
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

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BaselineActivity  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

ISI statistics and EOD locking of baseline activity.

Jan Benda
2.2 (Oct 23, 2014)
Put beat detector auto settings into beat detector.
  • duration (number, ms): Duration of single sweep.
  • repeats (integer): Maximum number of sweeps (repeats=0: infinite).
  • isimax (number, ms): Maximum ISI length displayed in the ISIH plot.
  • isistep (number, ms): Resolution of the ISI histogram.
  • ratedt (number, ms): Resolution of the firing rate.
  • ratemax (number, ms): Maximum time for measuring firing frequency for each EOD cycle.
  • eodduration (number, ms): Duration of EOD stored into file.
  • saveeodtimes (boolean): Save EOD times in a file.
  • auto (integer): 1) Adjust detector parameter automatically, 2) + reset beat and chirp detector.
  • adjust (boolean): Adjust input gains.
PUnitSearch writes some information about baseline activity if repeats>0.
  • basespikes#.dat : the spiketrain of trace #.
  • baseisih#.dat : the interspike-interval histogram of trace #.
  • baserate#.dat : the cyclic firing rate for a single EOD period of trace #.
  • basenerveampl.dat : the nerve potential.
  • basenervesmoothampl.dat : the smoothed nerve potential.
  • baseeodtrace.dat : eodduration ms of the EOD.
  • baseeodtimes.dat : times of the eod peaks, saved only if saveeodtimes is true.
  • ISI Histogram: The interspike-interval histogram. The vertical lines are multiple of the EOD period.
  • EOD Firing Rate: Spikes (red) and cyclic firing rate (yellow) in comparision with one EOD period (green).
  • Transdermal EOD recording (EODTrace2) and events (EODEvents2).
  • One or more spike events (SpikeEvents[*]) or nerve recordings (NerveTrace1).
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