
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

... enjoy your recordings

Paper on relacs technologies

  1. Lyuba Zehl, Florent Jaillet, Adrian Stoewer, Jan Grewe, Andrey Sobolev, Thomas Wachtler, Thomas G. Brochier, Alexa Riehle, Michael Denker & Sonja Grün (2016):
    Handling Metadata in a Neurophysiology Laboratory.
    Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 10: 26[Abstract]  [PDF]
  2. Jan Grewe, Thomas Wachtler & Jan Benda (2011):
    A bottom-up approach to data annotation in neurophysiology.
    Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 5: 16[Abstract]  [PDF]
  3. Jan Benda, Tim Gollisch, Christian K. Machens & Andreas V. M. Herz (2007):
    From response to stimulus: adaptive sampling in sensory physiology.
    Current Opinion in Neurobiology 17(4): 430-436[Abstract]  [PDF]

Poster on relacs

  1. Jan Benda & Jan Grewe (2011):
    Closed-loop electrophysiological experiments and automated metadata acquisition with RELACS.
    33th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference.  [Abstract]  [PDF]
  2. Jan Benda (2009):
    RELACS - a modular software platform for closed-loop and dynamic clamp experiments.
    32th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference.  [Abstract]  [PDF]

Talks on relacs

  1. Jan Benda (2010):
    RELACS - a modular software platform for closed-loop experiments.
    "1st meeting of software initiatives on online analysis and control of electrophysiological recordings", organized by Maxime Ambard, BFNT Freiburg[PDF]
  2. Jan Benda (2010):
    Closed-loop recordings in sensory electrophysiology - how software can improve experiments.
    Workshop "From neurons to networks - new approaches in electrophysiology" organized by Reiner Polder & Andreas Draguhn at the FENS 2010 in Amsterdam.  [PDF]
  3. Jan Benda (2009):
    RELACS - a modular software platform for closed-loop experiments.
    Bernstein R&D Workshop "Electrophysiological methods for recording and stimulation", Freiburg.  [PDF]
  4. Jan Benda & Jan Grewe (2009):
    Closed-loop experiments and metadata management with RELACS and LabLog.
    Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Berlin.   [PDF]
  5. Jan Benda (2009):
    RELACS - a modular software platform for closed-loop experiments.
    Stefan Rotter, Freiburg.  [PDF]

Scientific paper where relacs was used for data acquisition

  1. Jan Grewe, Alexandra Kruscha, Benjamin Lindner & Jan Benda (2017):
    Synchronous spikes are necessary but not sufficient for a synchrony code in populations of spiking neurons.
    PNAS 114(10), E1977-E1985  [Abstract]  [PDF] 

  2. Anna Stöckl, Fabian Sinz, Jan Grewe & Jan Benda (2014):
    Encoding of social signals in all three electrosensory pathways of Eigenmannia virescens.
    Journal of Neurophysiology 112: 2076-2091  [Abstract]  [PDF] 

  3. Henriette Walz, Jan Grewe & Jan Benda (2014):
    Static frequency tuning accounts for changes in neural synchrony evoked by transient communication signals.
    Journal of Neurophysiology 112: 752-765  [Abstract]  [PDF] 

  4. Karin Fisch, Tilo Schwalger, Benjamin Lindner, Andreas V. M. Herz & Jan Benda (2012):
    Channel noise from both slow adaptation currents and fast currents is required to explain spike-response variability in a sensory neuron.
    Journal of Neuroscience: 32(48):17332-17344  [Abstract]  [PDF] 

  5. Henriette Walz, Ginette J. Hupé, Jan Benda & John E. Lewis (2012):
    The Neuroethology of electrocommunication: how signal background influences sensory encoding and behaviour in Apteronotus leptorhynchus.
    Journal of Physiology - Paris: in press  [Abstract]  [PDF] 

  6. Ginette J. Hupé, John E. Lewis & Jan Benda (2008):
    The effect of difference frequency on electrocommunication: chirp production and encoding in a species of weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus.
    Journal of Physiology - Paris 102: 164-172[Abstract]  [PDF]
  7. Hugo G. Eyherabide, Ariel Rokem, Andreas V. M. Herz & Inés Samengo (2008):
    Burst firing is a neural code in an insect auditory system.
    Front. Comput. Neurosci. 2:3 doi:10.3389/neuro.10.003.2008[Abstract]  [PDF]
  8. Daniel Gussin, Jan Benda & Leonard Maler (2007):
    Limits of linear rate coding of dynamic stimuli by electroreceptor afferents.
    Journal of Neurophysiology 97: 2917-2929[Abstract]  [PDF]
  9. Ariel Rokem, Sebastian Watzl, Tim Gollisch, Martin Stemmler, Andreas V. M. Herz & Inés Samengo (2006):
    Spike-timing precision underlies the coding efficiency of auditory receptor neurons.
    Journal of Neurophysiology 95: 2541-2552[Abstract]  [PDF]
  10. Jan Benda, André Longtin & Leonard Maler (2006):
    A synchronization-desynchronization code for natural communication signals.
    Neuron 52: 347-358[Abstract]  [PDF]
  11. Jan Benda, André Longtin & Leonard Maler (2005):
    Spike-frequency adaptation separates transient communication signals from background oscillations.
    Journal of Neuroscience 25(9): 2312-2321[Abstract]  [PDF]
  12. Tim Gollisch & Andreas V. M. Herz (2005):
    Disentangling sub-millisecond processes within an auditory transduction chain.
    PLoS Biology 2005 Jan; 3(1):e8[Abstract]  [PDF]
  13. Christian K. Machens, Tim Gollisch, Olga Kolesnikova & Andreas V. M. Herz (2005):
    Testing the Efficiency of Sensory Coding with Optimal Stimulus Ensembles.
    Neuron 47, 447 - 456[Abstract]  [PDF]
  14. Roland Schaette, Tim Gollisch & Andreas V. M. Herz (2005):
    Spike-train variability of auditory neurons in vivo: dynamic responses follow predictions from constant stimuli.
    Journal of Neurophysiology 93: 3270-3281[Abstract]  [PDF]
  15. Frederik Edin, Christian K. Machens, Hartmut Schütze & Andreas V. M. Herz (2004):
    Searching for optimal sensory signals: iterative stimulus reconstruction in closed-loop experiments.
    Journal of Computational Neuroscience 17(1): 47-56[Abstract]  [PDF]
  16. Tim Gollisch & Andreas V. M. Herz (2004):
    Input-driven components of spike-frequency adaptation can be unmasked in vivo.
    Journal of Neuroscience 25: 7435-7444[Abstract]  [PDF]
  17. Christian K. Machens & Andreas V. M. Herz (2003):
    Single auditory neurons rapidly discriminate conspecific communication signals.
    Nature Neuroscience 6, 341 - 342[Abstract]  [PDF]
  18. Tim Gollisch, Hartmut Schütze, Jan Benda & Andreas V. M. Herz (2002):
    Energy integration describes sound-intensity coding in an insect auditory system.
    Journal of Neuroscience 22: 10434-10448[Abstract]  [PDF]
  19. Christian K. Machens, Martin B. Stemmler, Petra Prinz, Rüdiger Krahe, Bernhard Ronacher & Andreas V. M. Herz (2001):
    Representation of acoustic communication signals by insect auditory receptor neurons.
    Journal of Neuroscience 21: 3215-3227[Abstract]  [PDF]

Scientific paper where the relacs numerics library was used for simulations and/or data analysis

  1. Jan Benda, Leonard Maler & André Longtin (2010):
    Linear versus nonlinear signal transmission in neuron models with adaptation-currents or dynamic thresholds.
    Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 2806-2820  [Abstract]  [PDF]
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