have to call exec() in order to launch the dialog.

References OptDialog::setCaption().

OptDialog ( bool  modal,
QWidget *  parent = 0 

Construct an empty dialog with modality modal. If modal is true, this dialog will block input to the program.

You still have to call exec() in order to launch the dialog.

References OptDialog::setCaption().

OptDialog ( Options opt,
const string &  title,
QMutex *  mutex = 0,
QWidget *  parent = 0 

Construct a modal dialog for editing the Options o. The caption of the dialog window is set to title. This dialog will block input to the program.

You still have to call exec() in order to launch the dialog.

References OptDialog::addOptions(), and OptDialog::setCaption().

OptDialog ( Options opt,
const string &  title,
bool  modal,
QMutex *  mutex = 0,
QWidget *  parent = 0 

Construct a dialog for editing the Options o with modality modal. The caption of the dialog window is set to title. If modal is true, this dialog will block input to the program.

You still have to call exec() in order to launch the dialog.

References OptDialog::addOptions(), and OptDialog::setCaption().

~OptDialog ( void  )

Destructs the OptDialog.

References OptDialog::clearButtons().

Member Function Documentation

void setCaption ( const string &  title)
OptWidget * addOptions ( Options opt,
int  selectmask = 0,
int  romask = 0,
int  style = 0,
QMutex *  mutex = 0,
string *  tabhotkeys = 0 

Assigns Options o to the dialog. Input forms for different Options can be placed on top of each other by multiple calls of addOptions(). Only Options with their mode() & selectmask > 0 are displayed. If selectmask ist less or equal to zero, all Options o are displayed. Options with their mode() & romask > 0 are not editable. If romask equals zero all Options o are editable. If romask() is negative none of the Options o is editable. The standard layout style = 0 puts each option into a separate line. If style = 1 then the option's identifier is in one line and the options value and unit is in the following line. tabhotkeys can point to a string that contains hotkey-characters that are already in use. This information is used to choose hotkeys for tabs. The new hotkeys are added to the string.

See Also
addTabOptions(), addWidget(), addTabWidget(), addSeparator(), addButton()

Referenced by MetaData::dialog(), Macro::dialog(), RePro::dialog(), MacroCommand::dialog(), ConfigDialog::dialogOptions(), OptDialog::OptDialog(), and MetaData::presetDialog().

OptWidget * addTabOptions ( const string &  label,
Options opt,
int  selectmask = 0,
int  romask = 0,
int  style = 0,
QMutex *  mutex = 0,
string *  tabhotkeys = 0 

Assigns Options o as a page of a TabWidget with label label to the dialog. Only Options with their mode() & selectmask > 0 are displayed. If selectmask ist less or equal to zero, all Options o are displayed. Options with their mode() & romask > 0 are not editable. If romask equals zero all Options o are editable. If romask() is negative none of the Options o is editable. The standard layout style = 0 puts each option into a separate line. If style = 1 then the option's identifier is in one line and the options value and unit is in the following line. tabhotkeys can point to a string that contains hotkey-characters that are already in use. This information is used to choose hotkeys for label and furhter tabs. The new hotkeys are added to the string.

See Also
addOptions(), addWidget(), addTabWidget(), addSeparator(), addButton()

References OptWidget::tabLabel().

void addWidget ( QWidget *  widget)
void addTabWidget ( const string &  label,
QWidget *  widget,
string *  tabhotkeys = 0 

Add some widget as a page of a TabWidget with label label to the dialog. The widget is deleted when the dialog is closed. tabhotkeys can point to a string that contains hotkey-characters that are already in use. This information is used to choose a hotkey for label. The new hotkey is added to the string.

See Also
addOptions(), addTabOptions(), addWidget(), addSeparator(), addButton()

References OptWidget::tabLabel().

void addSeparator ( void  )

Add a separator line to the dialog.

See Also
addOptions(), addTabOptions(), addWidget(), addTabWidget(), addButton()

References relacs::line().

Referenced by Macro::dialog(), RePro::dialog(), and MacroCommand::dialog().

void setVerticalSpacing ( int  pixel)

Set the spacing between the lines to pixel pixel. Call this function after you added all Options to the dialog with addOptions().

See Also
setHorizontalSpacing(), setMargins()

Referenced by Macro::dialog(), MacroCommand::dialog(), and ConfigDialog::dialogOptions().

void setHorizontalSpacing ( int  pixel)

Set the horizontal spacing to pixel pixel. Call this function after you added all Options to the dialog with addOptions().

See Also
setVerticalSpacing(), setMargins()
void setMargins ( int  pixel)

Set the spacing between the widget margins and its content to pixel pixel. Call this function after you added all Options to the dialog with addOptions().

See Also
setVerticalSpacing(), setHorizontalSpacing()

Referenced by OptDialog::setMargins().

void setMargins ( int  left,
int  top,
int  right,
int  bottom 

Set the spacing between the widget margins and its content to all sides individually. Call this function after you added all Options to the dialog with addOptions().

See Also
setVerticalSpacing(), setHorizontalSpacing()

References OptDialog::setMargins().

int rejectCode ( void  ) const

The code exec() returns if the dialog is closed by entering "ESC" or by closing the window. The default reject code is 0. The reject code can be set to a different value by setRejectCode(). rejectCode() returns the actual set reject code.

See Also
void setRejectCode ( int  code)

Set the code exec() returns if the dialog is closed by entering "ESC" or by closing the window to code.

See Also
addButton(), rejectCode()

Referenced by MetaData::dialog(), Macro::dialog(), RePro::dialog(), MacroCommand::dialog(), ConfigDialog::dialogButtons(), and MetaData::presetDialog().

void clearButtons ( void  )

Remove all buttons. You normally don't have to call this functions, since the default buttons are removed automatically by the first call of addButton().

See Also
addButton(), setRejectCode()

Referenced by OptDialog::addButton(), and OptDialog::~OptDialog().

void addButton ( const string &  title,
OptDialog::Action  action,
int  rcode,
bool  close = true,
bool  dflt = false 

Add a button with label title to the OptDialog. Clicking the button will execute the action specified by the Action action (NoAction, Defaults, Reset, Accept). The dialog is closed if close is true and exec() is returning rcode. If default is true than this button will be activated when hitting "Return". If no default button is specified, the first button with the Accept action and a return value will be the default button.

See Also
clearButtons(), setRejectCode()

References OptDialog::buttonClicked(), OptDialog::clearButtons(), OptDialog::done(), and OptDialog::valuesChanged().

Referenced by OptDialog::addButton(), MetaData::dialog(), Macro::dialog(), RePro::dialog(), MacroCommand::dialog(), ConfigDialog::dialogButtons(), ConfigDialog::dialogEmptyMessage(), RELACSWidget::editDevices(), RELACSWidget::editFilters(), RELACSWidget::editInputTraces(), RELACSWidget::editMacros(), RELACSWidget::editOutputTraces(), MacroCommand::execute(), RELACSWidget::help(), ConfigDialog::help(), and MetaData::presetDialog().

void addButton ( const string &  title,
OptDialog::Action  action 

Add a button with label title to the OptDialog. Clicking the button will execute the action specified by the Action action (NoAction, Defaults, Reset, Accept). The dialog is not closed and the buttom does not emit a buttonClicked() signal.

See Also

References OptDialog::addButton(), and OptDialog::NoReturn.

void addButton ( const string &  title)

Add a button with label title to the OptDialog. Clicking the button will close the dialog without accepting the input. The dialog returns rejectCode() (default 0). This function is for creating a "Close" or "Cancel" button.

See Also
clearButtons(), setRejectCode()

References OptDialog::addButton(), OptDialog::NoAction, and OptDialog::ReturnReject.

int exec ( void  )

Opens the dialog window. If the OptDialog is modal, exec() blocks until the dialog is finished and returns the return code of the button that was clicked, or rejectCode() if the window was closed. If the dialog is modeless, exec() returns immediately and returns rejectCode(). The default reject code is 0. Use the dialogClose() - signal to process the return value of a modeless dialog.

See Also
addOptions(), addButton(), setRejectCode()

Referenced by MetaData::dialog(), ConfigDialog::dialog(), Macro::dialog(), RePro::dialog(), MacroCommand::dialog(), RELACSWidget::editDevices(), RELACSWidget::editFilters(), RELACSWidget::editInputTraces(), RELACSWidget::editMacros(), RELACSWidget::editOutputTraces(), MacroCommand::execute(), RELACSWidget::help(), ConfigDialog::help(), and MetaData::presetDialog().

static int changedFlag ( void  )

The flag that is used to mark options whose value were changed by or-ing their mode with this flag. It is preset to a constant value (32768) and cannot be changed by the user.

References OptWidget::changedFlag().

Referenced by ReProData::acceptDialog(), MacroCommand::acceptDialog(), and OptDialogButton::clicked().

void valuesChanged ( void  )

This signal is emitted when a button with the Accept Action is clicked, i.e. right after the values of the input fields have been copied to the corresponding Options. The notify() function of all Options are called after the values of the input fields are copied to the Options and before this signal is emitted, i.e. one can in each Options' notify() function assume that other Options have already the new values.

Referenced by OptDialog::addButton().

void buttonClicked ( int  r)

This signal is emitted when a button with a return value is clicked. r is the return value of the button. The signal is usefull for modeless dialogs.

Referenced by OptDialog::addButton().

void dialogClosed ( int  r)

This signal is emitted when the dialog is closed. r is the return value of the dialog, which equals for modal dialogs the return value of exec(). The signal is usefull for modeless dialogs.

Referenced by OptDialog::done().

void done ( int  r)

Reimplemented for internal reasons.

References OptDialog::dialogClosed().

Referenced by OptDialog::addButton(), and OptDialog::reject().

void reject ( void  )

Reimplemented for internal reasons.

References OptDialog::done().

Member Data Documentation

const int NoReturn = -10000

Use this for the return value of a button if this button should not emit a buttonClicked() or dialogClosed() signal. Like for example a "Reset" or "Clear" button.

Referenced by OptDialog::addButton(), and OptDialogButton::clicked().

const int ReturnReject = -10001

The return value for a button whose return code should equal the rejectCode(). Like for example a "Close" or "Cancel" button.

Referenced by OptDialog::addButton(), and OptDialogButton::create().

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