Base Relacs Plugins
This is the complete list of members for Robot, including all inherited members.
acquisition(void) const | Control | |
Action enum name | ConfigClass | |
activateGains(void) | Control | protected |
addActions(QMenu *menu, bool doxydoc) | Control | virtual |
addConfig(void) | ConfigClass | |
addConfigMode(int mode) | ConfigClass | |
addDefaultPath(const string &file) const | Control | |
addDialogReadOnlyMask(int mask) | ConfigDialog | |
addDialogSelectMask(int mask) | ConfigDialog | |
addDialogStyle(int style) | ConfigDialog | |
addHelpPath(const string &path) | ConfigDialog | |
addPath(const string &file) const | Control | |
addTracesEvents(deque< InList * > &data, deque< EventList * > &events) | Control | |
adjust(const InData &data, double tbegin, double tend, double threshold) | Control | protected |
adjust(const InData &data, double duration, double threshold) | Control | protected |
adjustGain(const InData &data, double maxvalue) | Control | protected |
adjustGain(const InData &data, double minvalue, double maxvalue) | Control | protected |
AnalogInputId | Control | static |
AnalogOutputId | Control | static |
analysis(void) const | Control | |
apply(void) | Robot | slot |
assignTracesEvents(const InList &data, const EventList &events) | Control | |
assignTracesEvents(void) | Control | |
AttenuateId | Control | static |
attenuator(const string &name) | Control | |
AttenuatorId | Control | static |
author(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
autoConfigureDetector(Filter *detector, double tbegin, double tend) | Control | |
autoConfigureDetector(Filter *detector, double duration) | Control | |
autoConfigureDetectors(double tbegin, double tend) | Control | |
autoConfigureDetectors(double duration) | Control | |
autoConfigureFilter(Filter *filter, double tbegin, double tend) | Control | |
autoConfigureFilter(Filter *filter, double duration) | Control | |
autoConfigureFilter(double tbegin, double tend) | Control | |
autoConfigureFilter(double duration) | Control | |
clearHelpPathes(void) | ConfigDialog | |
config(void) | ConfigClass | virtual |
ConfigClass(const string &ident, int group=0, int mode=0xffff, int selectmask=0) | ConfigClass | |
ConfigClass(const ConfigClass &C) | ConfigClass | |
ConfigDialog(const string &configident="", int configgroup=0, const string &name="", const string &author="", const string &version="", const string &date=__DATE__) | ConfigDialog | |
configGroup(void) const | ConfigClass | |
configIdent(void) const | ConfigClass | |
configMode(void) const | ConfigClass | |
configSelectMask(void) const | ConfigClass | |
configSize(void) const | ConfigClass | virtual |
Control(const string &name, const string &pluginset="", const string &author="unknown", const string &version="unknown", const string &date=__DATE__) | Control | |
control(int index) | Control | protected |
control(const string &name) | Control | protected |
ControlId | Control | static |
controlOpts(int index) | Control | protected |
controlOpts(const string &name) | Control | protected |
Core | Control | static |
currentRePro(void) | Control | protected |
currentReProOpts(void) | Control | protected |
currentTime(void) const | Control | |
currentTimeRaw(void) const | Control | |
customEvent(QEvent *qce) | Control | protectedvirtualslot |
date(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
dClosed(int r) | ConfigDialog | protectedvirtualslot |
defaultPath(void) const | Control | |
delConfigMode(int mode) | ConfigClass | |
desktopHeight(void) const | Control | |
desktopWidth(void) const | Control | |
detector(const string &name) | Control | |
detectorEvents(int index) | Control | |
detectorEvents(const string &name) | Control | |
detectorEventsOpts(int index) | Control | |
detectorEventsOpts(const string &name) | Control | |
detectorOpts(const string &name) | Control | |
device(const string &ident) | Control | |
DeviceId | Control | static |
devices(void) const | Control | |
Dialog enum value | ConfigClass | |
dialog(void) | ConfigDialog | virtualslot |
dialogAccepted(void) | ConfigDialog | signal |
dialogAction(int r) | ConfigDialog | signal |
dialogButtons(OptDialog *od) | ConfigDialog | virtual |
dialogCaption(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
dialogClosed(int r) | ConfigDialog | signal |
dialogEmptyMessage(OptDialog *od) | ConfigDialog | virtual |
dialogHeader(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
dialogHeaderWidget(OptDialog *od) | ConfigDialog | virtual |
dialogHelp(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
dialogOpen(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
DialogOptions | ConfigDialog | protected |
dialogOptions(OptDialog *od, string *tabhotkeys=0) | ConfigDialog | virtual |
dialogReadOnlyMask(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
dialogSelectMask(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
dialogStyle(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
digitalIO(const string &ident) | Control | |
DigitalIOId | Control | static |
errorBox | Robot | protected |
eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) | Control | protectedvirtual |
eventInputEvent(int event) const | Control | |
eventInputEvent(const string &ident) const | Control | |
eventInputTrace(int event) const | Control | |
eventInputTrace(const string &ident) const | Control | |
events(void) const | Control | |
events(int index) const | Control | |
events(const string &ident) const | Control | |
filter(const string &name) | Control | |
FilterId | Control | static |
filterOpts(const string &name) | Control | |
filterTrace(int index) | Control | |
filterTrace(const string &name) | Control | |
filterTraceOpts(int index) | Control | |
filterTraceOpts(const string &name) | Control | |
getData(double mintracetime=0.0, double prevsignal=-1000.0) | Control | |
globalKeyEvents(void) | Control | |
hClosed(int r) | ConfigDialog | protectedvirtualslot |
headerBackgroundColor(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
headerForegroundColor(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
headerImageFile(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
Help enum value | ConfigClass | |
help(void) | ConfigDialog | virtualslot |
helpCaption(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
helpFileName(void) const | Control | virtual |
helpOpen(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
helpPath(int inx=0) const | ConfigDialog | |
helpPathes(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
idle(void) const | Control | |
info(const string &s, double timeout=0.0) | Control | protected |
initDevices(void) | Robot | virtual |
interrupt(void) const | Control | protected |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) | Robot | protectedvirtual |
keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e) | Robot | protectedvirtual |
lock() const | ConfigDialog | |
lockControl(int index) | Control | protected |
lockControl(const string &name) | Control | protected |
lockCurrentRePro(void) | Control | protected |
lockDetector(const string &name) | Control | |
lockDetectorEvents(int index) | Control | |
lockDetectorEvents(const string &name) | Control | |
lockFilter(const string &name) | Control | |
lockFilterTrace(int index) | Control | |
lockFilterTrace(const string &name) | Control | |
lockMetaData(void) const | Control | |
lockModel(void) | Control | protected |
lockRelacsSettings(void) const | Control | |
lockRePro(int index) | Control | protected |
lockRePro(const string &name) | Control | protected |
lockStimulusData(void) const | Control | |
main(void) | Control | protectedvirtual |
mainWidget(void) | ConfigDialog | |
maxValues(const InData &data, vector< double > &ranges) const | Control | protected |
maxVoltages(const InData &data, vector< double > &ranges) const | Control | protected |
Menu enum value | ConfigClass | |
metaData(void) | Control | |
metaData(void) const | Control | |
metaDataMutex(void) | Control | |
modeChanged(void) | Control | virtual |
model(void) | Control | protected |
ModelId | Control | static |
modelOpts(void) | Control | protected |
modeStr(void) const | Control | |
muteAudioMonitor(void) | Control | protectedslot |
mutex(void) | ConfigDialog | |
name(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
notificationFromDialog(const Parameter &p) | ConfigDialog | protectedslot |
notifyDialog(const Options &opt) | ConfigDialog | virtualslot |
notifyMetaData(void) | Control | virtual |
notifyStimulusData(void) | Control | virtual |
otherActionsBox | Robot | protected |
outTrace(int index) const | Control | |
outTrace(const string &name) const | Control | |
outTraceIndex(const string &name) const | Control | |
outTraceName(int index) const | Control | |
outTraceNames(void) const | Control | |
outTracesSize(void) const | Control | |
path(void) const | Control | |
Plugins | Control | static |
pluginSet(void) const | Control | |
postCustomEvent(int type=0) | Control | protected |
preConfig(void) | ConfigClass | virtual |
printlog(const string &s) const | Control | protected |
rawTraceNames(void) const | Control | |
readConfig(void) | ConfigClass | |
readConfig(StrQueue &sq) | ConfigClass | virtual |
recordingEvents(void) const | Control | |
RELACSPlugin(const string &configident="", int configgroup=0, const string &name="", const string &pluginset="", const string &author="unknown", const string &version="unknown", const string &date=__DATE__) | Control | |
relacsSettings(void) | Control | |
relacsSettings(void) const | Control | |
relacsSettingsMutex(void) | Control | |
removeFocus(void) | Control | protectedslot |
repro(int index) | Control | protected |
repro(const string &name) | Control | protected |
reproCount(void) const | Control | |
ReProId | Control | static |
reproOpts(int index) | Control | protected |
reproOpts(const string &name) | Control | protected |
repros(void) | Control | protected |
reprosDialogOpts(void) | Control | protected |
requestStop(void) | Control | virtual |
restartEvents(void) const | Control | |
restoreMouseCursor(void) | Control | protected |
Rob | Robot | protected |
Robot(void) | Robot | |
RW | Control | protected |
Save enum value | ConfigClass | |
saveConfig(ofstream &str) | ConfigClass | virtual |
saveDoxygenOptions(void) | Control | virtualslot |
saveWidget(void) | Control | virtualslot |
saving(void) const | Control | |
sessionRunning(void) const | Control | |
sessionStarted(void) | Control | virtual |
sessionStopped(bool saved) | Control | virtual |
sessionTime(void) const | Control | |
sessionTimeStr(void) const | Control | |
setAuthor(const string &author) | ConfigDialog | virtual |
setConfigGroup(int group) | ConfigClass | |
setConfigIdent(const string &ident) | ConfigClass | |
setConfigMode(int mode) | ConfigClass | |
setConfigSelectMask(int mask) | ConfigClass | |
setConfigureClasses(ConfigureClasses *cfg) | ConfigClass | static |
setDate(const string &date) | ConfigDialog | virtual |
setDialogCaption(const string &caption) | ConfigDialog | |
setDialogHeader(bool d) | ConfigDialog | |
setDialogHelp(bool d) | ConfigDialog | |
setDialogOpen(bool open=true) | ConfigDialog | protected |
setDialogReadOnlyMask(int mask) | ConfigDialog | |
setDialogSelectMask(int mask) | ConfigDialog | |
setDialogStyle(int style) | ConfigDialog | |
setGain(const InData &data, int gainindex) | Control | protected |
setGlobalKeyEvents(bool global=true) | Control | |
setHeaderBackgroundColor(const string &color) | ConfigDialog | |
setHeaderForegroundColor(const string &color) | ConfigDialog | |
setHeaderImageFile(const string &file) | ConfigDialog | |
setHelpCaption(const string &caption) | ConfigDialog | |
setHelpOpen(bool open=true) | ConfigDialog | protected |
setHelpPath(const string &path) | ConfigDialog | |
setLayout(QLayout *layout) | Control | |
setLongUniqueName(void) | Control | |
setMainWidget(QWidget *widget) | ConfigDialog | virtual |
setName(const string &name) | Control | virtual |
setPluginSet(const string &pluginset) | Control | protectedvirtual |
setRELACSWidget(RELACSWidget *rw) | Control | |
setSettings(void) | Control | |
setShortUniqueName(void) | Control | |
setSignalDelay(int device, double delay) | Control | |
settings(void) const | Control | |
settings(void) | Control | |
setTracesEvents(const InList &data, const EventList &event) | Control | |
setVersion(const string &version) | ConfigDialog | virtual |
setWaitMouseCursor(void) | Control | protected |
setWidget(QWidget *widget) | Control | |
signalTime(void) const | Control | |
simulation(void) const | Control | |
sleep(double t) | Control | protected |
sleepOn(double t) | Control | protected |
start(void) | Control | |
startTheSession(void) | Control | protectedslot |
stimulusData(void) | Control | |
stimulusData(void) const | Control | |
stimulusDataMutex(void) | Control | |
stimulusDataTraceFlag(void) const | Control | |
stimulusEvents(void) const | Control | |
stopMirob(void) | Robot | slot |
stopTheSession(void) | Control | protectedslot |
timeStamp(void) | Control | protected |
toggleSession(void) | Control | protectedslot |
trace(int index) const | Control | |
trace(const string &ident) const | Control | |
traceIndex(const string &ident) const | Control | |
traceInputEvent(int trace) const | Control | |
traceInputEvent(const string &ident) const | Control | |
traceInputTrace(int trace) const | Control | |
traceInputTrace(const string &ident) const | Control | |
traceNames(void) const | Control | |
traces(void) const | Control | |
trigger(const string &ident) | Control | |
TriggerId | Control | static |
tryLock(int timeout=1) | ConfigDialog | |
uniqueName(void) const | Control | |
unlock() const | ConfigDialog | |
unlockControl(int index) | Control | protected |
unlockControl(const string &name) | Control | protected |
unlockCurrentRePro(void) | Control | protected |
unlockDetector(const string &name) | Control | |
unlockDetectorEvents(int index) | Control | |
unlockDetectorEvents(const string &name) | Control | |
unlockFilter(const string &name) | Control | |
unlockFilterTrace(int index) | Control | |
unlockFilterTrace(const string &name) | Control | |
unlockMetaData(void) const | Control | |
unlockModel(void) | Control | protected |
unlockRelacsSettings(void) const | Control | |
unlockRePro(int index) | Control | protected |
unlockRePro(const string &name) | Control | protected |
unlockStimulusData(void) const | Control | |
unmuteAudioMonitor(void) | Control | protectedslot |
updateDerivedTracesEvents(void) | Control | |
updateDeviceMenu(void) | Control | |
updateUniqueName(void) | Control | |
version(void) const | ConfigDialog | |
wait(double time=-1.0) | Control | |
waitOnData(double time=MAXDOUBLE) | Control | protected |
waitOnReProFinished(double time=MAXDOUBLE) | Control | protected |
waitOnReProSleep(double time=MAXDOUBLE) | Control | protected |
waitOnSessionPrestop(double time=MAXDOUBLE) | Control | protected |
waitOnSessionStart(double time=MAXDOUBLE) | Control | protected |
waitOnSessionStop(double time=MAXDOUBLE) | Control | protected |
warning(const string &s, double timeout=0.0) | Control | protected |
widget(void) | Control | |
widgetDestroyed(QObject *obj) | Control | protectedslot |
XHiLimLCD | Robot | protected |
XLowLimLCD | Robot | protected |
XPosLCD | Robot | protected |
YHiLimLCD | Robot | protected |
YLowLimLCD | Robot | protected |
YPosLCD | Robot | protected |
ZHiLimLCD | Robot | protected |
ZLowLimLCD | Robot | protected |
ZPosLCD | Robot | protected |
~ConfigClass(void) | ConfigClass | virtual |
~ConfigDialog(void) | ConfigDialog | virtual |
~Control(void) | Control | virtual |
~RELACSPlugin(void) | Control | virtual |
~Robot(void) | Robot |