
Relaxed Electrophysiological Data Acquisition,
Control, and Stimulation

... enjoy your recordings


Some links to related resources:


relacs Jan Benda, head of the Neuroetholgy Lab at the University Tübingen: relacs main developer.
comedi COMEDI: Linux control and measurement device interface, used by the relacs comedi and <rtaicomedi device plugins for accessing data acquisition boards.
rtai RTAI: Real-time Linux, needed for the dynamic clamp plugins (rtaicomedi device plugins).
Qt4 Qt4: Cross-platform application and UI framework used for programming the GUI and the threads.
GSL GSL-GNU scientific library: numerical library for C and C++ programmers.
Doxygen Doxygen: Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, ...


npi npi electronic GmbH: Single electrode clamp amplifiers (SEC), the hardware needed not only for the dynamic clamp.

Metadata and file formats

NIX NIX: A generic model for data as well as for metadata implemented for HDF5 files.
odML odML: Open metaData Markup Language. Flexible and easy-to-use format to transport metadata.
lablog LabLog: Laboratory Logbook by Jan Grewe manages your data. Supports odML import.
g-node G-Node: German Neuroinformatics Node. Hosts odML terminologies at
incf incf: International neuroinformatics coordinating facility.
CARMEN CARMEN: Virtual laboratory for neurophysiology.

Electrophysiology software

rtxi RTXI - Real-Time eXperiment Interface: A real time Linux dynamic clamp program.
neurorighter NeuroRighter - Real-time Electrophysiology: A windows base mutlielectrode recording software.
MeaBench MeaBench: Multielectrodearray recording software.


IT++ IT++: a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing and communication routines.

Spike sorting

KlustaKwik KlustaKwik: program for unsupervised classification of multidimensional continuous data (spike-sorting).
EToS EToS: Efficient technology of spike-sorting.

Neuroscience software repositories

NeuroDebian NeuroDebian: Debian neuroscience repository.
Debian Debian science electrophysiology packages.
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