RELACS User Manual

Relaxed ELectrophysiological data Acquisition, Control, and Stimulation

Jan Benda

Institute for Neurobiology, University Tübingen


RELACS is a user interface for data aquisition. It is controllable and customizable to your specific experimental setup by C++ based plugins. The RePro-plugins ("Research Programs") allow you to analyze the acquired data and to generate stimuli online in closed loop.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. User Interface
2.1. Starting RELACS
2.2. Graphical User Interface
2.3. Key Shortcuts
2.4. Menus
3. General topics
3.1. Defining and Using Macros
3.2. Recorded Data
3.3. RELACS Plugins
4. Configuration
4.1. The relacs.cfg configuration file
5. Macros
5.1. Defining Macros
5.2. Using Macros
6. Create RePro's
6.1. Preparations
6.2. Writing the Code - Basic Concepts
6.3. Walktrough Example
6.4. Compile your RePro
6.5. Adding a new RePro to RELACS
6.6. Debugging your RePro
7. Utilities
8. Naming Conventions
8.1. File names
8.2. Classes, functions, and variables
8.3. Standard function names
9. RELACS for Programmers
9.1. Directory Structure
9.2. The RELACS Makefiles
9.3. Naming Conventions
9.4. The Structure of RELACS
A. A short Introduction to C++
A.1. Links to C++ Resources
A.2. The Standard Template Library STL
A.3. Threads in Qt