Relacs Core Library
#include <model.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Model (const string &name, const string &pluginset="", const string &author="unknown", const string &version="unknown", const string &date=__DATE__) | |
virtual | ~Model (void) |
virtual void | main (void) |
virtual void | process (const OutData &source, OutData &dest) |
virtual void | notify (void) |
virtual Options | metaData (void) |
double | signal (double t, int trace=0) const |
bool | interrupt (void) const |
bool | isRunning (void) const |
void | push (int trace, float val) |
void | next (void) |
int | traces (void) const |
string | traceName (int trace) const |
double | deltat (int trace) const |
double | time (int trace) const |
float | scale (int trace) const |
void | waitOnSignals (void) |
double | load (void) const |
virtual void | addActions (QMenu *menu, bool doxydoc) |
![]() | |
RELACSPlugin (const string &configident="", int configgroup=0, const string &name="", const string &pluginset="", const string &author="unknown", const string &version="unknown", const string &date=__DATE__) | |
virtual | ~RELACSPlugin (void) |
QWidget * | widget (void) |
void | setWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | setLayout (QLayout *layout) |
int | desktopWidth (void) const |
int | desktopHeight (void) const |
virtual void | setName (const string &name) |
string | pluginSet (void) const |
string | uniqueName (void) const |
void | setShortUniqueName (void) |
void | setLongUniqueName (void) |
void | updateUniqueName (void) |
const Options & | settings (void) const |
Options & | settings (void) |
void | setSettings (void) |
virtual void | modeChanged (void) |
virtual void | notifyMetaData (void) |
virtual void | notifyStimulusData (void) |
void | setRELACSWidget (RELACSWidget *rw) |
virtual string | helpFileName (void) const |
const InList & | traces (void) const |
const InData & | trace (int index) const |
const InData & | trace (const string &ident) const |
int | traceIndex (const string &ident) const |
string | traceNames (void) const |
string | rawTraceNames (void) const |
const EventList & | events (void) const |
const EventData & | events (int index) const |
const EventData & | events (const string &ident) const |
const EventData & | stimulusEvents (void) const |
const EventData & | restartEvents (void) const |
const EventData & | recordingEvents (void) const |
int | traceInputTrace (int trace) const |
int | traceInputTrace (const string &ident) const |
int | traceInputEvent (int trace) const |
int | traceInputEvent (const string &ident) const |
int | eventInputTrace (int event) const |
int | eventInputTrace (const string &ident) const |
int | eventInputEvent (int event) const |
int | eventInputEvent (const string &ident) const |
double | signalTime (void) const |
double | currentTime (void) const |
double | currentTimeRaw (void) const |
void | addTracesEvents (deque< InList * > &data, deque< EventList * > &events) |
void | setTracesEvents (const InList &data, const EventList &event) |
void | assignTracesEvents (const InList &data, const EventList &events) |
void | assignTracesEvents (void) |
void | updateDerivedTracesEvents (void) |
int | getData (double mintracetime=0.0, double prevsignal=-1000.0) |
int | outTracesSize (void) const |
int | outTraceIndex (const string &name) const |
string | outTraceName (int index) const |
string | outTraceNames (void) const |
const TraceSpec & | outTrace (int index) const |
const TraceSpec & | outTrace (const string &name) const |
void | setSignalDelay (int device, double delay) |
bool | acquisition (void) const |
bool | simulation (void) const |
bool | analysis (void) const |
bool | idle (void) const |
string | modeStr (void) const |
Options & | relacsSettings (void) |
const Options & | relacsSettings (void) const |
void | lockRelacsSettings (void) const |
void | unlockRelacsSettings (void) const |
QMutex * | relacsSettingsMutex (void) |
string | path (void) const |
string | addPath (const string &file) const |
string | defaultPath (void) const |
string | addDefaultPath (const string &file) const |
bool | saving (void) const |
Options & | stimulusData (void) |
const Options & | stimulusData (void) const |
int | stimulusDataTraceFlag (void) const |
void | lockStimulusData (void) const |
void | unlockStimulusData (void) const |
QMutex * | stimulusDataMutex (void) |
MetaData & | metaData (void) |
const MetaData & | metaData (void) const |
void | lockMetaData (void) const |
void | unlockMetaData (void) const |
QMutex * | metaDataMutex (void) |
AllDevices * | devices (void) const |
Device * | device (const string &ident) |
void | updateDeviceMenu (void) |
DigitalIO * | digitalIO (const string &ident) |
Trigger * | trigger (const string &ident) |
Attenuate * | attenuator (const string &name) |
Filter * | filter (const string &name) |
Filter * | filterTrace (int index) |
Filter * | filterTrace (const string &name) |
Options & | filterOpts (const string &name) |
Options & | filterTraceOpts (int index) |
Options & | filterTraceOpts (const string &name) |
void | lockFilter (const string &name) |
void | lockFilterTrace (int index) |
void | lockFilterTrace (const string &name) |
void | unlockFilter (const string &name) |
void | unlockFilterTrace (int index) |
void | unlockFilterTrace (const string &name) |
void | autoConfigureFilter (Filter *filter, double tbegin, double tend) |
void | autoConfigureFilter (Filter *filter, double duration) |
void | autoConfigureFilter (double tbegin, double tend) |
void | autoConfigureFilter (double duration) |
Filter * | detector (const string &name) |
Filter * | detectorEvents (int index) |
Filter * | detectorEvents (const string &name) |
Options & | detectorOpts (const string &name) |
Options & | detectorEventsOpts (int index) |
Options & | detectorEventsOpts (const string &name) |
void | lockDetector (const string &name) |
void | lockDetectorEvents (int index) |
void | lockDetectorEvents (const string &name) |
void | unlockDetector (const string &name) |
void | unlockDetectorEvents (int index) |
void | unlockDetectorEvents (const string &name) |
void | autoConfigureDetector (Filter *detector, double tbegin, double tend) |
void | autoConfigureDetector (Filter *detector, double duration) |
void | autoConfigureDetectors (double tbegin, double tend) |
void | autoConfigureDetectors (double duration) |
double | sessionTime (void) const |
string | sessionTimeStr (void) const |
bool | sessionRunning (void) const |
int | reproCount (void) const |
virtual void | sessionStarted (void) |
virtual void | sessionStopped (bool saved) |
bool | globalKeyEvents (void) |
void | setGlobalKeyEvents (bool global=true) |
![]() | |
ConfigDialog (const string &configident="", int configgroup=0, const string &name="", const string &author="", const string &version="", const string &date=__DATE__) | |
virtual | ~ConfigDialog (void) |
string | name (void) const |
string | author (void) const |
virtual void | setAuthor (const string &author) |
string | version (void) const |
virtual void | setVersion (const string &version) |
string | date (void) const |
virtual void | setDate (const string &date) |
virtual void | dialogOptions (OptDialog *od) |
virtual void | dialogButtons (OptDialog *od) |
virtual void | dialogEmptyMessage (OptDialog *od) |
int | dialogSelectMask (void) const |
void | setDialogSelectMask (int mask) |
void | addDialogSelectMask (int mask) |
int | dialogReadOnlyMask (void) const |
void | setDialogReadOnlyMask (int mask) |
void | addDialogReadOnlyMask (int mask) |
int | dialogStyle (void) const |
void | setDialogStyle (int style) |
void | addDialogStyle (int style) |
string | dialogCaption (void) const |
void | setDialogCaption (const string &caption) |
bool | dialogHeader (void) const |
void | setDialogHeader (bool d) |
string | headerBackgroundColor (void) const |
void | setHeaderBackgroundColor (const string &color) |
string | headerForegroundColor (void) const |
void | setHeaderForegroundColor (const string &color) |
string | headerImageFile (void) const |
void | setHeaderImageFile (const string &file) |
virtual void | dialogHeaderWidget (OptDialog *od) |
bool | dialogHelp (void) const |
void | setDialogHelp (bool d) |
string | helpCaption (void) const |
void | setHelpCaption (const string &caption) |
string | helpPath (int inx=0) const |
int | helpPathes (void) const |
void | clearHelpPathes (void) |
void | setHelpPath (const string &path) |
void | addHelpPath (const string &path) |
bool | dialogOpen (void) const |
bool | helpOpen (void) const |
QWidget * | mainWidget (void) |
virtual void | setMainWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | lock () const |
void | unlock () const |
bool | tryLock (int timeout=1) |
QMutex * | mutex (void) |
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ConfigClass (const string &ident, int group=0, int mode=0xffff, int selectmask=0) | |
ConfigClass (const ConfigClass &C) | |
virtual | ~ConfigClass (void) |
const string & | configIdent (void) const |
void | setConfigIdent (const string &ident) |
int | configGroup (void) const |
void | setConfigGroup (int group) |
int | configMode (void) const |
void | setConfigMode (int mode) |
void | addConfigMode (int mode) |
void | delConfigMode (int mode) |
int | configSelectMask (void) const |
void | setConfigSelectMask (int mask) |
void | addConfig (void) |
void | readConfig (void) |
virtual void | readConfig (StrQueue &sq) |
virtual void | saveConfig (ofstream &str) |
virtual int | configSize (void) const |
virtual void | config (void) |
virtual void | preConfig (void) |
Options (void) | |
Options (const Options &o) | |
Options (const Options &o, int flags) | |
Options (const string &name, const string &type, int flags, int style) | |
Options (const Str &opttxt, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;") | |
Options (const StrQueue &sq, const string &assignment=":=") | |
Options (istream &str, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", string *line=0) | |
virtual | ~Options (void) |
Options & | operator= (const Options &o) |
Options & | assign (const Options &o) |
Options & | append (const Options &o) |
Options & | add (const Options &o) |
Options & | insert (const Options &o, const string &atname="") |
Options & | assign (const Options &o, int flags) |
Options & | copy (Options &o, int flags) |
Options & | append (const Options &o, int flags) |
Options & | add (const Options &o, int flags) |
Options & | insert (const Options &o, int flags, const string &atname="") |
Parameter * | assign (const string &name, const string &value) |
Options * | parentSection (void) |
const Options * | parentSection (void) const |
void | setParentSection (Options *parentsection) |
void | resetParents (void) |
Options * | rootSection (void) |
const Options * | rootSection (void) const |
string | name (void) const |
virtual void | setName (const string &name, const string &type) |
string | type (void) const |
void | setType (const string &type) |
string | include (void) const |
void | setInclude (const string &include) |
void | setInclude (const string &url, const string &name) |
int | flag (void) const |
bool | flag (int selectflag) const |
Options & | setFlag (int flag) |
Options & | addFlag (int flag) |
Options & | delFlag (int flag) |
Options & | clearFlag (void) |
int | style (void) const |
Options & | setStyle (int style) |
Options & | addStyle (int style) |
Options & | delStyle (int style) |
Options & | clearStyle (void) |
bool | checkType (int mask) const |
Str | warning (void) const |
iterator | begin (void) |
iterator | end (void) |
const_iterator | begin (void) const |
const_iterator | end (void) const |
section_iterator | sectionsBegin (void) |
section_iterator | sectionsEnd (void) |
const_section_iterator | sectionsBegin (void) const |
const_section_iterator | sectionsEnd (void) const |
const_iterator | find (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const |
iterator | find (const string &pattern, int level=-1) |
const_iterator | rfind (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const |
iterator | rfind (const string &pattern, int level=-1) |
const_section_iterator | findSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const |
section_iterator | findSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1) |
const_section_iterator | rfindSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1) const |
section_iterator | rfindSection (const string &pattern, int level=-1) |
const Parameter & | operator[] (int i) const |
Parameter & | operator[] (int i) |
const Parameter & | operator[] (const string &name) const |
Parameter & | operator[] (const string &name) |
const Options & | section (int i) const |
Options & | section (int i) |
const Options & | section (const string &name) const |
Options & | section (const string &name) |
Str | request (const string &name) const |
Parameter & | setRequest (const string &name, const string &request) |
Parameter::ValueType | valueType (const string &name) const |
Parameter & | setValueType (const string &name, Parameter::ValueType type) |
int | flags (const string &name) const |
bool | flags (const string &name, int flag) const |
Parameter & | setFlags (const string &name, int flags) |
Parameter & | addFlags (const string &name, int flags) |
Parameter & | delFlags (const string &name, int flags) |
Parameter & | clearFlags (const string &name) |
bool | changed (const string &name) |
int | style (const string &name) const |
Parameter & | setStyle (const string &name, int style) |
Parameter & | addStyle (const string &name, int style) |
Parameter & | delStyle (const string &name, int style) |
Str | format (const string &name) const |
Parameter & | setFormat (const string &name, int width=0, int prec=-1, char fmt='g') |
Parameter & | setFormat (const string &name, const string &format) |
int | formatWidth (const string &name) const |
int | size (const string &name) const |
Parameter & | add (const Parameter &np) |
Parameter & | insert (const Parameter &np, const string &atname="") |
Parameter & | addText (const string &name, const string &request, const string &dflt, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addText (const string &name, const string &dflt="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertText (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, const string &dflt, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertText (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &dflt="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Str | text (const string &name, int index, const string &dflt="", const string &format="", const string &unit="") const |
Str | text (const string &name, const string &dflt="", const string &format="", const string &unit="") const |
void | texts (const string &name, vector< string > &s, const string &format="", const string &unit="") const |
Str | allText (const string &name, const string &dflt="", const string &format="", const string &unit="", const string &separator=", ") const |
Parameter & | setText (const string &name, const string &strg) |
Parameter & | setText (const string &name, const Parameter &p) |
Parameter & | pushText (const string &name, const string &strg) |
Str | defaultText (const string &name, const string &format="", const string &unit="") const |
Parameter & | setDefaultText (const string &name, const string &dflt) |
Parameter & | addSelection (const string &name, const string &request, const string &selection, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addSelection (const string &name, const string &selection="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertSelection (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, const string &selection, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertSelection (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &selection="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | selectText (const string &name, const string &strg, int add=0) |
Parameter & | selectText (const string &name, int index) |
int | index (const string &name) const |
int | index (const string &name, const string &strg) const |
Parameter & | addNumber (const string &name, const string &request, double dflt, double minimum, double maximum=MAXDOUBLE, double step=1.0, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addNumber (const string &name, const string &request, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addNumber (const string &name, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addNumber (const string &name, double dflt, const string &unit, int flags, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addNumber (const string &name, double dflt, double error, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addNumber (const string &name, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, double dflt, double minimum, double maximum=MAXDOUBLE, double step=1.0, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, double dflt, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertNumber (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &unit="", const string &format="", int flags=0, int style=0) |
double | number (const string &name, double dflt=0.0, const string &unit="", int index=0) const |
double | number (const string &name, const string &unit, double dflt=0.0, int index=0) const |
double | number (const string &name, int index, double dflt=0.0, const string &unit="") const |
double | number (const string &name, int index, const string &unit, double dflt=0.0) const |
void | numbers (const string &name, vector< double > &n, const string &unit="") const |
double | error (const string &name, const string &unit="", int index=0) const |
double | error (const string &name, int index, const string &unit="") const |
void | errors (const string &name, vector< double > &n, const string &unit="") const |
Parameter & | setNumber (const string &name, double number, double error, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | setNumber (const string &name, double number, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | pushNumber (const string &name, double number, double error=-1.0, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | pushNumber (const string &name, double number, const string &unit) |
Parameter & | setNumber (const string &name, const Parameter &p) |
double | defaultNumber (const string &name, const string &unit="") const |
Parameter & | setDefaultNumber (const string &name, double dflt, const string &unit="") |
double | minimum (const string &name, const string &unit="") const |
double | maximum (const string &name, const string &unit="") const |
double | step (const string &name, const string &unit="") const |
Parameter & | setStep (const string &name, double step, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | setMinMax (const string &name, double minimum=-MAXDOUBLE, double maximum=MAXDOUBLE, double step=1.0, const string &unit="") |
Str | unit (const string &name) const |
Str | outUnit (const string &name) const |
Parameter & | setUnit (const string &name, const string &internunit, const string &outunit="") |
Parameter & | setOutUnit (const string &name, const string &outputunit) |
Parameter & | changeUnit (const string &name, const string &internunit) |
Parameter & | addInteger (const string &name, const string &request, long dflt, long minimum=LONG_MIN, long maximum=LONG_MAX, long step=1, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addInteger (const string &name, long dflt, const string &unit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addInteger (const string &name, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | insertInteger (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &request, long dflt, long minimum=LONG_MIN, long maximum=LONG_MAX, long step=1, const string &unit="", const string &outputunit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertInteger (const string &name, const string &atname, long dflt, const string &unit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertInteger (const string &name, const string &atname, const string &unit="", int width=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
long | integer (const string &name, const string &unit="", long dflt=0, int index=0) const |
long | integer (const string &name, int index, long dflt=0, const string &unit="") const |
long | integer (const string &name, int index, const string &unit, long dflt=0) const |
void | integers (const string &name, vector< long > &n, const string &unit="") const |
void | integers (const string &name, vector< int > &n, const string &unit="") const |
Parameter & | setInteger (const string &name, long number, long error, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | setInteger (const string &name, long number, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | pushInteger (const string &name, long number, long error, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | pushInteger (const string &name, long number, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | setInteger (const string &name, const Parameter &p) |
long | defaultInteger (const string &name, const string &unit="") const |
Parameter & | setDefaultInteger (const string &name, long dflt, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | setMinMax (const string &name, long minimum=LONG_MIN, long maximum=LONG_MAX, long step=1, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | setMinMax (const string &name, int minimum, int maximum, int step=1, const string &unit="") |
Parameter & | addBoolean (const string &name, const string &request, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addBoolean (const char *name, const char *request, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addBoolean (const string &name, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addBoolean (const char *name, bool dflt, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertBoolean (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &request="", bool dflt=false, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertBoolean (const string &name, const string &atname, int flags=0, int style=0) |
bool | boolean (const string &name, bool dflt=false, int index=0) const |
bool | boolean (const string &name, int index, bool dflt=false) const |
void | booleans (const string &name, vector< bool > &n) const |
Parameter & | setBoolean (const string &name, bool b) |
Parameter & | setBoolean (const string &name, const Parameter &p) |
bool | defaultBoolean (const string &name) const |
Parameter & | setDefaultBoolean (const string &name, bool dflt) |
Parameter & | addDate (const string &name, const string &request, int year=0, int month=0, int day=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addDate (const string &name, int year, int month, int day, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addDate (const string &name, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertDate (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &request="", int year=0, int month=0, int day=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertDate (const string &name, const string &atname, int year=0, int month=0, int day=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertDate (const string &name, const string &atname, int flags=0, int style=0) |
const Parameter & | date (const string &name, int index, int &year, int &month, int &day) const |
Parameter & | setDate (const string &name, int year, int month, int day) |
Parameter & | setDate (const string &name, const string &date) |
Parameter & | setDate (const string &name, const struct tm &date) |
Parameter & | setDate (const string &name, const time_t &time) |
Parameter & | setCurrentDate (const string &name) |
Parameter & | setDate (const string &name, const Parameter &p) |
const Parameter & | defaultDate (const string &name, int index, int &year, int &month, int &day) const |
Parameter & | setDefaultDate (const string &name, int year, int month, int day) |
Parameter & | addTime (const string &name, const string &request, int hour=0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addTime (const string &name, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | addTime (const string &name, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertTime (const string &name, const string &atname="", const string &request="", int hour=0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertTime (const string &name, const string &atname, int hour=0, int minutes=0, int seconds=0, int milliseconds=0, int flags=0, int style=0) |
Parameter & | insertTime (const string &name, const string &atname, int flags=0, int style=0) |
const Parameter & | time (const string &name, int index, int &hour, int &minutes, int &seconds, int &milliseconds) const |
Parameter & | setTime (const string &name, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds=0) |
Parameter & | setTime (const string &name, const string &time) |
Parameter & | setTime (const string &name, const struct tm &time) |
Parameter & | setTime (const string &name, const time_t &time) |
Parameter & | setCurrentTime (const string &name) |
Parameter & | setTime (const string &name, const Parameter &p) |
const Parameter & | defaultTime (const string &name, int index, int &hour, int &minutes, int &seconds, int &milliseconds) const |
Parameter & | setDefaultTime (const string &name, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds=0) |
Options & | newSection (int level, const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (int level, const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSubSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSubSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | addSection (const string &name, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | addSection (const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | insertSection (const string &name, const string &atpattern, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | insertSection (const string &name, const string &atpattern, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (int level, const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (int level, const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (int level, const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSubSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | newSubSubSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | addSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | addSection (const Options &opt, const string &name="", const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | addSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | insertSection (const Options &opt, int selectmask, const string &name, const string &atpattern, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | insertSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, const string &atpattern, const string &type="", int flag=0, int style=0) |
Options & | insertSection (const Options &opt, const string &name, const string &atpattern, int flag, int style=0) |
Options & | newSection (Options *opt, bool newparent=false) |
Options & | addSection (Options *opt, bool newparent=false) |
Options & | insertSection (Options *opt, const string &atpattern, bool newparent=false) |
Options & | newSections (Options *opt, bool newparent=false) |
void | endSection (void) |
void | clearSections (void) |
void | setSection (Options &opt) |
void | lastSection (void) |
int | up (void) |
int | down (void) |
Parameter & | setDefault (const string &name) |
Options & | setDefaults (int flags=0) |
Parameter & | setToDefault (const string &name) |
Options & | setToDefaults (int flags=0) |
Options & | erase (iterator p) |
Options & | erase (section_iterator p) |
Options & | erase (Options *s) |
Options & | erase (const string &pattern) |
Options & | erase (int selectflag) |
Options & | pop (void) |
Options & | popSection (void) |
Options & | flatten (Options *root=0) |
Options & | clear (bool revert=true) |
int | size (void) const |
int | size (int selectflag) const |
bool | empty (void) const |
int | parameterSize (void) const |
int | parameterSize (int flags) const |
int | sectionsSize (void) const |
int | sectionsSize (int flags) const |
bool | exist (const string &pattern) const |
bool | existSection (const string &pattern) const |
Options & | setFlags (int flags, int selectflag=0) |
Options & | addFlags (int flags, int selectflag=0) |
Options & | delFlags (int flags, int selectflag=0) |
Options & | setValueTypeFlags (int flags, int typemask) |
Options & | addValueTypeFlags (int flags, int typemask) |
Options & | delValueTypeFlags (int flags, int typemask) |
Options & | setStyles (int style, int selectflag=0) |
Options & | addStyles (int style, int selectflag=0) |
Options & | delStyles (int style, int selectflag=0) |
int | styleSize (int style) const |
Options & | setValueTypeStyles (int style, int typemask) |
Options & | addValueTypeStyles (int style, int typemask) |
Options & | delValueTypeStyles (int style, int typemask) |
int | nameWidth (int selectmask=0, bool detailed=false, bool escape=false) const |
string | save (int selectmask=0, int flags=0) const |
ostream & | save (ostream &str, const string &start="", int selectmask=0, int flags=0, int width=-1) const |
ostream & | save (ostream &str, const string &textformat, const string &numberformat, const string &boolformat="%i=%b", const string &dateformat="%i=%04Y-%02m-%02d", const string &timeformat="%i=%02H:%02M:%02S", const string §ionformat="%i", int selectmask=0, const string &start="") const |
ostream & | saveXML (ostream &str, int selectmask=0, int flags=0, int level=0, int indent=4) const |
Options & | read (const string &opttxt, int flag, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;", int *indent=0) |
Options & | read (const string &opttxt, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;") |
istream & | read (istream &str, int flag, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", Str *line=0) |
istream & | read (istream &str, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", Str *line=0) |
Options & | read (const StrQueue &sq, int flag=0, const string &assignment=":=") |
bool | read (const Parameter &p, int flag=0) |
Options & | read (const Options &o, int flags=0, int flag=0) |
bool | readAppend (const Parameter &p) |
Options & | readAppend (const Options &o, int flags=0) |
Options & | load (const Str &opttxt, const string &assignment=":=", const string &separator=",;", int *indent=0, int *indentspacing=0, int *level=0) |
istream & | load (istream &str, const string &assignment=":=", const string &comment="#", const string &stop="", string *line=0) |
Options & | load (const StrQueue &sq, const string &assignment=":=") |
void | callNotifies (void) |
bool | setNotify (bool notify=true) |
bool | unsetNotify (void) |
bool | notifying (void) const |
Friends | |
class | Simulator |
class | ModelThread |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | Action |
enum | SaveFlags |
typedef deque< Parameter > ::iterator | iterator |
typedef deque< Parameter > ::const_iterator | const_iterator |
typedef deque< Options * > ::iterator | section_iterator |
typedef deque< Options * > ::const_iterator | const_section_iterator |
![]() | |
virtual void | saveDoxygenOptions (void) |
virtual void | saveWidget (void) |
![]() | |
virtual void | dialog (void) |
virtual void | help (void) |
![]() | |
void | dialogAccepted (void) |
void | dialogAction (int r) |
void | dialogClosed (int r) |
![]() | |
static void | setConfigureClasses (ConfigureClasses *cfg) |
static double | floorLog10 (double v) |
static double | floor10 (double v, double scale=1.0) |
static double | ceil10 (double v, double scale=1.0) |
![]() | |
static const int | DeviceId = 0x0001 |
static const int | AnalogInputId = 0x0002 |
static const int | AnalogOutputId = 0x0004 |
static const int | DigitalIOId = 0x0008 |
static const int | TriggerId = 0x0010 |
static const int | AttenuatorId = 0x0020 |
static const int | AttenuateId = 0x0040 |
static const int | ModelId = 0x0080 |
static const int | FilterId = 0x0100 |
static const int | ReProId = 0x0200 |
static const int | ControlId = 0x0400 |
static const int | Core = 0 |
static const int | Plugins = 1 |
![]() | |
static const int | NonDefault |
static const long | TabSection |
![]() | |
void | startTheSession (void) |
void | stopTheSession (void) |
void | toggleSession (void) |
void | removeFocus (void) |
void | muteAudioMonitor (void) |
void | unmuteAudioMonitor (void) |
virtual void | customEvent (QEvent *qce) |
void | widgetDestroyed (QObject *obj) |
![]() | |
virtual void | dClosed (int r) |
virtual void | hClosed (int r) |
![]() | |
virtual void | setPluginSet (const string &pluginset) |
void | printlog (const string &s) const |
void | warning (const string &s, double timeout=0.0) |
void | info (const string &s, double timeout=0.0) |
void | postCustomEvent (int type=0) |
int | maxVoltages (const InData &data, vector< double > &ranges) const |
int | maxValues (const InData &data, vector< double > &ranges) const |
void | setGain (const InData &data, int gainindex) |
void | adjustGain (const InData &data, double maxvalue) |
void | adjustGain (const InData &data, double minvalue, double maxvalue) |
void | adjust (const InData &data, double tbegin, double tend, double threshold) |
void | adjust (const InData &data, double duration, double threshold) |
int | activateGains (void) |
Control * | control (int index) |
Control * | control (const string &name) |
Options & | controlOpts (int index) |
Options & | controlOpts (const string &name) |
void | lockControl (int index) |
void | lockControl (const string &name) |
void | unlockControl (int index) |
void | unlockControl (const string &name) |
Model * | model (void) |
Options & | modelOpts (void) |
void | lockModel (void) |
void | unlockModel (void) |
RePros * | repros (void) |
Options & | reprosDialogOpts (void) |
RePro * | repro (int index) |
RePro * | repro (const string &name) |
Options & | reproOpts (int index) |
Options & | reproOpts (const string &name) |
void | lockRePro (int index) |
void | lockRePro (const string &name) |
void | unlockRePro (int index) |
void | unlockRePro (const string &name) |
RePro * | currentRePro (void) |
Options & | currentReProOpts (void) |
void | lockCurrentRePro (void) |
void | unlockCurrentRePro (void) |
virtual void | keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) |
virtual void | keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *event) |
virtual bool | eventFilter (QObject *obj, QEvent *event) |
void | setWaitMouseCursor (void) |
void | restoreMouseCursor (void) |
![]() | |
void | setDialogOpen (bool open=true) |
void | setHelpOpen (bool open=true) |
![]() | |
RELACSWidget * | RW |
Base class of all models used by Simulate.
Model | ( | const string & | name, |
const string & | pluginset = "" , |
const string & | author = "unknown" , |
const string & | version = "unknown" , |
const string & | date = __DATE__ |
) |
Construct a Model with name name (has to be identical to the class name) that belongs to the set of plugins named pluginset. The implementation of a class derived from Model has the version version and was written by author on date.
References Model::ModelThread.
virtual |
Reimplement this function with your own simulation. You can check the expected input traces using traces(), traceName(), deltat(), and scale(). Eventually you should fill all input traces using push() and next() in an infinite loop that only terminates if interrupt() returns true
.. With signal() the current stimulus can be retrieved.
Process a new signal. By reimplementing this function, any signals can be preprocessed before they are used by the model via signal() in main(). The original signal is source. The processed signal has to be written to dest. dest is initialized as an empty OutData. By default, dest is simply copied to source.
References OutData::level(), OutData::NoLevel, and relacs::pow().
virtual |
This function is called whenever some Options of the Model are changed. The default implementation simply restarts the simulation, assuming that main() first reads out the Options.
Reimplemented from ConfigClass.
virtual |
This function is called at the end of a recording session and should return any metadata describing the model and its parameter. The metadata are then saved to the sessions info file. The default implementation simply returns the Model's Options.
Referenced by RELACSWidget::stopSession().
double signal | ( | double | t, |
int | trace = 0 |
) | const |
Returns the signal of output trace trace at time t. Specifically, this function returns the data value of the current signal at or right before time t. Time t is measured in seconds, relative to the time of the recorded traces.
References RELACSPlugin::trace().
Referenced by Model::next().
bool interrupt | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns true
if the simulation thread should be stopped. Use this within main() to terminate the simulation properly.
bool isRunning | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns true
if the Model thread is running.
Referenced by Simulator::read().
void push | ( | int | trace, |
float | val | ||
) |
Push the value val of trace trace to the data buffer.
References InList::push(), and RELACSPlugin::trace().
void next | ( | void | ) |
Tell relacs that one cycle of model calculations is finished and that the values for all traces have been pushed. This function computes the model of a dynamic clamp task and waits if necessary to ensure real time behavior.
References InList::currentTime(), AnalogInput::model(), and Model::signal().
int traces | ( | void | ) | const |
The number of traces that need to be simulated.
References InList::size().
string traceName | ( | int | trace | ) | const |
The name of trace trace of the simulated data.
References InList::size(), and RELACSPlugin::trace().
double deltat | ( | int | trace | ) | const |
The time step for trace trace of the simulated data. The time step is set to the sampling interval of the data acquisition by default. Adjust it to your needs with setDeltat().
References InList::size(), and RELACSPlugin::trace().
double time | ( | int | trace | ) | const |
The current time of trace trace. This is the number of so far pushed data elements times deltat().
References InList::currentTime(), InList::size(), and RELACSPlugin::trace().
float scale | ( | int | trace | ) | const |
The scale for scaling the voltage into a secondary unit of trace trace of the simulated data. The value in the secondary unit is scale times the voltage at the daq board.
References InList::size(), and RELACSPlugin::trace().
void waitOnSignals | ( | void | ) |
Wait until signals are finished.
Referenced by Simulator::waitForWrite().
double load | ( | void | ) | const |
Returns the averaged load of the simulation process.
Referenced by RELACSWidget::simLoadMessage().
virtual |
Add specific actions to the menu.
References ConfigDialog::dialog(), ConfigDialog::help(), ConfigDialog::name(), RELACSPlugin::saveDoxygenOptions(), RELACSPlugin::saveWidget(), and RELACSPlugin::widget().
Referenced by RELACSWidget::RELACSWidget().
friend |
friend |
Referenced by Model::Model().