In the macros configuration file (defaults to macros.cfg
you can specify macros for RELACS.
A macro is a sequence
of RePros, filters, event detectors, messages, text browsers,
shell commands, and other macros.
Each macro
is accesible by a button on the bottom of the RELACS GUI, by one of the function
keys ESC, F1, F2, ... F10, and from within the Macros menu.
Each line starting with '#
' is ignored (comments).
A new macro is defined by a line starting with '$' as the first character. The word following the '$' character is the name of the macro as it appears on the macro button and in the Macros menu. The name can be followed by one of the following keywords:
startup: this macro is the first one executed on startup of RELACS.
shutdown: if you quit RELACS, this macro is called.
startsession: on start of a new session this macro is executed.
stopsession: stopping a session calls this macro.
fallback: whenever a macro is finished, this macro is called.
nokey: no function key is assigned to this macro.
nobutton: this macro does not appear as a button and does not get a function key.
nomenu: this macro is not listed in the macros menu, does not get a function key, and does not appear as a button.
keep: if a new macro configuration file is loaded this macro is not deleted.
overwrite: if a new macro configuration file is loaded this macro overwrites a kept macro with the same name.
The fallback macro gets the ESC key assigned, all other macros get the function keys F1 - F10 in the order they are defined. The shutdown macro does not execute RePros.
A macro can have variables which are defined after a colon as ident=value pairs separated by semicolons.
For example
$Search startup fallback: duration=40ms; pause=260ms
defines a macro "Search" which is called as the first macro on
startup and whenever another macro is finished (usually you will
call a RePro within such a macro that does not terminate itself).
It appears as a button with label "Search" and can be executed
by hitting the ESC key.
It has a single variable duration
with default value 4s
Variables of a macro may be defined on several succeeding lines. Each line following the macro definition containing a '=' and not a colon ':' is interpreted as a variable that is added to the macro.
$Search startup fallback duration=40ms pause=260ms
is identical to the previous example. The white space in front of the parameter may be ommited as well.
Each line following the macro definition specifies one of the following actions:
call a RePro (RePro)
auto-configure or save data of a filter or event detector (Filter/Detector)
set parameter of a control widget (Control)
display a message (Message)
open a text-browser (Browse)
execute a shell command (Shell)
call another macro (Macro)
switch to a different macro configuration (Switch)
start a session (Start Session)
stop a session (Stop Session)
shut down relacs (Shut down relacs)
A macro can contain any number of actions.
A '!' as the first letter disables the action. It can later on be enabled from the macros menu.
RePros are specified by the optional keyword repro and their name (identifier). In case, RePros from different plugin sets have the same name, a RePro can be uniquely identified by appending the name of the plugin set in '[]' to the RePro's name. Optionally, the RePro name is followed by a colon and a list of parameter that are separated by semicolons or new lines. The values of the parameter are passed to the RePro's options.
repro ResearchProgram1[pluginsA]: parameter11=10ms; parameter12=20; ResearchProgram2 parameter21=10ms parameter22=20;
You can use the Macro's variables for defining values of the RePro's options like this:
ResearchProgram1: parameter1=$duration
where duration
is a macro variable.
You can define a whole range of values for a parameter in parenthesis. For example
ResearchProgram1: parameter1=(4..10)ms;
results in seven calls of the RePro "ResearchProgram1" with parameter1 getting the values 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 ms. In order to obtain the values 4, 6, 8, and 10 ms, an increment different from one can be specified like this:
ResearchProgram1: parameter1=(4..10..2)ms;
An arbitrary sequence of values is separated by commas and can be intermixed with ranges: (4,6..8,10) is expanded to 4,6,7,8,10.
You can specify in which order you want the sequence to be generated. The default is 'up'. Alternatively you can specify 'down', 'alternate', or 'random' like this:
ResearchProgram1: parameter1=(4..10..2,down)ms;
generates 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
Finally, you can specify an initial resolution. The default resolution is one. For example, defining an initial resolution of two
ResearchProgram1: parameter1=(4..10..2,down,r:2)ms;
produces the sequence 10, 6, 2, 8, 4.
Two functions of a filter or detector can be accessed from a macro: auto-configure the parameter of a filter or detector, or save some data.
A filter can be auto-configured by writing
filter LocalField-1: autoconf 0.5
and similarly for a detector
detector Spikes-1: autoconf 0.5
This executes the autoConfigure() function of the filter/event detector for the trace/events with name "LocalField-1"/"Spikes-1" for the last 0.5 seconds of available data. If the time is omitted, 1 second is assumed. If the name of a specific filter/event detector is omitted, then autoConfigure() is called for all filter and event detectors. See the documentation of the Filter for more details.
Data of a filter can be saved by writing
filter LocalField-1: save some-parameter
and similarly for a detector
detector Spikes-1: save some-parameter
This executes the save() function of the filter/event detector for the trace/events with name "LocalField-1"/"Spikes-1" and passes the string "some-parameter" to this function. This is ment to write some usefull information of the performance of the filter or event detection into a file. The parameter string may span multiple lines as long as each line contains a '='. See the documentation of the Filter for more details.
A control command sets one or more parameter of a control widget.
For example
control Histogram: intrace=Interval
sets the "intrace" parameter of the control "Histogram" to "Interval".
It depends on the implementation of the control widget how it reacts to a changed parameter.
Messages are simple popup windows that display a text. They are specified by the message keyword. You can define an optional timeout (in seconds) after which the window is closed automatically. An optional caption is displayed in the windows title bar.
For example
message 5 Hello: This is the message text.
opens a window with "Hello" in the title bar, displaying "This is amessage text.". The window is closed after 5 seconds.
Any text enclosed by '$(' and ')' is interpreted as a command. The command is executed in a shell and its standard output replaces the command text. See also Shell. The message text may extend over several lines, provided each new line starts with at least one character of white space.
For example
message The time is $(date).
date is executed and $(date)
is replaced by its output.
As a result, the following text is displayed in the window:
The time is Wed Aug 10 13:59:06 CEST 2005.
If the message text is empty, then no window is opened.
The following example macro displays a message after a session is stopped only if the free disk space is less than 1000MB:
$DISKSPACE stopsession nobutton message $(DS=$(df -B 1M . | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $4 }'); [ $DS -lt 1000 ] && echo "<h1>! Warning !</h1><h2>Less than <b>${DS}MB</b> of free disk space left!</h2> Please make backups and clean up to make room for the next recording!")
A text browser displays text from a file in a simple html capable browser. The text browser is specified by the browse keyword. An optional caption is displayed in the windows title bar.
For example
browse RELACS Macros: doc/html/macros.html
opens a text browser with "RELACS Macros" in the title bar,
displaying the content of the file doc/html/macros.html
Any text enclosed by '$(' and ')' is interpreted as a command. The command is executed in a shell and its standard output replaces the command text. See also Shell.
![]() | Note |
browse takes a file name as argument and not the text it should display as message does. |
Shell comands are introduced by the shell keyword.
shell cp foo.dat foo.dat.bak
The following environment variables can be used from within a shell command:
The path where RELACS stores data.
The default path where RELACS stores data (inbetween sessions).
The elapsed time of the current session formatted as a string.
The elapsed time of the current session in seconds.
Equals "1" if the session gets saved.
The shell command may span several lines provided each new line starts with at least one character of white space.
You can call another macro from within a macro. Just give the name of the macro you want to call after the keyword macro.
For example
macro SAMs
calls the macro "SAMs".
If the macro that is called has variables you can set the values of those variables like this:
macro SAMs: duration=42s
Like for a RePro, several line can be used for the variables.
A different set of macros can be loaded from a file. Write the name of the file behind the keyword switch.
For example
switch newmacros.cfg
loads the macros defined in the file newmacros.cfg
By default, all current macros are removed when loading / switiching to a new macro configuration file. However, individual macros can be excluded from being removed by marking them with keep (see A Macro and the overwrite keyword as well).
An action containing simply the keyword
starts a new session, but without calling the startsession - macro (see A Macro).
An action containing simply the keyword
stops a running session, but without calling the stopsession - macro (see A Macro). The metadata dialog is not launched and the preset values for the metadata are used for saving a session.
An action containing simply the keyword
quits relacs. A running session is stopped without calling the stopsession - macro (see A Macro) and without launching the metadata dialog. The preset values for the metadata are used for saving a session.
Finally, here is an example of a complete Macro definition:
$SAMs: repeats=10 SAM: deltaf=5Hz; repeats=$repeats SAM: deltaf=10Hz; repeats=$repeats FICurve message 4: You did it!
The macro is called "SAMs" (for "Sinusoidal Amplitude Modulations").
It is an ordinary macro, since none of the keywords is specified
behind the name. Therefore it will get a button labeled "SAMs"
and one of the function keys F1 - F10.
It has a single variable repeats
that is set by default to 10
The macro calls subsequently twice the RePro SAM with the deltaf
set to 5 and 10Hz and the repeats
option set to the value of the macro's
The the RePro FICurve is called with default parameter settings.
After the FICurve RePro is finished the message "You did it!" is displayed
in a window that closes automatically after 4 seconds, and
the fallback Macro is called.
Menu and buttons: to be written
The following shortcut keys control the macros:
ESC: Start the fallback macro. You can continue within the interrupted macro by hitting R or N (see below). If RELACS does not have the key focus, ESC transfers the key focus to RELACS. In this situation press ESC twice to start the fallback macro. The keyfocus is, however, automatically returned to RELACS within 15 seconds.
F1-F12: Start a macro.
Shift+ESC: Open menu of fallback macro.
Shift+F1-F12: Open macro menu.
S: Skip current RePro and start the next RePro of the current macro.
B: ("Break") Pause current macro by starting the fallback macro after the current RePro finished.
R: ("Resume") Resume macro with the RePro where it was interrupted by either ESC or B.
N: ("Resume Next") Resume macro with the RePro following the one where the macro was interrupted by either ESC or B.
See Key Shortcuts for a complete list of shortcut keys.