IsoResponse [RePro] [Auditory-Projects Plugins]Measures f-I-curves for a superposition of two sine waves. IsoResponse extrapolates Iso-Response-Sets (IRSs) for two sine amplitudes A1 and A2, i.e. for several combinations of A1 and A2 f-I-curves are recorded and the intensities determined at which the firing rate of the cell reaches predefined values. The stimulus looks like this: s(t)=A1*sin(2pi*f1*t)+A2*sin(2pi*f2*t). The frequencies can either be set manually (use_best_freq=0), or set at a fixed distance (dist_best_freq) from either side the best frequency (use_best_freq=1), or set at a fixed distance from each (dist_freq) other so that the pure tone stimuli have the same sensitivity according to the tuning curve (use_best_freq=2). !The last option is to be prefered; however, it does not work in all cases! The stimulus length is defined by 'duration', the time in between stimuli by 'pause'. For each stimuli presentation we record the onset response in the time intervall 'onwidth', and the steady state response after time 'sswidth' has passed, except when 'short_stim' is true - then only the onset is recorded. The intensity of the signal ranges from 'intmin' to 'intmax'. To find the relevant range in which the f-I-curve rises, the interval is tested with a resolution of 'estres' and each data point is measure 'estrepeats' times. When the relevant range is determined, the resolution is decreased to 'intres' and each point is repeated 'repeats' times. The order in which the intensities is measured is determined with the switch 'inshuffle' (see RangeLoop). 'setFRbounds' determines the limits of the firing rate in between which the f-I-curve is to be measured. If 'switch_high' ('switch_low') is true, the upper (lower) bound is set to 'fix_high' ('fix_low'). Otherwise, the bounds are set to the experimentally determined maximum firing rate fmax minus 'per_high' ('per_low') percent. 'setIBounds' determines then the intensity range by finding the intensities at which the upper and lower bound for the firing rate are reached. The fraction of the amplitudes ('AmplFraction') determines the shape of the signal. In order to scan the amplitude space equidistantly, we use the tangent of 'AmplFraction' and a scaling factor 'Scaling'. 'Scaling' is estimated from the f-I-curves of the pure tones ('findScaling') to equalize the difference in sensitivity of the two stimulus frequencies. The relative amplitudes of the mixed stimuli are determined by 'AmplRatio'. The IRSs are determined in 'plotIsoSets' for 'isonumber' firing rates 'FIso'. The extrapolation is only linear using two points. It is therefore strongly recommended to analyze the data offline.
I(dB SPL) I_t(dB SPL) A1(mPa) A2(mPa) f_on(Hz) sd(Hz) f_s(Hz) sd(Hz) f_m(Hz) sd(Hz) trials