Relacs  0.9.8
EventList Member List

This is the complete list of members for EventList, including all inherited members.

add(EventData *events, bool own=false)EventList
add(const EventData *events, bool own=false)EventList
add(EventList &events, bool own=false)EventList
add(const EventList &events, bool own=false)EventList
addCyclicRate(SampleDataD &rate, int &trial, double width=0.0, double time=0.0) const EventList
addCyclicRate(SampleDataD &rate, int &trial, const Kernel &kernel, double time=0.0) const EventList
addRate(SampleDataD &rate, int &trial, double width=0.0, double time=0.0) const EventList
addRate(SampleDataD &rate, int &trial, const Kernel &kernel, double time=0.0) const EventList
assign(const EventList *el)EventList
assign(int index, const EventData *data)EventList
average(double tbegin, double tend, const SampleDataD &trace, SampleDataD &ave) const EventList
average(double tbegin, double tend, const SampleDataD &trace, SampleDataD &ave, SampleDataD &sd) const EventList
average(double tbegin, double tend, const SampleDataD &trace, SampleDataD &ave, SampleDataD &sd, vector< SampleDataD > &snippets) const EventList
back(void) const EventList
begin(void) const EventListinline
capacity(void) const EventList
coherence(const SampleDataD &stimulus, SampleDataD &c, bool overlap=true, double(*window)(int j, int n)=bartlett) const EventList
coherence(double tbegin, double tend, double step, SampleDataD &c, bool overlap=true, double(*window)(int j, int n)=bartlett) const EventList
coincidenceRate(SampleDataD &rate, SampleDataD &ratesd, const Kernel &kernel)EventList
const_iterator typedefEventList
correctedIntervalHistogram(double time, SampleDataD &hist) const EventList
correlation(double tbegin, double tend, const Kernel &kernel, double dt, double &sd) const EventList
correlation(double tbegin, double tend, const Kernel &kernel, double dt=0.001) const EventList
count(double tbegin, double tend, double *sd=0) const EventList
cyclicFrequency(SampleDataD &rate, double time=0.0) const EventList
cyclicFrequency(SampleDataD &rate, SampleDataD &sd, double time=0.0) const EventList
cyclicInterval(SampleDataD &intervals, double time=0.0) const EventList
cyclicRate(SampleDataD &rate, double width=0.0, double time=0.0) const EventList
cyclicRate(SampleDataD &rate, const Kernel &kernel, double time=0.0) const EventList
cyclicRate(SampleDataD &rate, SampleDataD &ratesd, const Kernel &kernel, double time=0.0) const EventList
directIntervalHistogram(double time, SampleDataD &hist) const EventList
EL typedefEventList
empty(void) const EventList
end(void) const EventListinline
erase(int index)EventList
EventList(const EventList &el)EventList
EventList(const EventList *el)EventList
EventList(const EventList &el, double tbegin, double tend)EventList
EventList(const EventList &el, double tbegin, double tend, double tref)EventList
EventList(const EventData &events)EventList
EventList(const EventData &events, double tbegin, double tend)EventList
EventList(const EventData &events, double tbegin, double tend, double tref)EventList
EventList(const EventData &events, const EventData &times, double tend)EventList
EventList(const EventData &events, const EventData &times, double tbegin, double tend)EventList
EventList(EventData *events, bool own=false)EventList
EventList(int n, int m=0, bool sizebuffer=false, bool widthbuffer=false)EventList
frequencies(double tbegin, double tend, vector< MapD > &freqs, int pos=-1) const EventList
frequency(double tbegin, double tend) const EventList
frequency(double tbegin, double tend, double &sd) const EventList
frequency(SampleDataD &rate, double time=0.0, double defaultfrequency=-1.0) const EventList
frequency(SampleDataD &rate, SampleDataD &sd, double time=0.0, double defaultfrequency=-1.0) const EventList
frequencyAt(double time, double defaultfrequency=-1.0) const EventList
frequencyAt(double time, double &sd, double defaultfrequency=-1.0) const EventList
frequencyCV(SampleDataD &rate, SampleDataD &cv, double time=0.0) const EventList
front(void) const EventList
index(const string &ident) const EventList
interval(double tbegin, double tend) const EventList
interval(double tbegin, double tend, double &sd) const EventList
interval(SampleDataD &intervals, double time=0.0) const EventList
interval(SampleDataD &intervals, SampleDataD &sd, double time=0.0) const EventList
intervalAt(double time) const EventList
intervalAt(double time, double &sd) const EventList
intervalCV(SampleDataD &intervals, SampleDataD &cv, double time=0.0) const EventList
intervalHistogram(double tbegin, double tend, SampleDataD &hist) const EventList
intervals(SampleData< ArrayD > &intervals, double time=0.0) const EventList
intervals(double tbegin, double tend, ArrayD &intervals) const EventList
intervals(double tbegin, double tend, vector< MapD > &intrvls, int pos=-1) const EventList
intervalsAt(double time, ArrayD &intervals) const EventList
iterator typedefEventList
latency(double time, double *sd=0) const EventList
locking(double tbegin, double tend, double period) const EventListinline
locking(double tbegin, double tend, double period, double &sd) const EventList
operator*=(double x)EventList
operator+=(double x)EventList
operator-=(double x)EventList
operator/=(double x)EventList
operator<<(ostream &str, const EventList &events)EventListfriend
operator=(const EventList &el)EventList
operator[](int i) const EventListinline
operator[](int i)EventListinline
operator[](const string &ident) const EventList
operator[](const string &ident)EventList
poisson(int trials, double rate, double refract, double duration, RandomBase &random=rnd)EventList
push(const EventData &events)EventList
push(const EventData &events, double tbegin, double tend)EventList
push(const EventData &events, double tbegin, double tend, double tref)EventList
push(const ArrayD &events, double tbegin=-HUGE_VAL, double tend=HUGE_VAL, double stepsize=0.0001)EventList
push(const EventData &events, const EventData &times, double tend)EventList
push(const EventData &events, const EventData &times, double tbegin, double tend)EventList
push(const EventList &el)EventList
push(const EventList &el, double tbegin, double tend)EventList
push(const EventList &el, double tbegin, double tend, double tref)EventList
push(int m, bool sizebuffer=false, bool widthbuffer=false)EventList
push(int n, int m, bool sizebuffer=false, bool widthbuffer=false)EventList
rate(double tbegin, double tend, double *sd=0) const EventList
rate(SampleDataD &rate, double width=0.0, double time=0.0) const EventList
rate(SampleDataD &rate, SampleDataD &ratesd, double width=0.0, double time=0.0) const EventList
rate(SampleDataD &rate, const Kernel &kernel, double time=0.0) const EventList
rate(SampleDataD &rate, SampleDataD &ratesd, const Kernel &kernel, double time=0.0) const EventList
reliability(double tbegin, double tend, const Kernel &kernel, double dt, double &sd) const EventList
reliability(double tbegin, double tend, const Kernel &kernel, double dt=0.001) const EventList
reserve(int n)EventList
resize(int n, int m=0, bool sizebuffer=false, bool widthbuffer=false)EventList
saveBox(ostream &os, double bin, int offs=0, double tfac=1.0, int width=0, int prec=5, char frmt='g', int sep=0, double lower=0.1, double upper=0.9, const string &noevents="", double noy=-1.0) const EventList
saveFrequencies(double tbegin, double tend, ostream &os, int pos=-1, double tfac=1.0, int width=0, int prec=5, char frmt='g', int sep=1, const string &noevents="") const EventList
saveIntervals(double tbegin, double tend, ostream &os, int pos=-1, double tfac=1.0, int width=0, int prec=5, char frmt='g', int sep=1, const string &noevents="") const EventList
savePoint(ostream &os, double y=0.0, double tfac=1.0, int width=0, int prec=5, char frmt='g', int sep=1, const string &noevents="", double noy=-1.0) const EventList
saveStroke(ostream &os, int offs=0, double tfac=1.0, int width=0, int prec=5, char frmt='g', int sep=0, double lower=0.1, double upper=0.9, const string &noevents="", double noy=-1.0) const EventList
saveText(ostream &os, double tfac=1.0, int width=0, int prec=5, char frmt='g', int sep=1, const string &noevents="") const EventList
serialCorr(double tbegin, double tend, ArrayD &sc) const EventList
set(int index, const EventData *data, bool own=false)EventList
setLength(double duration)EventList
setOffset(double offset)EventList
setRangeBack(double back)EventList
setRangeFront(double front)EventList
setSignalTime(double s)EventList
setStepsize(double stepsize)EventList
size(void) const EventList
spectra(const SampleDataD &stimulus, SampleDataD &g, SampleDataD &c, SampleDataD &cs, SampleDataD &ss, SampleDataD &rs, bool overlap=true, double(*window)(int j, int n)=bartlett) const EventList
spectra(const SampleDataD &stimulus, SampleDataD &g, SampleDataD &gsd, SampleDataD &c, SampleDataD &csd, SampleDataD &cs, SampleDataD &cssd, SampleDataD &ss, SampleDataD &rs, SampleDataD &rssd, bool overlap=true, double(*window)(int j, int n)=bartlett) const EventList
spectrum(double tbegin, double tend, double step, SampleDataD &psd, bool overlap=true, double(*window)(int j, int n)=bartlett) const EventList
spectrum(double tbegin, double tend, double step, SampleDataD &psd, SampleDataD &sd, bool overlap=true, double(*window)(int j, int n)=bartlett) const EventList
sum(EventData &all) const EventList
sync(EventData &s, double bin, double p=1.0, bool keep=false, double advance=0.0) const EventList
totalCount(double tbegin, double tend) const EventList
trialAveragedSerialCorr(double tbegin, double tend, ArrayD &sc) const EventList
trialAveragedSerialCorr(double tbegin, double tend, ArrayD &sc, ArrayD &sd) const EventList
vectorPhase(double tbegin, double tend, double period) const EventList
vectorPhase(double tbegin, double tend, double period, double &sd) const EventList
vectorStrength(double tbegin, double tend, double period) const EventList
vectorStrength(double tbegin, double tend, double period, double &sd) const EventList