
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

... enjoy your recordings

AmplifierControl  [Control]  [EPhys Plugins]

Controls an amplifier: buzzer and resistance measurement.

Jan Benda
3.0 (Oct 5, 2015)
  • initmode=Bridge: Initial mode of the amplifier (string)
  • resistancecurrent=1nA: The average current of the amplifier used for measuring electrode resistance (number)
  • adjust=false: Adjust input gain for resistance measurement (boolean)
  • maxresistance=100MOhm: Maximum resistance to be expected for scaling voltage trace (number)
  • buzzpulse=500ms: Duration of buzz pulse (number)
  • showbridge=true: Make bridge mode for amplifier selectable (boolean)
  • showcc=false: Make current clamp mode for amplifier selectable (boolean)
  • showdc=false: Make dynamic clamp mode for amplifier selectable (boolean)
  • showvc=false: Make voltage clamp mode for amplifier selectable (boolean)
  • showmanual=false: Make manual mode for amplifier selectable (boolean)
  • syncpulse=10us: Duration of SEC current injection (number)
  • syncmode=0samples: Interval is average over (integer);
Key shortcuts
  • Z: Buzz
  • .: Buzz
  • O: Measure resistance ("O" is the shortcut of "Ohm"!)
  • ALT-B: Switch amplifier to bridge mode
  • ALT-C: Switch amplifier to current-clamp mode
  • ALT-Y: Switch amplifier to dynamic-clamp mode
  • ALT-V: Switch amplifier to voltage-clamp mode
  • ALT-A: Switch to manual selection of amplifier mode
Use a presenter to control RELACS
You can map key presses of a presenter to keys RELACS understands as follows:
  • Look in /lib/udev/hwdb.d/60-keyboard.hwdb for your presenter/keyboard
  • Copy the lines to a file 70-keyboard-relacs.hwdb in /etc/udev/hwdb.d/
  • Edit these lines according to your needs. Each line maps a scancode (as hex-value) to a keycode (lower case). For example, the four buttons of a Logitech R400 can be remapped as follows:
    # Logitech Presenter R400
    With this, the "arrow left" terminates the running repro gracefully by sending "space". "arrow right" starts the macro bound to the "F1" key, the "start presentation" button activates the buzzer, and the "blank screen" button centers the traces in the plot.
  • inform your system about the new key bindings (as root):
    # udevadm hwdb --update
  • and then you need to reboot (!) so that these key mappings take into effect
  • to find out what scancodes your device emits use (as root)
    # evtest
  • possible keycodes are listed at or in the header file /usr/include/linux/input.h (the long section with the #define KEY_1 etc.
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