
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

... enjoy your recordings

CalibEField  [RePro]  [E-Fields Plugins]

Calibrates an attenuator for electric field stimuli.

Jan Benda
2.4 (May 29, 2017)
Intensity for attenuation is interpreted as 0.5 * p-p amplitude
Calibration non-sine EODs has an offset!
  • reset=false: Reset calibration? (boolean)
  • resetval=0.1: Reset gain factor to (number)
  • am=false: Calibrate amplitude modulation? (boolean)
  • beatfreq=20Hz: Beat frequency to be used when fish EOD present (number)
  • frequency=600Hz: Stimulus frequency to be used when no fish EOD is present (number)
  • duration=400ms: Duration of stimulus (number)
  • pause=0ms: Pause (number)
  • amplsel=contrast: Calibrate for (string)
  • targetcontrast=20%: Target contrast to be tested first (number)
  • mincontrast=10%: Minimum contrast (number)
  • maxcontrast=25%: Maximum contrast (number)
  • targetamplitude=1mV/cm: Target contrast to be tested first (number)
  • minamplitude=0.5mV/cm: Minimum amplitude (number)
  • maxamplitude=2mV/cm: Maximum amplitude (number)
  • numintensities=10: Number of intensities (amplitudes) to be measured (integer)
  • calibrate.dat : the calibration data (measured versus requested stimulus intensity).
The plot shows the measured versus the requested stimulus intensity (red circles). The yellow line is a fit of a straight line to the data. In case of a successful calibration this line should coincide with the blue line. The horizontal white line is the target intensity.
  • An EOD recording (GlobalEOD, LocalEOD, FishEOD), that is to be calibrated, and corresponding events.
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