
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

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LoudSpeaker  [Attenuate]  [Acoustic Plugins]

Converts intensities givenen in dB SPL to attenuation level in dependence on carrier frequency.

Jan Benda
1.4 (Jul 5, 2017)
The conversion is set by the CalibSpeaker RePro which defines stimulus intensity as dB SPL, i.e. root-mean-square amplitude of a full-amplitude sine wave.

The calibration table is saved in the files calibD-C.dat where D is the device number of the data acquisition board and C is the analog output channel of that board.

  • line: the line on the attenuator
  • aodevice: the identifier analog output device
  • aochannel: the channel of the analog output device
  • maxvoltage: maximum allowed peak voltage to be put out by the attenuator.
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