Patch-clamp Relacs Plugins
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FICurve | [RePro] F-I curve measured in current-clamp |
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FindRate | [RePro] Finds the DC current need to evoke a given target firing rate |
MembraneResistance | [RePro] Measures membrane resistance, capacitance, and time constant with current pulses |
PhaseResettingCurve | [RePro] Measures phase-resetting curves of spiking neurons |
Session | [Control] Session for current-clamp recordings |
SetDC | [RePro] Interactively set the DC current |
Simple | [RePro] Test dynamic clamp |
SingleStimulus | [RePro] Output of a single stimulus stored in a file |
VICurve | [RePro] V-I curve measured in current-clamp |
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