
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

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SpikingNeuron  [ModelLib]  [EPhys Plugins]

Base class for a spiking (point-) neuron

Jan Benda
Alexander Wolf
1.2 (May 7, 2008)
  1. SpikingNeuron inherits Options
  2. Added interface for accessing the values of the ionic currents and conductances
1.1 (Jan 10, 2006)

Each model of a spiking neuron has a name(). The model is implemented as a set of differential equations

[ left( begin{array}{c} frac{dx_1}{dt} \ frac{dx_2}{dt} \ vdots \ frac{dx_n}{dt} end{array} right) = left( begin{array}{c} f_1(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_n, s) \ f_2(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_n, s) \ vdots \ f_n(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_n, s) end{array} right) ]

The state of the model is described by the state vector $ vec x = (x_1, x_2, ldots, x_n)$ of dimension n = dimension(). operator()() computes the derivatives $ dvec x/dt$ with respect to time t for the current state x and the stimulus s. The variables() function returns names for each of the state variables x, units() returns the corrsponding units, and init() sets the state variables x to useful initial conditions. The unit of the input s is given by inputUnit().

While integrating the model, the current values of the ionic currents and their corresponding conductances can be retrieved by the currents(double*) const and conductances(double*) const functions. The corresponding names of the currents and conductances are returned by conductances(vector<string>&) const and currents(vector<string>&) const, respectively. The unit of the conductances is conductanceUnit() and the the one of the currents is currentUnit().

Parameter values of the model can be made accessible by adding them to the Options in add(). Changed parameter values are read out from the Options by notify(). The parameter values are classified as either scalingFlag(), modelFlag(), or descriptionFlag().

SpikingNeuron defines two parameters offset() and gain() with default values 0 and 1, respectively, that should be applied to whatever input before it is passed on as the stimulus s for computing the derivatives via operator()().

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