
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

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HighPass  [Filter]  [Base Plugins]

A simple first-order high-pass filter

Jan Benda

The input x(t) is filtered with the ordinary differential equation

[ tau frac{dy}{dt} = x - y ]

to result in the low-pass filtered output y(t). The output of the high-pass filter is then the original signal minus the low-pass filtered signal: x(t)-y(t) . The cut-off frequency of the filter is at

[ f_c = frac{1}{2 pi tau} ]

Add the high-pass filter with the following lines to a relacs.cfg file:

        name: HV-1
      filter: HighPass
  inputtrace: V-1
        save: false
        plot: true
  buffersize: 500000
  • tau=1ms: Time constant (number)
0.2 (May 12 2012)
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