ScreenshotsClick on the images to enlarge.
The Relacs GUI.
This is how relacs looks when using the
Auditory plugins for doing
electrophysiology on auditory systems.
The running research protocol is the SingleStimulus RePro.
You see the four main widgets of relacs:
EFish Plugins.
This is how relacs looks when using the
EFish plugins for doing electrophysiology
on weakly electric fish.
The upper trace is the membrane voltage of the recorded neuron.
The other two traces are the electic field of the fish (EOD)
with and without the stimulus.
The running research protocol is the Chirps RePro.
Patchclamp Plugins.
This is how relacs looks when using the
Patchclamp plugins for doing electrophysiology
on slices.
The running research protocol is the FICurve RePro.
Base Plugins.
This is how relacs looks when using the
Base plugins.
The running research protocol is the TransferFunction RePro.