Relacs Core Library  0.9.8
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 oCAISimImplementation of AnalogInput simulating an analog input device
 oCAOSimImplementation of AnalogOutput simulating an analog output device
 oCAttSimImplementation of the Attenuator class for simulating an attenuator
 oCAudioMonitorPlays recordings on speakers using portaudio library
 oCControlBase class for widgets that control hardware or analyze data
 oCControlTabsContainer organizing Control plugins
 oCDataBrowserInterface for browsing recorded data
 oCDataOverviewModelThe model for viewing an overview of the data of an DataIndex
 oCDataDescriptionModelThe model for viewing a description of the currently displayed data of an DataIndex
 oCDataIndexIndex to previously recorded data, repro, and stimuli
 oCReadThreadThread for monitoring data reading from the daq boards
 oCWriteThreadThread for waiting on data to be written out
 oCDefaultReProDoes nothing
 oCDefaultSessionMinimum default Session
 oCDeviceListA container template for Device-plugins
 oCDeviceSelectorDialog to allow configuration of available and active devices
 oCDIOSimImplementation of DigitialIO simulating an digital I/O device
 oCFilterBasic virtual class for filtering or detecting events (e.g. spikes)
 oCFilterDetectorsContainer organizing filter and event detectors
 oCFilterDataAdditional data for each filter and detector
 oCFilterSelectorDialog to allow configuration of available and active filters/detectors
 oCInputConfigConfigures analog input traces
 oCMacrosContainer handling Macros
 oCMacroA single Macro
 oCMacroCommandA single command of a macro
 oCMacroButtonAdds a rightClicked signal to a push button
 oCMetaDataGroupLoads meta data from a configuration file
 oCMetaDataManages meta data describing a recording session
 oCModelBase class of all models used by Simulate
 oCOutputConfigConfigures analog output traces
 oCPlotTracePlot trace and spikes
 oCPlotTraceStylePlot style and properties for a trace
 oCPlotEventStylePlot style and properties for a events
 oCPrintThreadWorker thread for printing traces
 oCPluginsDynamically load plugins (libraries) into the running program
 oCPluginTabsContainer organizing relacs plugins
 oCRangeLoopA flexible and sophisticated way to loop trough a range of values
 oCDevicesA container for all devices
 oCAIDevicesA container for analog input devices
 oCAODevicesA container for analog output devices
 oCDIODevicesA container for digital I/O devices
 oCTriggerDevicesA container for trigger devices
 oCAttDevicesA container for attenuator devices
 oCAttInterfacesA container for attenuator interfaces
 oCRELACSPluginAdds specific functions for RELACS plugins to ConfigDialog
 oCRELACSWidgetCoordinates RePros, session, input, output, plotting, and saving
 oCReProParent class of all research programs
 oCReProsContainer handling RePros
 oCReProDataAdditional Data for a RePro used by RePros
 oCSaveFilesSave data to files
 |oCODMLFilesWrite metadata into ODML files
 |\CRelacsFilesWrite recorded data and metadata in native RELACS format
 | oCEventFile
 | \CTraceFile
 oCSessionControls a recording session
 oCSettingsIncludes some general Settings into the configure mechanism
 oCSimulatorSimulation of Acquire
 oCSpikeTraceA nice, almost useless widget, showing an animated trace of a spike
 \CStandardTracesInfrastructure for providing indices to standard inpput and output traces and events