
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

... enjoy your recordings

Beats  [RePro]  [E-Fields Plugins]

Play EOD mimicks with optional chirps from a range of automatically set difference frequencies and amplitudes.

Jan Benda
2.6 (Nov 4, 2016)
  • Stimulation
    • duration=10seconds: Signal duration (number)
    • pause=20seconds: Pause between signals (number)
    • ramp=0.5seconds: Duration of linear ramp (number)
    • deltafrange=10: Range of delta f's (string)
    • deltafshuffle=Up: Order of delta f's (string)
    • fixeddf=false: Keep delta f fixed (boolean)
    • amplitude=1mV/cm: Amplitude (number)
    • amtype=none: Amplitude modulation of signal (string)
    • amfreq=1: Frequencies of amplitude modulation (list of numbers)
    • amamplitude=100: Corresponding amplitudes (list of numbers)
    • repeats=10: Repeats (integer)
    • fakefish=0Hz: Assume a fish with frequency (number)
  • Chirps
    • generatechirps=false: Generate chirps (boolean)
    • chirpsize=100Hz: Size of chirp (number)
    • chirpwidth=100ms: Width of chirp (number)
    • chirpampl=0%: Amplitude reduction during chirp (number)
    • chirpkurtosis=1: Kurtosis of Gaussian chirp (number)
    • chirpfrequencies=: Chirp frequencies for each delta f (string)
    • chirptimesfile=: File with chirp times (string)
    • chirptimeshuffle=Up: Order of chirp-time sequences (string)
  • Analysis
    • before=1seconds: Time before stimulation to be analyzed (number)
    • after=1seconds: Time after stimulation to be analyzed (number)
    • averagetime=1seconds: Time for computing EOD frequency (number)
    • usepsd=true: Use power spectrum to measure EOD frequency (boolean)
    • mineodfreq=100Hz: Minimum expected EOD frequency (number)
    • maxeodfreq=2000Hz: Maximum expected EOD frequency (number)
    • eodfreqprec=1Hz: Precision of EOD frequency measurement (number)
    • neod=2: Number of attempts for measuring EOD frequency (integer)
    • showstimulus=false: Plot frequency of stimulus (boolean)
    • split=false: Save each run into a separate file (boolean)
    • savetraces=false: Save traces during pause (boolean)

Chirps are generated whenever at least one frequency of chirps (chirpfrequency) or a file containing the timepoints of chirps is specified. If only a chirp frequency is specified, then series of evenly spaced chirps with that frequency are produced. If only a file containing times is specified (no chirpfrequency) then the chirps are positioned as specified in the file. If in addition a chirp frequency is specified, the timepoints in the file are scaled with the inverse frequency. By specifying as many chirp frequencies as there are delta f's the chirp frequency can be made dependent on delta f.

The chirptimesfile may contain several blocks of chirp time sequences. These are then used one after the other as specified by chirptimeshuffle.

LED Output

In case an "LED-1" output channel is defined, a 5 V signal is put out during stimulation. During generated chirps this signal is set to -5 V.

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