Relacs Core Library
relacs | |
MacroGUI | |
GUIElement | |
TreeElement | |
DetailElement | |
MacroParameter | |
MacroCommandInfo | |
MacroCommandShell | |
MacroCommandBrowse | |
MacroCommandStartsession | |
MacroCommandStopsession | |
MacroCommandShutdown | |
MacroCommandControl | |
MacroCommandSwitch | |
MacroCommandMessage | |
MacroCommandFilterDetector | |
MacroCommandParameter | |
MetaData | |
MacroCommandReproMacro | |
MacroInfo | |
MacroFile | |
MacroMgr | |
MacroFileReader | |
MacroFileWriter | |
AISim | Implementation of AnalogInput simulating an analog input device |
AOSim | Implementation of AnalogOutput simulating an analog output device |
AttSim | Implementation of the Attenuator class for simulating an attenuator |
AudioMonitor | Plays recordings on speakers using portaudio library |
Control | Base class for widgets that control hardware or analyze data |
ControlThread | |
ControlTabs | Container organizing Control plugins |
DataBrowser | Interface for browsing recorded data |
DataOverviewModel | The model for viewing an overview of the data of an DataIndex |
DataDescriptionModel | The model for viewing a description of the currently displayed data of an DataIndex |
DataIndex | Index to previously recorded data, repro, and stimuli |
DataItem | |
ReadThread | Thread for monitoring data reading from the daq boards |
WriteThread | Thread for waiting on data to be written out |
DefaultRePro | Does nothing |
DefaultSession | Minimum default Session |
DeviceList | A container template for Device-plugins |
DeviceSelector | Dialog to allow configuration of available and active devices |
DIOSim | Implementation of DigitialIO simulating an digital I/O device |
Filter | Basic virtual class for filtering or detecting events (e.g. spikes) |
FilterDetectors | Container organizing filter and event detectors |
FilterData | Additional data for each filter and detector |
TreeWrapper | |
Category | |
ActiveFilterData | |
DummyData | |
FilterSelector | Dialog to allow configuration of available and active filters/detectors |
InputConfig | Configures analog input traces |
MacroEditor | |
Macros | Container handling Macros |
Macro | A single Macro |
MacroCommand | A single command of a macro |
MacroButton | Adds a rightClicked signal to a push button |
MetaDataGroup | Loads meta data from a configuration file |
MetaData | Manages meta data describing a recording session |
Model | Base class of all models used by Simulate |
ModelThread | |
OutputConfig | Configures analog output traces |
OptionNames | |
PlotTrace | Plot trace and spikes |
PlotTraceStyle | Plot style and properties for a trace |
PlotEventStyle | Plot style and properties for a events |
PrintThread | Worker thread for printing traces |
Plugins | Dynamically load plugins (libraries) into the running program |
PluginTabs | Container organizing relacs plugins |
RangeLoop | A flexible and sophisticated way to loop trough a range of values |
AllDevices | |
Devices | A container for all devices |
AIDevices | A container for analog input devices |
AODevices | A container for analog output devices |
DIODevices | A container for digital I/O devices |
TriggerDevices | A container for trigger devices |
AttDevices | A container for attenuator devices |
AttInterfaces | A container for attenuator interfaces |
RELACSPlugin | Adds specific functions for RELACS plugins to ConfigDialog |
RelacsPluginEvent | |
RELACSWidget | Coordinates RePros, session, input, output, plotting, and saving |
RelacsWidgetEvent | |
KeyTimeOut | |
RePro | Parent class of all research programs |
ReProThread | |
RePros | Container handling RePros |
ReProData | Additional Data for a RePro used by RePros |
SaveFiles | Save data to files |
ODMLFiles | Write metadata into ODML files |
RelacsFiles | Write recorded data and metadata in native RELACS format |
EventFile | |
TraceFile | |
Session | Controls a recording session |
Settings | Includes some general Settings into the configure mechanism |
Simulator | Simulation of Acquire |
SpikeTrace | A nice, almost useless widget, showing an animated trace of a spike |
SpikeTraceThread | |
StandardTraces | Infrastructure for providing indices to standard inpput and output traces and events |