
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

... enjoy your recordings

BaselineActivity  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

ISI statistics and EOD locking of baseline activity.

Jan Benda
2.2 (Oct 23, 2014)
Put beat detector auto settings into beat detector.
  • duration (number, ms): Duration of single sweep.
  • repeats (integer): Maximum number of sweeps (repeats=0: infinite).
  • isimax (number, ms): Maximum ISI length displayed in the ISIH plot.
  • isistep (number, ms): Resolution of the ISI histogram.
  • ratedt (number, ms): Resolution of the firing rate.
  • ratemax (number, ms): Maximum time for measuring firing frequency for each EOD cycle.
  • eodduration (number, ms): Duration of EOD stored into file.
  • saveeodtimes (boolean): Save EOD times in a file.
  • auto (integer): 1) Adjust detector parameter automatically, 2) + reset beat and chirp detector.
  • adjust (boolean): Adjust input gains.
PUnitSearch writes some information about baseline activity if repeats>0.
  • basespikes#.dat : the spiketrain of trace #.
  • baseisih#.dat : the interspike-interval histogram of trace #.
  • baserate#.dat : the cyclic firing rate for a single EOD period of trace #.
  • basenerveampl.dat : the nerve potential.
  • basenervesmoothampl.dat : the smoothed nerve potential.
  • baseeodtrace.dat : eodduration ms of the EOD.
  • baseeodtimes.dat : times of the eod peaks, saved only if saveeodtimes is true.
  • ISI Histogram: The interspike-interval histogram. The vertical lines are multiple of the EOD period.
  • EOD Firing Rate: Spikes (red) and cyclic firing rate (yellow) in comparision with one EOD period (green).
  • Transdermal EOD recording (EODTrace2) and events (EODEvents2).
  • One or more spike events (SpikeEvents[*]) or nerve recordings (NerveTrace1).

Chirps  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

Measures responses to chirps.

Jan Benda
2.0 (Nov 11, 2014)
Make independent of beat detector
  • nchirps (integer): Number of chirps per stimulus.
  • minspace (number, ms): Minimum time between chirps (AM only).
  • firstspace (number, ms): Time preceeding first chirp (AM only).
  • pause (number, ms): Pause between successive stimuli.
  • deltaf (number, Hz): Beat frequency.
  • contrast (number, %): Contrast (AM amplitude / EOD amplitude)
  • chirpsize (number, Hz): Size of the chirp.
  • chirpwidth (number, ms): Width of the chirp.
  • chirpkurtosis (number): Kurtosis of Gaussian chirp (>1 broader, <1 narrower).
  • chirpampl (number, %): Reduction of EOD amplitude during a chirp.
  • repeats (integer): Number of stimulus repetitions (0: infinite).
  • beatpos (integer): Number of beat positions used for analysis.
  • ratedt (number, ms): Resolution of firing rate.
  • am (boolean): AM stimulus or direct stimulus.
  • sinewave (boolean): If direct stimulus: use sine wave or the fishes EOD.
  • playback (boolean): Record transdermal amplitude evoked by direct stimulus and replay it as an AM stimulus.
  • chirps.dat : General information for each chirp in each stimulus.
  • chirptraces.dat : Frequency and amplitude of the transdermal EOD for each chirp.
  • chirpspikes#.dat : The spikes elicited by each chirp of trace #.
  • chirpallspikes#.dat : The spikes elicited by each stimulus of trace #.
  • chirpnerveampl.dat : The nerve potential elicited by each chirp.
  • chirpnervesmoothampl.dat : The smoothed nerve potential elicited by each chirp.
  • chirpallnerveampl.dat : The nerve potential elicited by each stimulus.
  • chirpallnervesmoothampl.dat : The smoothed nerve potential elicited by each stimulus.
  • chirpeodampl.dat : Amplitude of the transdermal EOD for each stimulus.
  • chirprate.dat : The firing rate for each chirp position.
  • Rate: Spikes (direct stimulus: red, AM: magenta) and firing rate (direct stimulus: yellow, AM: orange) for each chirp position.
  • Beat: Amplitude of transdermal EOD for each chirp position (darkgreen). Last stimulus green.
  • Optional: EOD events (EODEvents1). Recommended if direct stimulation is used.
  • Transdermal EOD recording (EODTrace2) and events (EODEvents2).
  • Recording of the stimulus events (SignalEvents1) if direct stimuli are used.
  • One or more spike events (SpikeEvents[*]) or nerve recordings (NerveTrace1).

FICurve  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

Measures f-I curves of electrosensory neurons.

Jan Benda
1.6 (Nov 19, 2010)
  • duration (number, ms): Duration of stimulus.
  • preduration (number, ms): Duration of preadapting stimulus.
  • pause (number, ms): Pause between successive stimuli.
  • delay (number, ms): Part of pause before stimulus.
  • maxintfac (number): Maximum intensity factor.
  • minintfac (number): Minimum intensity factor.
  • nints (integer): Number of stimulus intensities.
  • maxpreintfac (number): Maximum intensity of preadapting stimulus.
  • minpreintfac (number): Minimum intensity of preadapting stimulus.
  • npreints (integer): Number of preadapting intensities.
  • repeats (integer): Number of repetitions.
  • blockrepeats (integer): Number of repetitions of an intensity sequence.
  • singlerepeats (integer): Number of immediate repetitions of each intensity.
  • medres (integer): Medium resolution.
  • nskip (integer): NSkip.
  • minrateslope (number, Hz/mV/cm): Minimum slope of f-I curve.
  • fispikes#.dat : the spikes of trace #.
  • firate.dat : the firing rate.
  • ficurve#.dat : Summary of f-I curve data of trace #.
  • f-I curve : baseline activity (blue), prestimulus rate (orange), onset rate (green), steady state (red)
  • firing rate : spikes (red), firing frequency (yellow), stimuli onsets (white)
  • Transdermal EOD recording (EODTrace2) and events (EODEvents2).
  • One or more spike events (SpikeEvents[*]).

FileStimulus  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

Load a stimulus from a text file.

Jan Benda
1.3 (Mar 25, 2010)
  • filepath (string): The directory of the stimulus file.
  • filename (string): The stimulus file.
  • sigstdev (number): The standard deviation of the stimulus.
  • pause (number, ms): Pause between successive stimuli.
  • contrast (number, %): Contrast for one standard deviation of the stimulus.
  • repeats (integer): Number of stimulus repetitions (0: infinite).
  • binwidth (number, ms): Width of the bins used for estimating the firing rate.
  • before (number, ms): Spikes recorded before stimulus.
  • after (number, ms): Spikes recorded after stimulus.
  • splitfiles (boolean ): Each stimulus in extra file.
  • joinspikes (boolean ): Add spike trains to stimulus amplitude file.
  • stimspikes#.dat : the spikes elicited by each stimulus of trace #.
  • stimnerveampl.dat : the nerve potential elicited b each stimulus.
  • stimampl.dat : each stimulus trial.
  • stimrate.dat : the firing rate for each stimulus.
  • Firing Rate: Spikes (red) and firing rate (yellow).
  • Stimulus: The stimuli (darkgreen, the most recent one green).
  • Transdermal EOD recording (EODTrace2) and events (EODEvents2).
  • One or more spike events (SpikeEvents[*]) or nerve recordings (NerveTrace1).

*  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

PUnitModel  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

A model for P-units of weakly-electric fish.

Jan Benda
2.0 (Oct 30, 2013)
  • General
    • EOD
      • eodtype=Sine: EOD type (string)
      • eodfreq=800Hz: Frequency (number)
      • eodfreqsd=10Hz: SD of frequency (number)
      • eodfreqtau=1000s: Timescale of frequency (number)
      • eodlocalamplitude=1mV/cm: Amplitude for local electrode (number)
      • eodglobalamplitude=1mV/cm: Amplitude for global electrode (number)
      • localstimulusgain=1: Gain for additive stimulus component to local electrode (number)
      • globalstimulusgain=0: Gain for additive stimulus component to global electrode (number)
      • stimulusgain=1: Gain for stimulus recording channel (number)
    • Spikes
      • voltagescale=1: Scale factor for membrane potential (number)
  • Spike generator
    • spikemodel=Stimulus: Spike model (string)
    • noised=0: Intensity of current noise (number)
    • deltat=0.005ms: Delta t (number)
    • integrator=Euler: Method of integration (string)
  • Voltage-gated current 1 - activation only
    • gmc=0: Conductivity (number)
    • emc=-90mV: Reversal potential (number)
    • mvmc=-40mV: Midpoint potential of activation (number)
    • mwmc=10mV: Width of activation (number)
    • taumc=10ms: Time constant (number)
  • Voltage-gated current 2 - activation and inactivation
    • gmhc=0: Conductivity (number)
    • emhc=-90mV: Reversal potential (number)
    • mvmhc=-40mV: Midpoint potential of activation (number)
    • mwmhc=10mV: Width of activation (number)
    • taummhc=10ms: Time constant of activation (number)
    • pmmhc=1: Power of activation gate (number)
    • hvmhc=-40mV: Midpoint potential of inactivation (number)
    • hwmhc=10mV: Width of inactivation (number)
    • tauhmhc=10ms: Time constant of inactivation (number)
    • pmhhc=1: Power of inactivation gate (number)

ReceptiveField  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

Locates the receptive field of a p-unit electrosensory afferent using the mirob roboter.

Jan Grewe
1.0 (Dec 12, 2017)

SAM  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

Measures responses to sinusoidal amplitude modulations.

Jan Benda
2.5 (Sep 28, 2017)
  • Stimulus
    • duration=1000ms: Duration of signal (number)
    • pause=1000ms: Pause between signals (number)
    • freqsel=relative to EOD: Stimulus frequency is (string)
    • deltaf=5Hz: Delta f (beat frequency) (number)
    • contrast=20%: Contrast (number)
    • repeats=6: Repeats (integer)
    • am=true: Amplitude modulation (boolean)
    • sinewave=true: Use sine wave (boolean)
    • ampl=0.0: Relative amplitude of harmonics (string)
    • phase=0.0: Phase of harmonics (string)
    • contrastsel=fundamental: Contrast is (string)
  • Analysis
    • skip=0.5Periods: Skip (number)
    • ratebins=10: Number of bins for firing rate (integer)
    • before=0ms: Spikes recorded before stimulus (number)
    • after=0ms: Spikes recorded after stimulus (number)
    • adjust=true: Adjust input gain? (boolean)

Harmonics can be defined by ampl and phase. Enter the relative amplitude and the corresponding phase of each harmonic as comma separated values.

  • samspikes#.dat : the spikes elicited by each SAM period of trace #.
  • samallspikes#.dat : the spikes elicited by each SAM stimulus of trace #.
  • samnerveampl.dat : the nerve potential elicited by each SAM period.
  • samnervesmoothampl.dat : the smoothed nerve potential elicited by each SAM period.
  • samallnerveampl.dat : the nerve potential elicited by each SAM stimulus.
  • samallnervesmoothampl.dat : the smoothed nerve potential elicited by each SAM stimulus.
  • samampl.dat : the SAM amplitudes for each SAM period.
  • samallampl.dat : the SAM amplitude for each stimulus.
  • samrate#.dat : the cyclic firing rate for a single SAM period of trace #.
  • Firing Rate: Spikes (red) and cyclic firing rate (yellow) for each SAM cycle.
  • SAM: Each period of the SAM stimulus (darkgreen). Last period green.
  • Transdermal EOD recording (EODTrace2) and events (EODEvents2).
  • Recording of the stimulus events (SignalEvents1) if non AM stimuli are used.
  • One or more spike events (SpikeEvents[*]) or nerve recordings (NerveTrace1).

Session  [RePro]  [E-Fish Plugins]

Session for recording EODs of weakly electric fish.

Jan Benda
1.1 (Jan 19, 2013)
  • ephys=true: Electrophysiological recording (boolean)
  • The amplitude (red) and
  • the frequency (green) of the global EOD measurement.
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