Some links to related resources:
npi electronic GmbH: Single electrode clamp amplifiers (SEC), the hardware needed not only for the dynamic clamp. |
Metadata and file formats
NIX: A generic model for data as well as for metadata implemented for HDF5 files.
odML: Open metaData Markup Language. Flexible and easy-to-use format to transport metadata.
LabLog: Laboratory Logbook by Jan Grewe manages your data. Supports odML import. |
G-Node: German Neuroinformatics Node. Hosts odML terminologies at |
incf: International neuroinformatics coordinating facility. |
CARMEN: Virtual laboratory for neurophysiology. |
Electrophysiology software
IT++: a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing and communication routines. |
Spike sorting
KlustaKwik: program for unsupervised classification of multidimensional continuous data (spike-sorting). |
EToS |
EToS: Efficient technology of spike-sorting. |
Neuroscience software repositories