
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
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ThresholdSUSpikeDetector  [Detector]  [EPhys Plugins]

Spike detection based on an absolute voltage threshold.

Jan Benda
1.6 (July 25, 2017)
  • Detector
    • threshold=1mV: Detection threshold (number)
    • resolution=0.5mV: Step size for threshold (number)
    • threshfac=6: Factor for estimating detection threshold (number)
    • detectpeaks=true: Detect peaks (or troughs if unchecked) (boolean)
    • absthresh=false: Threshold is absolute voltage (or relative if unchecked) (boolean)
  • Tests
    • testmaxsize=false: Use maximum size (boolean)
    • maxsize=1mV: Maximum size (number)
    • testwidth=false: Use spike-width thresholds (boolean)
    • maxwidth=1ms: Maximum width of spikes (number)
    • minwidth=0ms: Minimum width of spikes (number)
    • testsymmetry=false: Use symmetry thresholds (boolean)
    • maxsymmetry=1: Maximum symmetry (number)
    • minsymmetry=-1: Minimum symmetry (number)
    • testisi=false: Test interspike interval (boolean)
    • minisi=1ms: Minimum interspike interval (number)
  • Analysis
    • update=1sec: Update time interval (number)
    • nsnippets=100: Number of spike snippets to be analyzed (integer)
    • snippetswidth=1ms: Width of spike snippet (number)
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