Misc Relacs Plugins  0.9.8
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCOptions [external]
|\CDevice [external]
| oCAmplMode[Device] Control the mode of an amplifier via DigitalIO
| oCCamera [external]
| |oCOpenCVCamera[Camera] The OpenCVCamera module
| |\COpenCVStereoCamera[Camera] The OpenCVStereoCamera module
| oCManipulator [external]
| |oCKleindiek[Manipulator] The Kleindiek nanotechnik MM3A micromanipulator
| |\CMirob[Manipulator] The Mirob module linear robot from MPH
| \CTemperature [external]
|  \CTempDTM5080[Temperature] The DTM 5080 temperature sensor via serial port