Chapter 4. Configuration

The following is going to be a complete description of the RELACS configuration files. Right now, this is not finished yet. If you have questions regarding the configuration of RELACS, please contact me (, subject: RELACS).

RELACS is controlled by three configuration files


This configuration file defines the basic, more or less hardware dependent settings for RELACS, e.g. input devices and channels, output devices and channels, filter, detectors, etc.


Here, all default parameter for research protocols, filter, detectors, and controls are stored.


Specifies macros, i.e. lists of research protocols. The format of this file is described in detail in the following chapter (Macros).

4.1. The relacs.cfg configuration file

The configuration file consists of several sections. Each section starts with a '*' followed by the name of the section. Within each section the configuration settings are specified as name-value pairs. In the following, the settings are described for each section.

4.1.1. Settings

Some general settings.

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4.1.2. MetaData

Defines sections in the stop session dialog.

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4.1.3. RELACS

Defines the input and output traces.

  • input data: The input traces.

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  • output data: The output traces.

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4.1.4. FilterDetectors

The list of filter and detectors.

  • FilterN: Introduces a new filter/detector.

  • name: A name for this particular filter that is used for its output.

  • filter: The name of the filter plugin.

  • inputtrace: The name of the input trace.

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4.1.5. Macros

The name and behavior of macro configuration files.

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4.1.6. Devices

A list of all devices, that do not fit into the following categories.

  • pluginN: The name of the plugin for controlling the device.

  • deviceN: The name of the device file.

  • identN: A short and unique name for this device.

4.1.7. Analog Input Devices

A list of all used analog input devices, probably part of data acquisition boards.

  • pluginN: The name of the plugin for controlling the device.

  • deviceN: The name of the device file, e.g. /dev/comedi0.

  • identN: A short and unique name for this device.

4.1.8. Analog Output Devices

A list of all used analog output devices, probably part of data acquisition boards.

  • pluginN: The name of the plugin for controlling the device.

  • deviceN: The name of the device file, e.g. /dev/comedi0.

  • identN: A short and unique name for this device.

4.1.9. Digital I/O Devices

A list of all used digital I/O devices, probably part of data acquisition boards.

  • pluginN: The name of the plugin for controlling the device.

  • deviceN: The name of the device file, e.g. /dev/comedi0.

  • identN: A short and unique name for this device.

4.1.10. Attenuator Devices

A list of all used attenuators, that are connected to analog output lines.

  • pluginN: The name of the plugin for controlling the device.

  • deviceN: The name of the device file.

  • identN: A short and unique name for this device.

4.1.11. Attenuator Interfaces

The plugins that define how the intensity value of an output signal is translated into an attenuation via an attenuator device.

  • pluginN: The name of the attenuator interface plugin.

  • deviceN: The identifier of the attenuator device.

  • lineN: The line ofthe attenuator device.

  • aoN: The identifier of the analog output device.

  • channelN: The channel number on the analog output device.

  • identN: A short and unique identifier for the attenuator interface.

4.1.12. Setup

Some specifications of the recording setup.

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