This is the complete list of members for OutList, including all inherited members.
add(OutData *signal, bool own=false) | OutList | |
add(const OutData *signal, bool own=false) | OutList | |
add(const OutList &sigs, bool own=false) | OutList | |
addDaqError(int de) | OutList | |
addError(long long flags) | OutList | |
addErrorStr(const string &strg) | OutList | |
addErrorStr(int errnum) | OutList | |
back(void) const | OutList | |
back(void) | OutList | |
clear(void) | OutList | |
clearError(void) | OutList | |
delError(long long flags) | OutList | |
description(void) const | OutList | |
description(void) | OutList | |
deviceBufferSize(void) | OutList | |
deviceReset(int delay=0) | OutList | |
empty(void) const | OutList | inline |
erase(int index) | OutList | |
errorText(void) const | OutList | |
failed(void) const | OutList | |
front(void) const | OutList | |
front(void) | OutList | |
index(const string &ident) const | OutList | |
lessChannelOLE(const OLE &a, const OLE &b) | OutList | friend |
lessDeviceChannelOLE(const OLE &a, const OLE &b) | OutList | friend |
maxLength(void) const | OutList | |
operator<<(ostream &str, const OutList &ol) | OutList | friend |
operator=(const OutList &ol) | OutList | |
operator[](int i) const | OutList | inline |
operator[](int i) | OutList | inline |
OutList(void) | OutList | |
OutList(OutData &signal) | OutList | |
OutList(OutData *signal, bool own=false) | OutList | |
OutList(const OutList &ol) | OutList | |
push(OutData &signal) | OutList | |
push(const OutList &sigs) | OutList | |
resize(int n, int m=0, double step=1.0) | OutList | |
setContinuous(bool continuous=true) | OutList | |
setDelay(double delay) | OutList | |
setDevice(int device) | OutList | |
setError(long long flags) | OutList | |
setErrorStr(const string &strg) | OutList | |
setErrorStr(int errnum) | OutList | |
setPriority(bool priority=true) | OutList | |
setRestart(bool restart=true) | OutList | |
setSampleInterval(double step) | OutList | |
setSampleRate(double rate) | OutList | |
setStartSource(int startsource) | OutList | |
size(void) const | OutList | inline |
sortByChannel(void) | OutList | |
sortByDeviceChannel(void) | OutList | |
success(void) const | OutList | |
~OutList(void) | OutList |