Base Relacs Plugins  0.9.8
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCOptions [external]
|oCConfigClass [external]
||oCDecibelAttenuate[Attenuate] Direct conversion of intensity to attenuation level independent of carrier frequency
||oCLinearAttenuate[Attenuate] Linear conversion of intensity to attenuation level independent of carrier frequency
||\CConfigDialog [external]
|| \CRELACSPlugin [external]
||  oCControl [external]
||  |oCHistogram[RePro] Displays histogram of a selected input trace
||  |oCRobot[Control] Control a robot
||  |\CSpectrumAnalyzer[Control] Displays the spectrum of a voltage trace
||  oCFilter [external]
||  |oCEnvelope[Filter] Computes the envelope of a signal
||  |oCHighPass[Filter] A simple first-order high-pass filter
||  |oCInstantaneousRate[Filter] Computes the instantaneous rate between succeeding events
||  |\CLowPass[Filter] A simple first-order low-pass filter
||  oCModel [external]
||  |\CSimpleModel[Model] A toy model for testing
||  \CRePro [external]
||   oCPause[RePro] Does nothing
||   oCRecord[RePro] Simply records data
||   oCSaveTraces[RePro] Saves data from selected input traces or events for each run into files
||   oCSetAttenuatorGain[RePro] Set the gain factor of an Attenuate interface
||   oCSetInputGain[RePro] Set the gain of analog input traces
||   oCSetOutput[RePro] Set an output to a specified value
||   oCSpectrogram[RePro] Displays a spectrogram of an input trace
||   oCTransferFunction[RePro] Measures the transfer function with band-limited Gaussian white-noise stimuli
||   \CWait[RePro] Wait until a specified (date and) time
|\CDevice [external]
| \CAttenuate [external]
|  oCDecibelAttenuate[Attenuate] Direct conversion of intensity to attenuation level independent of carrier frequency
|  \CLinearAttenuate[Attenuate] Linear conversion of intensity to attenuation level independent of carrier frequency
\CStandardTraces [external]
 \CTraces[lib] Variables for basic input traces and events