Relacs  0.9.8
Bug List
Class EventData
why does spikes.erase( spikes.begin() ) not compile?
Class Macros
When switching to macros that contain more buttons, higher keyshortcuts (from the macros menu) are not recognized.
Class OptDialog
Qt bug in construct(): setResizeMode() places dialog on weired places.
Class OptWidget
OptWidgetDate input widget is crashing. Error in QDateEdit?
Class OutData
noiseWave(), bandNoiseWave(): should set negative carrier frequency -> but: calibrate repro still does not calibrate white noise stimuli!
Class Plot

autoscale with zero interval

check initTics algorithmns. Make them iterative!

Class RELACSWidget
what about wroteData?
Class Str
check all find, find_first_of, etc for usage with empty search strings!!!
Class TableData
This is just a quick shot! Feel free to make it better!