
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

... enjoy your recordings

Chirps  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

Measures responses to chirps.

Jan Benda
2.0 (Nov 11, 2014)
Make independent of beat detector
  • nchirps (integer): Number of chirps per stimulus.
  • minspace (number, ms): Minimum time between chirps (AM only).
  • firstspace (number, ms): Time preceeding first chirp (AM only).
  • pause (number, ms): Pause between successive stimuli.
  • deltaf (number, Hz): Beat frequency.
  • contrast (number, %): Contrast (AM amplitude / EOD amplitude)
  • chirpsize (number, Hz): Size of the chirp.
  • chirpwidth (number, ms): Width of the chirp.
  • chirpkurtosis (number): Kurtosis of Gaussian chirp (>1 broader, <1 narrower).
  • chirpampl (number, %): Reduction of EOD amplitude during a chirp.
  • repeats (integer): Number of stimulus repetitions (0: infinite).
  • beatpos (integer): Number of beat positions used for analysis.
  • ratedt (number, ms): Resolution of firing rate.
  • am (boolean): AM stimulus or direct stimulus.
  • sinewave (boolean): If direct stimulus: use sine wave or the fishes EOD.
  • playback (boolean): Record transdermal amplitude evoked by direct stimulus and replay it as an AM stimulus.
  • chirps.dat : General information for each chirp in each stimulus.
  • chirptraces.dat : Frequency and amplitude of the transdermal EOD for each chirp.
  • chirpspikes#.dat : The spikes elicited by each chirp of trace #.
  • chirpallspikes#.dat : The spikes elicited by each stimulus of trace #.
  • chirpnerveampl.dat : The nerve potential elicited by each chirp.
  • chirpnervesmoothampl.dat : The smoothed nerve potential elicited by each chirp.
  • chirpallnerveampl.dat : The nerve potential elicited by each stimulus.
  • chirpallnervesmoothampl.dat : The smoothed nerve potential elicited by each stimulus.
  • chirpeodampl.dat : Amplitude of the transdermal EOD for each stimulus.
  • chirprate.dat : The firing rate for each chirp position.
  • Rate: Spikes (direct stimulus: red, AM: magenta) and firing rate (direct stimulus: yellow, AM: orange) for each chirp position.
  • Beat: Amplitude of transdermal EOD for each chirp position (darkgreen). Last stimulus green.
  • Optional: EOD events (EODEvents1). Recommended if direct stimulation is used.
  • Transdermal EOD recording (EODTrace2) and events (EODEvents2).
  • Recording of the stimulus events (SignalEvents1) if direct stimuli are used.
  • One or more spike events (SpikeEvents[*]) or nerve recordings (NerveTrace1).
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