
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

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MotorControl  [Control]  [EPhys Plugins]

Control widgets for motorized manipulators.

Jan Benda

reimplement as thread and avoid use of QTimer!

spikes( int trace ): instead of sessionOpts we should access the spikedtector directly!

check locking!

Manipulator Control
The z-axis of the manipulator is moved in steps. Each step has a certain amplitude. To make steps in both directions similar, the amplitude of each step can be different for upwards and downwards movements. This can be controlled by the asymmetry factor.


  • speed: The speed is the number of steps executed at once.
  • amplitude: The amplitude of a single step (1-80)
  • asymmetry: The asymmetry between upwards and downwards amplitudes. 1.0: both amplitudes are equal.
  • interval: The minimum interval between successive movements.


  • set home: Set the current position of the z-axis as the home position.
  • go home: Move the z-axis back to zero, i.e. back to its home position.
  • go: Advance the manipulator every interval ms by speed steps until a spiking neuron is encountered.
  • stop: Stop automatic advance.

Key-Shortcuts for Manipulator 1:

  • Up: Move manipulator 1 up.
  • Down: Move manipulator 1 down.
  • Shift+ Up: Increase speed of manipulator 1.
  • Shift+ Down: Decrease speed of manipulator 1.
  • Alt+ Up: Increase amplitude of manipulator 1.
  • Alt+ Down: Decrease amplitude of manipulator 1.
  • Ctrl+ Up: Increase interval of manipulator 1.
  • Ctrl+ Down: Decrease interval of manipulator 1.
  • G: Toggel go/stop for manipulator 1.

Key-Shortcuts for Manipulator 1:

  • Left: Move manipulator 2 up.
  • Right: Move manipulator 2 down.
  • Shift+ Left: Increase speed of manipulator 2.
  • Shift+ Right: Decrease speed of manipulator 2.
  • Alt+ Left: Increase amplitude of manipulator 2.
  • Alt+ Right: Decrease amplitude of manipulator 2.
  • Ctrl+ Left: Increase interval of manipulator 2.
  • Ctrl+ Right: Decrease interval of manipulator 2.
  • H: Toggel go/stop for manipulator 2.
  • minrate=20Hz: Minimum Rate (number)
  • minsize=20mV: Minimum Size (number)
1.0 (Jul 1 2004)
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