Relacs Numerics Library  0.9.8
Todo List
Class Array< T >

type independent reading of data elements in load()

math functions with two arguments: one scalar/container as first argument for member function, z.B. pow/exp

smooth functions (average over k neighboring points, or with kernel)

implement logical operators with scalars and other vectors: >, <, >=, <=, == such that they return a vector of booleans!

implement operator && and || that operate on zero and non-zero entries of arrays.

implement "find": take an Array and return an array of indices pointing to elements != 0.0

implement interface to index vectors

Class EventData
check equal size of input SampleDataD in e.g. rate, etc.
Class EventList
check equal size of input SampleDataD in e.g. rate, etc.
Member relacs::marquardtCof (ForwardIterX firstx, ForwardIterX lastx, ForwardIterY firsty, ForwardIterY lasty, ForwardIterS firsts, ForwardIterS lasts, FitFunc &f, ArrayD &params, const ArrayI &paramfit, int mfit, double &chisq, vector< ArrayD > &alpha, ArrayD &beta)
alpha[k] = 0.5*Rho... oder = Rho... ????? check in Numerical Recipes!
Class SampleData< T >

colored noise

interface to class Kernel

Handle mismatch of stepsize() in various functions.