
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

... enjoy your recordings

FileStimulus  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

Load a stimulus from a text file.

Jan Benda
1.3 (Mar 25, 2010)
  • filepath (string): The directory of the stimulus file.
  • filename (string): The stimulus file.
  • sigstdev (number): The standard deviation of the stimulus.
  • pause (number, ms): Pause between successive stimuli.
  • contrast (number, %): Contrast for one standard deviation of the stimulus.
  • repeats (integer): Number of stimulus repetitions (0: infinite).
  • binwidth (number, ms): Width of the bins used for estimating the firing rate.
  • before (number, ms): Spikes recorded before stimulus.
  • after (number, ms): Spikes recorded after stimulus.
  • splitfiles (boolean ): Each stimulus in extra file.
  • joinspikes (boolean ): Add spike trains to stimulus amplitude file.
  • stimspikes#.dat : the spikes elicited by each stimulus of trace #.
  • stimnerveampl.dat : the nerve potential elicited b each stimulus.
  • stimampl.dat : each stimulus trial.
  • stimrate.dat : the firing rate for each stimulus.
  • Firing Rate: Spikes (red) and firing rate (yellow).
  • Stimulus: The stimuli (darkgreen, the most recent one green).
  • Transdermal EOD recording (EODTrace2) and events (EODEvents2).
  • One or more spike events (SpikeEvents[*]) or nerve recordings (NerveTrace1).
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